When I was 12 years old, I used to look through my older cousin's CD collection, a little confused. I didn't understand the need to have CDs when I could go on iTunes and listen to all my favorite songs. To me, CDs were obsolete and iTunes was the wave of the future. Instances like this are great examples of the product life cycle (PLC) in action.

No one wants their product to become “obsolete” and reach the end of its product life cycle. Still, it’s important to understand what stage your product is in so you can make better marketing andbusiness decisions。You can mature and grow in the marketplace by agilely responding to changing customer needs, adding new offerings to your lineup, and adopting new tech that keeps you up-to-date in the marketplace.


product development lifecycle stages

现在,如果您已经熟悉该术语,则可能会发现此视觉效果有所了解。在营销行业中,对产品生命周期的典型描述只有四个主要阶段 - 介绍,增长,成熟度和衰落。在HubSpot,我们同意这些对产品至关重要,但是两个阶段的“开发”和“下降”还不够覆盖。

As marketers, it's important to understand how your tactics and strategies change depending on the stage your product is in. Let’s break down each of the six stages of the product life cycle. You can also usethis template在地图上标出自己的产品s life cycle phases.



The development stage of the product life cycle is the research phase before a product is introduced to the marketplace. This is when companies bring in investors, develop prototypes, test product effectiveness, and strategize their launch. Due to the nature of this stage, companies spend a lot of money without bringing in any revenue because the product isn't being sold yet.

This stage can last for a long time, depending on the complexity of the product, how new it is, and the competition. For a completely new product, the development stage is hard because the first pioneer of a product is usually not as successful as later iterations.


While marketing typically begins in the introduction stage, you can begin to build “buzz” around your product by securing the endorsement of established voices in the industry. You can also publish early (and favorable) consumer research or testimonials. Your marketing goal during this stage is to build upon your brand awareness and establish yourself as an innovative company.

2. Introduction

The introduction stage is when a product is first launched in the marketplace. This is when marketing teams begin building product awareness and reaching out to potential customers. Typically, when a product is introduced, sales are low and demand builds slowly.

Usually, this phase is focused on advertising and marketing campaigns. Companies work on testing distribution channels and try to educate potential customers about the product.


这是乐趣开始的地方。现在推出了产品,您实际上可以使用入站营销and内容营销。Education is highly important in this stage. Your target consumer must know what they’re buying before they buy it. If your marketing strategies are successful, the product goes into the next stage — growth.

3. Growth






The maturity stage is when the sales begin to level off from the rapid growth period. At this point, companies begin to reduce their prices so they can stay competitive amongst growing competition.


During the maturity stage, products begin to enter the most profitable stage. The cost of production declines while the sales are increasing.



随着采用的增长,不断改进产品,并让消费者在您的营销策略中知道他们喜欢的产品比以前更好。这将在下一个阶段保护您 - 饱和。

5. Saturation


Typically, this is the point when most consumers are using a product, but there are many competing companies. At this point, you want your product to become the brand preference so you don't enter the decline stage.


When the market has become saturated, you’ll need to focus on differentiation in features, brand awareness, price, and customer service. Competition is highest at this stage, so it’s critical to leave no doubt regarding the superiority of your product.






尽管公司希望避免下降阶段,但有时没有帮助 - 尤其是如果整个市场都在下降,而不仅仅是您的产品。在您的营销策略中,您可以专注于怀旧或强调解决方案的优越性,以成功地离开此阶段。

To extend the product life cycle, successful companies can also implement new advertising strategies, reduce prices, add new features to increase their value proposition, explore new markets, or adjust brand packaging.


Now that we’ve gone through stages, let’s review some real-life examples of them in action.




  • 发展: Before the first commercial打字机被介绍给市场,总体想法已经开发了几个世纪,从1575年开始。
  • Introduction: In the late 1800s, the first commercial typewriters were introduced.
  • 生长:打字机很快成为所有形式写作的必不可少的工具,被广泛用于办公室,企业和私人住宅中。
  • Maturity:打字机处于到期阶段近80年,因为这是直到1980年代打字的首选产品。
  • 饱和:在饱和阶段,打字机在1990年代开始与计算机面临激烈的竞争。
  • Decline:总的来说,打字机无法承受新的新兴技术的竞争,最终该产品被停止了。



  • 发展: Vine was founded in June 2012 and mainly competed with Instagram.
  • Introduction:该应用程序于2013年向公众介绍。其不同的因素是其短形式的视频格式 - 用户只有7秒即可拍摄有趣,荒谬或两者混合的东西。
  • 生长:释放仅两年后,Vine拥有超过2亿活跃的用户。它的受欢迎程度导致“为葡萄藤做它”一词的出现。
  • Maturity:因为仅在市场上持续了几年,所以Vine从未达到到期阶段。虽然收养很高,但它仍然是一个相当新的应用程序。
  • 饱和: Vine competed in an already saturated market. Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube were the preeminent names in its category, and Vine soon started to decline in use.
  • Decline: When Musical.ly was introduced, Vine lost a large amount of its user base and shut down. It was succeeded by Byte, a similar short-form video sharing platform, but none of these have been able to surpass Tik Tok, which launched months after Vine’s end in 2016.


Remember the days of switching TV channels to find what to watch? I do — and they feel distinctly like something of the past. While cable TV is still around, it’s safe to say that it’s nearing the decline stage.

  • 发展:有线电视是在20世纪上半叶开发的。John Walsonhas been credited with its invention.
  • Introduction: The first commercial television system was introduced in 1950, and by 1962, the technology saw the first hints of growth.
  • 生长: After a decades-long freeze on cable TV’s development (due to regulatory restrictions), the technology began gaining traction, and by 1980, more than 15 million households had cable.
  • Maturity: Cable TV matured around the 1990s. Around seven in ten households had cable.
  • 饱和: The start of the 21st century saw an oversaturation of this technology, and it also started to compete with other modern developments such as on-demand services and high-definition TV (HDTV). While the internet was still in its nascent stages, it would soon gain on cable TV as well.
  • Decline:从2015年开始,有线电视经历了明显下降。Netflix和Hulu等在线视频流服务已优先 - 这种趋势将继续下去。


This relic was once a popular and convenient way to store and share data between computers. I barely understood what they were growing up, and it astounds me to think of the very existence of cloud data sharing and other mass memory storage means.

  • 发展:第一个软盘是由IBM工程师于1970年开发的。在2MB存储容量的方形箱中,这是一个8英寸的柔性磁盘。
  • Introduction: It was introduced in 1971 and largely became known as the only way to transfer or store data.
  • 生长:软盘主要在1980年代1990年代使用。
  • Maturity:在1990年代在市场上销售良好。随着时间的推移,它可以容纳200MB的存储空间。
  • 饱和:主要竞争对手出现在21世纪初。USB电缆,外部硬盘,CD等发明为人们提供了存储数据的选择。
  • Decline:软盘磁盘在2009年停止磁盘的生产之前面临着大幅下降。市场上其他产品的存储能力越来越有效。

Not all products need to face the decline stage. Companies can extend the product life cycle with new iterations and stay afloat as long as they have several products at various points of the product life cycle.


The international product life cycle (IPL) is the cycle a product goes through in international markets. As products begin to mature and companies want to avoid the decline stage, they'll typically begin to explore new markets globally. When products reach mass production, manufacturing and production shift to other countries as well.

The international product life cycle stages are identical to that of a normal product life cycle. The development stage looks different, however, because local customs and regulations can affect how long it takes to bring the product to a new marketplace.

Beware: once you lay the groundwork in a new marketplace, your competitors will be sure to follow, and the life cycle stages will continue up until saturation and eventually decline. Your option is to either expand into another market or learn from prior mistakes and innovate before the decline stage rolls around.

Next, we’ll look at when you should use the product life cycle.

When to Use the Product Life Cycle

For example, a brand new product will be marketed differently than a well-established, mature product. For the former, the marketing campaigns will focus on raising awareness, while for the latter, they’ll focus on maintaining awareness.


  • Establish competitive authority.如果您的产品是新的,并且最近被介绍给市场,则可以将其宣传为现有产品的新且改进的替代品。如果建立了产品,则可以保证其在品牌中的悠久使用历史。
  • 决定定价策略Depending on the life cycle stage your product is in, you’ll choose how to price the product. A new product may be priced lower to entice more buyers, while a product in the growth stage can be priced higher.
  • 创建一个市场策略您的产品生命周期阶段将确定要采取的策略。成熟度和受众知识态度在您在网站和社交媒体资料上发布的内容类型中起着重要作用。
  • Respond before the product begins its decline.没有比观看您的产品慢慢过时或被竞争产品所取代的感觉更糟糕的感觉了。通过牢记生命周期阶段,您可以创建一种策略,使您在达到饱和并降低阶段时保持领先地位。

The product life cycle benefits businesses because they can shift their wording and positioning to best market the product at the stage it is in. If your product has recently been introduced and you try to market it as a long-established solution, consumers will see right through it and trust you less as a result.



Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



Originally published Aug 5, 2021 2:00:00 PM, updated December 10 2021

