在2020年42% of people used social media channelsfor product research.


Throughout the past few years, social media channels have embraced their new role as product research channels, devoting certain areas or features of their platforms to showcasing brands and products.

For example, Facebook Ads is consideredGoogle广告的替代品, YouTube is a学习新产品的网站(以及如何使用它们),Instagram提供Shoppable posts, 和redditusers定期参加有关产品和品牌的讨论线索。而且,我们不要忘记Pinterest,它继续通过改进广告软件来将自己定位为广告客户的工具。bob电竞官方下载


By now, you might be on all the major social media platforms. But, as they expand and evolve, you might still wonder which you should focus your time and efforts on if you're selling a physical product. To determine this, it helps to find out which social channels your specific audience is using, and then create strategies that meet them where they are on their preferred platforms.




Shopper research is critical for a better understanding of the customer journey from initial searches to website visits and eventual purchases. The advent of digital- and mobile-first interactions has made this research even more important as the customer journey now includes multiple paths and touchpoints from start to finish.

For example, prospective buyers might hear about your brand from a friend, do their research on social media, and then interact with your ecommerce store through their mobile device. Understanding all touchpoints along this journey can help companies create more seamless and streamlined experiences for consumers and increase overall ROI.


Shopper Insights reveal social media research habits

Source: Lucid Software

At first glance, the survey data seems simple: Facebook is far and away the market leader when it comes to product research and eventual purchasing, followed by YouTube.

But that’s not the whole story. Part of the reason Facebook and YouTube rank so highly is because of their installed user base — for example, Facebook has用户群三倍of Instagram, despite being owned by the same company.

还值得注意的是,虽然Facebook营销吸引了更广泛的受众,但仅体积并不能保证转换。Pinterest和Reddit上的用户往往与他们的社交社区更加互动 - 这意味着,如果您的品牌能够吸引他们的注意力,则可以创造实质性的消费者忠诚度。与此同时right now.

Here’s a breakdown of the data:

  • Facebook:51%,155人
  • YouTube:30%,91人
  • Instagram: 6%, 18 people
  • Pinterest:6%,18人
  • reddit:4%,12人
  • LinkedIn:2%,6人
  • Twitter:1%,3人


Facebook有一个惊人的27亿活跃的日常用户and has been around since the early 2000s. Its audience包括多个年龄段并跨越全球, making it a solid place for most brands to market themselves.


Free Promotion

By now, you probably know that any company can create aFacebook业务页面。Once you create a business page, you can share posts about your products and offerings. If you have happy customers, you can even ask them to review your business on Facebook so prospects researching you can see how you've pleased your customers in the past.

除了创建页面以突出您的品牌外,您还可以将产品发布到Facebook's Marketplace。市场上市可以包括产品照片,pricing, product specifications, and purchasing information. Although individual users often use the Marketplace to sell items they no longer want to other people,FacebookBusiness pages are also eligibleto use this feature.

您还应该考虑谈论您的产品或产品Facebook故事。This might take a little extra effort because it will require you to film or create content in the Story format, but it can help you better connect with prospective buyers who want a better sense of what your brand is about.


BecauseFacebook的提要算法偏爱帖子from individual accounts over businesses, you might decide that you want to put money into Facebook Ads.

FacebookAds has a solid track record. It's estimated that一千万企业were advertising on the platform in 2021.

FacebookAds, you can create advertisements with a certain goal in mind, such as conversions or in-store foot traffic. The detailed ads software also allows you to target specific audience demographics.

As aFacebookadvertiser,您可以宣传您已经创建的帖子,以确保它显示在人口统计学中的用户的提要上,或者可以创建可能在feed或Facebook的侧边栏中显示的本机广告。虽然宣传的帖子看起来像是一个简单的标签,表明他们被宣传了,但本机广告看起来更像是传统广告,以使用户清楚地表明他们所看到的内容已支付。

If you want to launch video-based ads, Facebook also allows you to promote video content or buy插入广告位置that appear in Facebook Live videos or longer videos that other users have uploaded.



If how-tos or video tutorials are part of your content marketing strategy. YouTube will be a natural fit for your brand. This is because YouTube users arethree times more likelyto prefer watching a YouTube tutorial video compared to reading the product’s instructions.

More and more companies are taking notice of YouTube's product marketing opportunities. It makes sense, since70%的观众说他们在YouTube上看到品牌后就进行了购买。

和a branded YouTube channel, you can publish video content such as demos, tutorials, or customer testimonial videos that give insightful details about why your product is valuable. By filming your own videos, you can insure that you're highlighting all the great aspects of your product that make it stand out from its competitors.

Alternatively, if you don't have time to create your own videos, sponsoring an影响者的内容,教程或与您的产品相关的评论当他们向追随者详细介绍您的产品时,您可以利用该内容创建者的受众。

Aside from creating your own account or hiring an influencer to give a review or tutorial, you could also consider paid advertisements. YouTube offers a few ad styles includingTrueView, Preroll, and Bumpers

These ads allow you to submit a short video ad to YouTube which is then placed at the beginning or in the middle of videos with metrics and demographics that match your brand's target. To learn the ins and outs of setting up an ad and determining which style is right for you,check out this guide

YouTubePaid Ad Example


尽管Instagram在上面的民意调查中排名第三,但您不应该无视它特别是如果您针对Gen-Z或千禧一代who make up the platform's primary audience

For years, Instagram's visual layout has made it a hot spot forinfluencer marketing。有影响力的人会定期发布有关其产品经历的照片和视频。像YouTube一样,这些影响者还定期发布视频帖子或故事,这些帖子或故事介绍与产品相关的教程,评论和拆箱。

Aside from influencer marketing, many brands also promote their products onInstagram Stories,Instagram Live,以及通过Instagram提要上的标准视频或照片帖子。

这是一个例子where Kylie Jenner, the CEO and Founder of Kylie Cosmetics, films a Story-based product tutorial for her company's Instagram account:

凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner

Along with free strategies, Instagram now offersShoppableposts. With Shoppable posts, you can promote a product in an Instagram post that链接到您的Facebook目录。这是一个购物帖子的样子的一个示例:

A necklace is shown in an Instagram Shoppable post


这是博客文章that goes into detail about how to use and optimize Shoppable posts.



Because people come to this platform to be inspired to do something, such as travel or home decorating, they might find themselves pinning all sorts of product-oriented images to a themed board. For example, someone who wants to redecorate their office might create an "Office Inspiration" board and pin photos of furniture or decorative items that they'd like to buy.

这是一个例子of what these boards look like:

Office Inspiration Pinterest Board showing various office products

为了使人们更容易找到您的产品,您可以考虑创建一个Pinterest帐户并制作一些板子以突出您的产品。例如,如果您正在营销一家旅行公司,则可以为您提供包裹的每个国家 /地区制作董事会。bob全站app在每个董事会上,您可以放置​​链接到网站的旅行活动的图像。

Then, if someone is trying to plan a trip to a country you sell a package for, they might come across one of your posts and pin it to their own "Travel Inspiration" board.


Target自己的婚礼注册表Ideas Pinterest董事会中介绍的目标产品

Each of Target's pinned images links to the company website so users can share the pin on their own Pinterest board, or click straight through the post to buy or register the product.

If you have an advertising budget, you can also consider launchingpay-per-click ads on Pinterest。Pinterest广告使人们可以在与您自己的特定人群中看到您的帖子。该平台还允许您使用A/B测试照片和目标广告,以在联系人列表上使用Pinterest用户。




Below is an example of a subreddit, or online community, that Reddit users created to talk about all things related to Xbox One.

XboxOne Subreddit discussions on Reddit

However, because comments with promotional language in themoften get downvoted或通过更具吸引力的Reddit线程埋在供稿中,如果您想与此平台上的观众互动,则需要发挥创造力。

While you might want to keep an eye on Reddit or experiment with it, don't put all of your time and resources into itat least right now. As it evolves, the platform may become an easier platform to market your brand on, but at the moment, Reddit marketing strategies still require more brainstorming and time than tactics on other social platforms.

Although this platform has been called one of the "trickiest" for marketers to crack, some bigger brands have figured out how to reach the platform's discussion-oriented users.

For example, some brands willcreate subreddits related to their product,而其他人将互动评论3个ads related to their industry.


要了解有关Reddit Marketing的来源和出现的更多信息,单击此处以获取技巧和示例其他品牌如何培养平台。


LinkedIn's platform, which emphasizes networking and career-related chatter, might be well-suited forproduct marketing in B2B, academic, or professional industries。在此平台上进行产品研究的人们可能正在寻找可以升级职业或使工作日更容易的服务,工具或软件。bob电竞官方下载

如果您正在销售诸如软件,在线课程,与业务相关的出版物或任何可以帮助专bob电竞官方下载业学生更好地完成工作的产品,那么LinkedIn将非常适合您。但是,如果您出售更一般的面向消费者的产品,例如化妆品或家居装饰,您可能希望将更多的营销工作投入此列表中的其他平台like Facebook or Instagram.


LinkedIn与Facebook非常相似,您可以免费发布有关产品或服务的信息,或购买广告或发布促销活动,以获取有关您的业务方面和供稿中心的信息。要查看一些很棒的广告示例,check out this post


Image Source


Twitter大约有每日2亿用户from a variety of backgrounds, geographic locations, and industries. Its broad demographic might provide solid marketing opportunities to many different types of businesses. Because of its broad user base, you might want to create an account on Twitter and post regularly for brand awareness.

如果您对视频营销感兴趣,也可以尝试Twitter's live video feature并用它来拍摄与您的产品相关的教程或问答。

除了免费发布您的产品外,您还可以pay into targeted ads or promoted tweets。Twitter声称其广告投资回报率是比其他一些社交渠道高40%



Brands and product discussion are both prevalent on the platform, but users might go to Twitter to learn more about what's going on in the world, rather than new products. When people are asked to pick which platform they do the most product research on, it's not surprising that Facebook or YouTube might seem like a more obvious choice than Twitter.

而你应该在Twitter上由于其纯粹的我们er base and advertising ROI, you'll want to keep its audience's need to stay trendy and informed in mind as you're creating posts and advertisements for the platform. This might help you make social content that both engages these audiences while still weaving in information about how valuable your product is.



While running ads and product promotions on any social platform can help drive conversion, it’s a good idea to focus on platforms with audiences that already align well with your brand.

For example, broader audiences are actively looking for products or researching brands on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest while Reddit and Twitter users tend to be more trend-focused. Similarly, if you're marketing a B2B company, you might see a better ROI from ads on a professional network喜欢LinkedIn比在Instagram等更具消费者友好型平台上的广告。

Use the information provided above, and start leveraging social media for lead conversion and product marketing.

state of marketing

state of inbound

最初出版于7月12日,2021年1:00:00 PM,更新于2021年7月12日

