当您听到这句话marketing automation,“您首先想到什么?发送给不同段的电子邮件的详细图表,通过电子邮件参与,从导向客户到客户?这已成为常态,但它是您可以使用的最低有效自动化路径之一。设置为营销人员。


But if we're honest with ourselves, we would admit that the world is not as straightforward as that. You might define the funnel stages as带领toMarketing Qualified Lead (MQL)toSales Qualified Lead (SQL)to机会toCustomer, where leads download an ebook, then become an MQL when they start a trial, an SQL when the sales person follows up with that prospect, an opportunity when they do a trial review call, and customer when they purchase.



The "triggering" event can be anything measurable by yourCRM和自动化软件。bob电竞官方下载这里只是几个例子:

  • Form conversions
  • Email opens (or lack thereof)
  • 查看的页面数量
  • 聊天机器人互动
  • 符合某些描述性标准

As a result of the triggering event, you can automate tasks/actions with yourmarketing automation software。Here are some examples:

  • Send them an email (or sequence of emails)
  • 更新他们的CRM记录
  • 将它们添加到列表中
  • Assign them to a sales rep
  • 发送有关它们的内部通知

1. Understand your buyer persona.



The goal of marketing automation is to provide a great experience at scale, and part of that means meeting them where they are. When80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences,这很有意义。

2.用“ ifs”和“ thens”来思考。


  • 如果x happens,theny。
  • 如果the prospect fills out this form,then发送此电子邮件。
  • 如果潜在客户访问了定价页面,then通知代表。

The "if" is the criteria. The "then" is the action you want to take.

3. Figure out your triggering events.

In order to get your messaging to the right people at the right time, you must identify the "trigger" (in HubSpot, it's called "enrollment criteria”)。这是方程的“如果”部分,该软件可以用作绿灯来执行操作的具体指标。bob电竞官方下载


  • Actions taken on the website
  • Criteria met in the database
  • 对过去的电子邮件或广告系列的响应


Once you know your "trigger" or enrollment/starting criteria, then you can decide what happens next. This is the "then" part of the equation. Common actions include:

  • Sending an email
  • 列入序列
  • 对数据库中的联系人进行分类

5. Craft personalized messaging.

Remember that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase after a personalized experience? If your action ("then" statement) includes a marketing task such as email sends or campaign enrollment, it's critical to know exactly how this contact is different from others in your CRM and what messaging will uniquely appeal to them. Ask yourself:

  1. Where are they at in their journey?
  2. 如何提供价值并将其移至下一步?





With that in mind, you will have to understand how to make the most of your CRM. Part of this comes down to using automation to update CRM records and categorize contacts, but ultimately you'll have to think about how your organization uses their CRM and ask yourself these questions:

  • What data can you gather about your prospects (and when) to help the effectiveness of your campaigns?
  • 您如何使用自动化来确保数据库的清洁度和准确性?
  • 您可以多久审核数据库以确保这些努力的完整性?


我们简要地讨论了营销自动化为电子邮件营销工作提供了巨大的机会。触发的电子邮件 - 基于潜在客户行为的自动营销消息 - 强大,因为它们本质上是相关且及时的。有效电子邮件的关键是关联及时value,前两个被烘烤成触发的电子邮件。营销人员需要抓住这一机会,并对这些接收者保持宝贵的报价。

Not using triggered emails? Here are a few recipes of triggered marketing automation to get you started.


如果您没有设置任何触发电子邮件,这是一个不错的起点,因为这是最广泛的触发器 - 在买家旅程的最早阶段吸引潜在客户。


在这种情况下,您的触发电子邮件可以是一封交易电子邮件 - 确认下载(或注册或请求),并包括与该下载相关的任何信息。

For example, if this is a follow-up to downloading an ebook, include the name of the ebook and a link to the PDF. If it's a follow-up to registering for a webinar, include the webinar information, including the time and date and how to log in.

Once you've covered your bases on the transactional information, it's time to think about what you want your prospect to do next. You have their attention -- take advantage of it! Do you want them to convert on a middle-of-the-funnel offer like a demo request or complementary consultation? Or do you want to encourage them to share this offer with their network, to expand the reach of your content? Think about that ideal next step, and include a call-to-action for that in your follow up email.

Trigger: Took One Action in a Series, but Not the Next

Say your prospect gets close to taking the action you want -- like starting a trial of your product -- but they don't quite get to the finish line. They visit the trial landing page, or view some content about your product, but don't start that trial. This is an opportunity for you to follow up to get them to cross that finish line.


也许他们没有因为犹豫而没有完成这一行动 - 他们不想填写表格,或者还有一些其他问题阻止他们开始审判。这是一个跟进相关内容(例如产品视频或试用资源)和替代行动的机会(也许他们不想使用审判,他们只是想获得演示或直接与销售代表交谈bob体育苹果系统下载安装)。

You can even simply ask them in your email ... what stopped you from signing up? Anything we can do to help? You'll be surprised by how many responses you'll get. After all, these are people who got close to taking an action but had some specific hesitation. You want to both discover and address that hesitation head-on.


Whether you have content on specific topics (product pain points, for example), or content aligned with specific parts of the funnel (product pages vs. blog articles), when your prospects view that content, you have more data to use in your follow-up emails.




考虑各种行为数据点have about your prospects, and what you can draw from that to determine what they care about.









What to Send: Comparison Guides, Product Information, or Educational Content

选择一个共同and valuable interaction that occurs between you and your prospects in social media -- it may be asking questions about your product, mentioning that they're evaluating a competitor, or simply asking a question that relates to the pain points your product addresses.

如果responding by social media, you likely don't actually want to automate your response -- it will be very easy for your prospect to recognize the impersonal nature of that interaction. However, you can supplement your one-to-one social media engagement with a triggered email campaign with supporting content. For example, if your prospect asks questions about your product, you can send how-to and product feature information. If your prospect mentions they're evaluating a competitor, you can send comparison guides, third party reviews, or case studies for them to use in their evaluation process. Or if your prospect simply asks a question related to your industry, you can follow up with educational content on the topic of interest.

At the end of the day, any of these triggered emails are likely to get a higher response -- and higher return on your effort -- compared to the typical linear marketing automation campaign. Using some of the same technology, you can reorient your marketing to work around your prospect's timeline instead of your own, while continuing to drive the actions you desire.

New call-to-action

New call-to-action

Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Originally published Oct 13, 2020 1:00:00 PM, updated October 13 2020


Marketing Automation