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There are over3.8 billion social media users在全球范围内。


关键是要了解什么类型的帖子which platforms are most effective in resonating with these audience members and customers.

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This will allow your business to consistently produce engaging content that positively impacts your bottom line.

How do you do this? Well, it requires social media analytics and reporting.

What is social media analytics?

Social media analyticsis the process of gathering and analyzing data and reports based on metrics from one or multiple social media accounts.

Social media analytics provides insight into a number of important factors that are directly tied to the success of your marketing efforts and your business as a whole.

这是一个解释的清单importance of social media analytics:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of who your target audience is and where they spend their time
  • Identify which social platforms receive the greatest amount of traffic
  • 确定哪种类型的社交内容导致最多的转化,参与等。
  • 发现哪种类型的社交媒体帖子具有最大的影响力,并在某些平台上与您的受众群体共鸣
  • Learn about what is and isn’t working in terms of social media campaigns and ads among your audience while they’re live and after they wrap up
  • Develop a stronger social media strategy for your business’s specific goals related to things like your marketing, sales, and service efforts

Social Media Analytics Reports


社交媒体分析工具(which we’ll review next) make the creation of reports simple — some of these resources provide reports from one social platform at a time while others provide reports from multiple social platforms.

Either way, social media analytics reporting tools are typically customizable — meaning, you can view and pull the data and reports that matter most to you and your business.

With the tools we’re going to review below, reports can be automatically made and shared for you. But, here are some of the uniqueaspects of social media analytics reportsthat you can typically customize:

  • Statistics and data points that matter to you and will be displayed in the report
  • Time frame (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, campaign start to end)
  • 进步增长(即如何分享你的进步ss growth over time through a report — typically, either in the form of a snapshot or a comparison of stats in a given time period).

Learn how to create impactful monthly reports to show ROI on your social media efforts.

As stated, your reports will be unique based on the analytics software or tool you use. However, let’s look at some of the most common social media analytics reports that you may come across or create at some point.

Types of Social Media Analytics Reports

为了让您了解一些常用工具中提供的一些不同类型的社交媒体分析报告,让我们看看HubSpot’s social media analytics reporting options

1. Audience Analytics Report



2. Published Posts Analytics Report

published posts social media analytics report

The Published Posts report shows the number of social posts published across your social accounts during a specific time period.

3. Interactions Analytics Report


The Interactions report displays the number of likes, reactions, and comments on all of your posts across multiple platforms.

4. Clicks Analytics Report

clicks social media analytics report

The Clicks report displays how many clicks you get on your social posts published through HubSpot.



The Shares report displays the amount of your posts that were shared by your audience members.

6. Impressions Analytics Report

impressions social media analytics report

The Impressions report shows the number of views that posts on your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram pages received.

7. Sessions Analytics Report

sessions social media analytics report

The Sessions report displays how many web sessions took place within a given time period on your site that were driven from social media.

8. New Contacts Analytics Report

new contacts social media analytics report

The New Contacts report displays how many new contacts have been created in HubSpot as a result of web sessions driven from social media within the selected time period.

现在,您可能想知道可以使用哪些工具来帮助您获取这些报告和数据 - 接下来,我们将介绍一些您的选择。



Download 10 free social media templates to help you manage and optimize your content to achieve the best results.

1. HubSpot Social Media Software

HubSpot社交媒体软件bob电竞官方下载gives you insight into the customer journey through integrated analytics tools. These help you understand which of your marketing tactics are working best among your audience, determine how your marketing efforts are impacting your bottom line, and learn about your search engine optimization (SEO)-related ROI.


In addition to this HubSpot’s Social Media Software, there area number of resources包括社交媒体分析报告模板,免费社交媒体分析工具和social media coursesavailable for you to implement in your strategy.

笔记:HubSpot还与其他分析软件集成了bob电竞官方下载Oktopost,,,,as well as major social platforms and their respective analytics tools such asLinkedIn,,,,Facebook,,,,Instagram,,,,andYoutube(among many others, which you can learn about in the HubSpot integrationsmarketplace).

2. TweetDeck

TweetDeckis an analytics tool used for Twitter. It works in real-time to help you view and analyze your Tweet engagement, organization, management, and tracking on the platform.

3. Tweet Reach

Despite what you may think based on its name,Tweet Reachisn’t just used for Twitter. The analytics tool creates snapshot reports to help you efficiently monitor and pull key takeaways from your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook profiles based on factors you identify as most important to your business.

4. Buffer

Buffer提供了深入研究如何strategize to grow your brand on social media. The software does this by measuring your performance on various social platforms, creating detailed reports about the data points that matter to you, and recommending ways to improve your reach, engagement, and more.

5. hootsuite

Hootsuiteallows you to create customized social media reports using over 200 metrics over any of your social channels and campaigns. These reports are easily shareable with members of your team as well as your clients to keep everyone on the same page and prove ROI.

6. Sprout Social

发芽社交provides a look into the needs of your customers through the conversations your customers and followers are having on social. The software also measures your specific content and campaign work across various platforms and channels to determine what’s working best among audience members and what should be improved upon.

(Note: Sprout Social is another social media software that与HubSpot集成。)

7. Mention


接下来,让我们看一下如何通过查看跟踪社交媒体分析所涉及的步骤(也称为您的日常工作)来应用这些工具和bob体育苹果系统下载安装资源social media analytics strategy).

Work through the following steps to begin tracking your social media analytics and gaining a better understanding of which parts of your processes are working and which need to be modified. Again, you can think of this as your social media analytics strategy.

1. Set SMART social media analytics goals.

Create andset SMART goals帮助您实现社交媒体分析目标。通过确保您的目标是聪明的,它们将是具体的,可衡量的,可实现的,相关和时间限制的,这意味着,您将能够将策略集中在有效地达到甚至超出期望。

To begin, ask yourself, “What do I want to learn from my social media analytics?” Then, dive into each part of the SMART goal. Here’s an example of a SMART goal related to your social media analytics strategy for reference.

Use a free template to help you create SMART goals and achieve them

  • Specific:我想使用社交媒体分析来确定与我的营销策略相关的特定数据点,以确定哪些帖子和广告系列在吸引和吸引我们的受众成员方面最有效。
  • Measurable:我希望能够识别一些特定的数据点以实现这一目标。
  • 可实现:I will work to identifythree特定的数据点有助于实现这一目标。
  • Relevant:These data points will help my team and I measure our success in reaching and engaging our audience members across social media channels as well as identify any gaps or areas for improvement in our social media strategy.
  • Time-bound:I want to identify these specific data points over the course of the next month — this way, in four week’s time, we can begin using them to measure our success in reaching and engaging audience members across social channels and identify gaps and areas for improvement in our social media strategy.


Now it’s time to decide whichsocial media metricsyou’re going to track. There are a number of commonly-tracked social media metrics for your consideration. Metrics may vary by social platform as well as which analytics tool you chose. But, here are some all-encompassing metrics applicable to virtually every social channel and analytics tool to get started.

  • Reachis the total number of people who have seen your content.
  • Engagements所有互动都包括分享,喜欢和评论。
  • Impressionsare the number of times or content is displayed on someone’s feed.
  • 提及are the times your business and brand are referenced on social media by audience members or other businesses.
  • Social ROIprovides insight into whether the investment you've put into your social media marketing is resulting in an increase or decrease in customers, sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.
  • Social listeningis when you monitor conversations about your business and brand on social to see what customers and audience members are saying about you.
  • Likesare when an audience member taps (or double taps) on your social content to show they’re a fan of your post.
  • Retweets/shares/repostsare when audience members post the content your business published on their profiles.

3. Determine which social media analytics tools you’ll use.

Next, determine which social media analytics tools you’ll use —we covered some popular choices abovebut you can always review other options through a simple Google search.


  • Do you want a tool or software to help you manage your social media analytics across multiple channels and platforms (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) or just one (e.g. Twitter)?
  • Which metrics did you decide you’re going to track (as we touched on in the above step)?
  • What is your budget? Do you need a tool with flexible pricing options and features that you can add to or remove from over time? (To find this information, review the pricing pages likethis page on Sprout Social’s website。)
  • Which tools and software options are suited to help you achieve the SMART goals you set? (Check out feature pages for this type of information, likethis page on Oktopost’s website。)
  • 您是否希望您的工具与团队使用的更大软件集成到您的业务(例如bob电竞官方下载HubSpot’s CRM, 例如)?

4. Measure the success of your social media analytics efforts.

Once you implement your social media analytics software, you’ll be able to measure the success of your efforts. To do this, you may use the analytics tool you implemented — depending on your software, you might have the ability to create customized reports and dashboards or pull the specific details about data points you care most about.


  • Did you achieve your SMART goals?
  • 您是否选择专注于讲述一个对您的业务有帮助的故事的指标是吗?
  • Did the software or tool you implemented support your business needs?

5. Make necessary social media analytics adjustments.

Once you measure the success of your social media analytics efforts, you’ll be able to determine whether or not any part of your strategy needs to be changed or updated.

Maybe you realize one of your data points isn’t providing the level of insight into your marketing efforts across social platforms, so you need to identify a new one to measure. Maybe your software doesn’t allow you to customize cross-channel reports the way you want to, so you need to implement a new tool. Or, if you’re happy with the way your social media analytics reporting and strategy is working, be sure to revisit your strategy in the future to ensure it continues meeting your expectations.


By tracking and applying the process of social media analytics to your strategy, you’ll be able to more effectively reach your audience. And when you do this, you’ll see improvements in factors that are directly tied to your ROI like engagement, conversions, loyalty, and more.



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Originally published Aug 12, 2020 7:30:00 AM, updated October 29 2021


Social Media Analytics