我最喜欢的远程工作之一 - 我每月要做几次 - 变得舒适。当我在家工作时,我通常会发现自己处于三个位置之一:坐在桌子旁,用笔记本电脑躺下,或埋在沙发上的枕头雪崩中。(任何人都熟悉吗?)

虽然大多数办公室都有一些全职远程工人 - 并且可能像我一样运作 -更偏远的员工的想法可能是一家公司需要习惯的想法。

Why is remote work becoming such a big deal? Well, from where I'm sitting (currently "sitting up at the table"), it's simple: Because good candidates are asking for it, and technology's making it an easier thing to demand -- no matter what the position entails.

For employees, this is great news. They can live where they want, spend less time and money commuting, and wear their bathrobe to meetings. But what do companies get out of it?

根据在线自由市场上升,采购和入职雇员平均需要43天偏远员工三天。Not to mention, being open to remote team members widens the talent pool.


How to Make Remote Work Work



首先要承诺 - 如果您有兴趣做到 - 将您的远程团队投资为将与公司成长的实际员工。bob全站app不是承包商。不是自由职业者。该投资意味着与财务和会计合作,以了解在不同州或国家 /地区支付员工的行政费用。您需要考虑签证费用吗?员工需要定期前往办公室吗?如果是这样,公司会资助它吗?bob全站app他们是否拥有在家中需要有效与您沟通的技术?同样,如果他们不这样做,您是否正在资助?



On Communication



One of the challenges remote work presents is the lack of "face time." Think about all those random one-off conversations you have in the hallway, or at the water cooler, that wouldn't be possible if you weren't in-office.


Sam Mallikarjunan, who works from his home down south most of the time, found that a lot of the "random collisions" he used to have in the hallway don't happen anymore. (Obviously.) When I asked him how he makes up for it, he said "I just over-communicate. I have to proactively find opportunities to work with other people. I make a point of reaching out to people more often to tell them what I'm working on if I think it might be useful to them, and I actively talk to other people about their projects, too. There's a lot less 'the ball is in their court' mentality when I'm remote."

这种积极的沟通方法是远程团队成员可能仅仅因为他们亲身经历了它的需求,因此,让In-Office员工回报同样重要。使您在公司中进行沟通的练习 - 对我来说,这意味着面对bob全站app面的决策和对话总是通过电子邮件正式回顾,在您的小组聊天客户端中(前提是它不在一个只有随意参与和监视的房间里),则或在团队会议上进行大事。


I have this theory that if street signs were properly punctuated we'd all be better writers. My favorite example is the "STOP CHILDREN" sign.


When communicating without the benefit of body language or tone, clarity with written and verbal communication is more important than ever. In an ideal world, everyone's already really good at finding the right words to say what they mean. But that's not reality, so we're left with a few options here:

1)尝试更好。如果你写电子邮件,击败重读what you've written. See if you've really communicated what you're trying to say clearly and succinctly. Consider whether you've included enough context for everyone to understand what's going on. If you're having a phone or video conversation, take a moment before responding or posing a question. And if what you said makes no sense, own it and say, "Sorry I don't know what I'm trying to say, let me start over."

2)知道阅读理解很重要。If you're on the receiving end of a communication that makes you go:



...在回答同样令人困惑的答案之前,请提出澄清的问题。我尝试复制并粘贴电子邮件中的确切副本,引用它,然后提出我的澄清问题 - 或者是口头对话,请重复他们在问我的澄清问题之前说的话。重要的是要避免在混乱之上分层混乱。


Put some alert metrics in place.

之前,我们使用术语“壶穴”指标——the numbers you report on regularly that, if they get out of whack, signify a deeper problem with a part of the business. I like to use that principle here as a way to be sure we're all catching everything that's going on if communication ever fails. I also like to expand that principle out to encompass the good stuff as well as the bad stuff.

这些可能是表明某人做得很好或挣扎的数字 - 例如,如果团队成员的工作直接与达到交通指标有关,则设置交通瀑布。但是它们也可以包括非数字的东西 - 例如,针对那些以不断变化的成功定义的离散可交付成果来达到项目里程碑。

Frankly, this is a good exercise to go through for every team member -- yourself included -- whether in-office or remote. Really, it just means everyone knows what "good" looks like, and you're all able to break down "good" into its component parts so you know if you're making reasonable progress.


如果经理有兴趣雇用远程团队成员,他们将承担一些特定的责任,以使事情保持良好状态。其中大部分都是为了为您的团队考虑如何思考远程工作的正确先例 - 我已经将其分解为您需要主动做的事情以及您需要挤压的工作。



This becomes particularly important when someone's work output isn't very visible. For example, if your job is to write one article a day, it's pretty easy for people to see that you're doing your job. You either wrote the article or you didn't, and everyone can see it. If your role is to build operational efficiencies into backend systems that four people in the company touch ... it's really easy for that work to disappear.

Squash this:

为此,不要让怨恨或烦恼对偏远的员工(尤其是兼职远程员工)建立。这开始在小评论中表现出来:“哦,这是某某某个日子之一吗?我什至不记得了。”Letting that kind of stuff slide is what makes it seem like in-office employees inherently provide more value than those that are in less often. Worse, it perpetuates the notion that face time is more valuable than work output, which I think we're all on board with as being total bunk.



Squash this:




We talked earlier about treating remote employees not like contractors or freelancers, but like actual full-time employees. That means they have career ambitions, and are probably interested in growth and promotion opportunities. Be sure to keep them in mind for new projects, promotions, and additional responsibility. If good people fall out of sight and out of mind, you might lose 'em.



How do you make remote work work? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.


Originally published May 23, 2016 8:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017


Remote Working