
Since launchingin early 2018,Tiktok似乎被所有主要新闻出版物所覆盖,并在全球范围内增加了数百万次下载。bob官网官方网站



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但是现在,在蒂克托克(Tiktok)的第一个生日之后不久,我们对此一无所知Digiday,AdWeek, and我们自己的营销博客定期覆盖它。

Even if you still aren't quite sure what TikTok is, you've probably seen a video meme on social media that was created and published in the app first. Here's one for example of a TikTok post which went viral on Twitter:

When making decisions about your social strategy, you're probably more interested in numbers than virality as proof of an app's staying power.

As someone who's gotten sucked into the app, blogged multiple times about it, hearted hundreds of posts, and even made a few embarrassingly mature videos of my own, I'm fairly certain that this platform will stick around for quite some time. But, luckily, with mounting data on TikTok, you don't just have to take my word for it.

对你的力量来帮助你做出明智的决定ategy and whether TikTok is right for your brand, I've compiled a list of 28 interesting stats and facts to know before venturing on to the app.

29 TikTok Stats to Know in 2021

Userbase, Downloads, and Growth

据报道,在Tiktok的第一年内,每月5亿个活跃用户s. Wondering if this was just a fluke or a viral trend that will simmer down? Think again. According to TikTok and its company heads, the audience might be larger and more promising than we think.

  • 2021年9月,蒂克托克(Tiktok)庆祝每月活跃用户10亿。((TikTok)
  • rusical.ly,alip-syncing app which ByteDance purchasedand merged with TikTok, reportedly had 100 million monthly active users when it was purchased by TikTok in 2018. (边缘)
  • Douyin, TikTok's original standalone app in China, had 300 million users at the time Musical.ly merged with TikTok. (边缘)
  • 在2020年,Tiktok是全球下载最多的应用程序(8.5亿下载),其次是WhatsApp,Facebook和Instagram。((apptopia)
  • Tiktok是Apple App Store娱乐区中的顶级免费应用程序。((Apple App Store)





  • 35% of TikTok's global audience is between the ages of 19 and 29, and 28% is under 18. (应用程序的业务)
  • As of December 2020, TikTok has 69.5 million monthly active users in the United States. (Statista)
  • As of April 2021, 48% of U.S. adults between 18-29 use TikTok, compared to 20% of adults between 30-49 and 14% among 50-64 year olds. (Pew Research Center)
  • 四分之一的美国人在12至34岁之间使用了Tiktok,而35岁以上的成年人中有3%。((MarketingCharts)
  • 51% of global TikTok users are male and 49% are female. (Hootsuite)
  • Tiktok现在在200多个国家 /地区可用。((奥伯洛)
  • Tiktok的每月活跃用户中有2220万在印度尼西亚。((Statista)

User Behavior

Tiktok是一个快节奏的应用程序。您登录的第二个,您在提要的顶部看到一个视频that's algorithmically curated around your interests. If you enjoy the video you're watching, you can关注,评论并直接喜欢视频帖子中的内容。如果您不喜欢所看到的东西,则可以继续向上运动,以立即观看更多奇怪的视频。

From my own experience, I've found that TikTok can easily cause you to spend more time than expected watching an endless stream of often comedic videos. Since these videos are usually between 15 seconds and one minute, it makes the app ideal for people who need quick entertainment on their morning commute or when they're bored at home.

Because of TikTok's quick pace and entertainment factor, the stats below aren't that surprising:

  • The average user spends 89 minutes per day on the app, according to a leaked deck from TikTok. (Music Business Worldwide)
  • As of September 2021, there are 14.43 million daily active users using the TikTok Android App and the average user spends 12.3 hours per month using it. (Statista,Hootsuite)
  • Tiktok是Google Play商店中下载最多的应用之一。((Statista)
  • Younger users aged 4-15 spend an average of 80 minutes per day on the app. (Qustodio)
  • 根据泄漏的Tiktok甲板,普通用户每天打开19次应用程序。((Music Business Worldwide)
  • There are 30.8 million global DAU on the TikTok iOS app as of September 2021. (Statista)
  • TikTok users on Android now spend more time watching content on the app than they do on YouTube. (App Annie)

Viral Trends and Influencers on TikTok


  • 蒂克托克(Tiktok)最受关注的创作者是舞者查理·达·阿米利奥(Charli D’Amelio),有1.235亿追随者。紧随其后的是khabane la脚,拥有1.15亿。((维基百科)
  • One of the earliest branded hashtag challenges wasGuess' #InMyDenim challenge。According to TikTok, videos marked with this hashtag have received a grand total of 38.8 million views. (TikTok)
  • 说唱歌手Lil Nas X将他的歌曲“ Old Town Road”的成功归功于Tiktok。在艺术家将其上传到Tiktok之后,这首歌在2019年的Billboard前100名中被推动到第一名。((BuzzFeed新bob官网官方网站闻)

Here's a compilation of TikTok's #CowboyChallenge where people wearing normal clothing cut to themselves in cowboy costumes to the song "Old Town Road."


The launch of TikTok not only put its parent company, ByteDance, on the map, but it also resulted in competition from apps like Facebook, which launched a very similar app called Lasso shortly after TikTok went viral. While TikTok and ByteDance are less transparent about revenue and other major details, here's what we know:

  • TikTok now offers five advertising tiers aimed at big brands. One of which, a branded hashtag challenge, reportedly costs $150,000 per day. (TikTok Pitch Deck Notes First Reported byDigiday)
  • 蒂克托克(Tiktok)在2020年产生了约19亿的收入。应用程序的业务)
  • 2020年10月,蒂克托克(Tiktok)从用户购买了1.15亿美元的应用内购买。((Sensor Tower)
  • TikTok has a 4.9-star rating in the Apple App Store and 4.4 in the Google Play Store. (Apple App Store,Google PlayStore)
  • Bytedance, TikTok's parent company is valued at $75 million, making it the world's most valuable startup. (CBInsights)

The Mysteries of TikTok

Although TikTok is a top social platform and is ramping up its options for advertisers, it's still rather new. When a company or startup is new, it's not uncommon for leadership to hide early numbers, even when a brand is successful. In fact, we've seen this with other major companies likeSnapchatandNetflix

尽管发布了TikTok For Business在2020年中,随着蒂克托克(Tiktok)的全球团队和野蛮人继续对主要指标保持沉默,还有更多的东西要学习。在未来几年中,随着Tiktok继续吸引更多的广告客户,如果我们开始看到有关该应用程序及其用户群的更多透明信息,就不足为奇了。


In the meantime, If you want to learn more about TikTok, you can read up on itsshort history and early success in this post, orclick here to find a how-to guidefor using the app. In addition, you can discover important TikTok facts app on various websites:

是否想看看Tiktok上其他业务正在做什么?查看this roundupof brands on TikTok.

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2021年出版10月29日2:00:00点,updated October 29 2021

