Twitter is an undeniably powerful platform to increase your business's online reach. The average Twitter userfollows five businesses, and所有Twitter用户中有80%在推文中提到了一个品牌。

如果你有你的Inbound Marketinghat on, you should know that Twitter is not just a place to grow customers through word-of-mouth marketing -- it's also a place to meet your customers where they are.


所以你可以采取什么步骤添加to your audience's experience online, instead of simply being a disruption? How can you promote your product or service in a way that encourages people to purchase? How can you make your brand more human on a platform made for connection?

To help you create a successful strategy and leverage Twitter's power for your business, we've created this helpful guide. Keep reading to learn how you can use Twitter for your business this year.

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How to Market Effectively on Twitter

First, you need to建立您的Twitter营销策略。Your strategy is your foundation for success and is worth all the time you spend researching and creating it.

Twitter营销策略就像其他任何社交媒体策略一样 - 它围绕您创建,发布和分发以吸引您的追随者的内容。您发布的内容应吸引新的追随者,鼓励新的潜在客户,提高转化措施并提高品牌认可。

Your business likely already has high-level business objectives, and Twitter is a channel that can help you reach those goals. If your business is looking to generate leads and sales long-term, you'll need brand awareness on your side toget your flywheel moving

The following four tactics will help you develop a strong Twitter marketing strategy to build your presence upon.




The importance of auditing is not lost when dealing with strategy. In order for Twitter to be a great marketing tool, you have to be organized. Need to audit your account quickly? Here's how to do it inunder 20 minutes

3. Research best practices.

Like auditing, this is a step that needs to be done continuously. Keeping up on best practices as Twitter is updated and goes through changes is key to keeping your impressions and engagements high.

4. Identify your audience.


How to Use Twitter for Business



First and foremost, you need to set yourself up for success by customizing your profile. The last thing you want is someone turning away from your Twitter account -- and potentially turning away from your business -- because you have a Twitter egg as your profile image.

Be sure to upload compelling images for both your banner and profile picture. While lots of brands have their logo as their profile image, the Banner is where you can get a little creative with your colors and imagery.

屏幕截图2019-06-04,下午12.12.56If you're just starting out with Twitter or have a new business, you want to make your Twitter handle is extremely relevant to your company. Using your brand name as your Twitter handle may seem obvious, but there are a lot of Twitter accounts. What happens when your name is taken?

If your brand name is already being used as someone else's handle, you can add a CTA at the beginning of your company name. For instance, let's say your company's name is "HubSpot", but that handle is taken. Perhaps "@GetHubSpot", or "@ChooseHubSpot" would be other good options. You could also take inspiration from Slack's Twitter account, and add "HQ" to the end of your handle.

Another thing that may seem like a small detail is to update your pinned tweet regularly. Your Pinned tweet could be about a sale event coming up, or a new marketing campaign you just launched. Either way, it's the first thing your audience will engage with because it stays at the top of your feed.

It's also important you refine your description, website link, and location. All of these things belong on your Twitter profile so your followers know more about your business, and they should be updated and checked regularly.

2. Add value with your content.

Adding value to your Twitter content is very similar to adding value to other marketing content. You should always keep your buyer personas in mind, because the key to creating successful inbound content is to make your readers feel like you're speaking directly to them.

When thinking about adding value on social, try asking yourself if your tweets advance an idea, entertain, or educate the audience. Without any of those three things, your content is likely to fall flat. Additionally, remind yourself that the purpose of Twitter is to connect and spark conversations.

If your content doesn't inspire conversation, it's not worth publishing.

For Twitter specifically, you should try to get the most out of your 280 character limit.

Multimedia tweets help differentiate your business from others, and tweets with images get转发更多150%, so start mixing up your content with images and videos. However, it's vital you ensure you're mixing it up, too. Nobody wants to see the same "text, CTA, link" tweet with an image preview on their feed 24/7. Try mixing in emojis and GIPHs with your pictures and videos.

There are also ways to add value to your Twitter account that are specific to Twitter. Many brands have their own monthly Twitter chats. Twitter chats are a great way to interact with your audience and ask them questions about your brand or industry. You canstart your own Twitter chatby establishing a date, time, and original hashtag for everyone to use.


Now that you've added value to your content, you want to make sure people see it. You can optimize your content on Twitter using a few different strategies.

主题标签是传播内容的一种简单而常见的方法,但是您想谨慎使用多少。太多的主题标签和您的业务可能会遇到垃圾邮件 - 或者您想抢断注意力。简而言之:不要过度使用主题标签。坚持每个推文使用一个或两个相关的主题标签。

You should also be doing hashtag research if you want to get more eyes on your content. See which hashtags your audience is already using when talking about your brand, and then adopt them yourself.

Lastly, you'll want to consider how often you tweet.92% of companies微博超过一天一次,42%推一到五times a day, and 19% Tweet six-to-10 times a day. However, it's important to note -- your audience likely isn't on Twitter just to listen to your brand, so try to avoid clogging their feeds with unnecessary content.

Experimenting with the time you send Tweets out is also great for reaching more people. A lot of businesses Tweet in the morning, at lunch break, and early evening, because that's when their target audience is most likely to be online.

4. Engage with your audience.

关键是你经常与你的奥迪nce on Twitter by tagging them in posts, responding to their comments, or even hosting fun giveaways to get your audience involved.

To learn more about how to build a community or how to implement community management tactics across the board, read社区管理的最终指南。

5. Monitor your brand.

Social listening can allow you to create the type of content your followers actually want, come up with new ideas based on industry trends, improve your customer experience by interacting directly with customers, and shift your strategy to fit your audience's needs.

6. Measure results.


To measure your results on Twitter, you can head to Twitter analytics, located in the drop-down menu when you click on your profile at the top right corner of your Twitter dashboard. If you're unsure what analytics can help you accomplish, check out本twitter Analytics指南

A general tip for measuring your performance on Twitter is to focus less on vanity metrics. Vanity metrics, like impressions or follower count, are often high numbers that look good on paper but don't help you meet your business goals.



When using Twitter for business, logging into the platform every time you post can get annoying, and is frankly a waste of time. There are plenty of tools that allow you to schedule your posts ahead of time, so you don’t have to click "Tweet" 30 times per week.

集线器's Social Media toolallows you to publish to social networks in the same place you build campaigns, and schedule content for later. Alternatively, you might consider发芽社交orBuffer

8. Venture into paid.

There are two ways to venture into paid media on Twitter:

  • Promoted tweets
  • Twitter ads

促销推文将出现在用户的提要或搜索结果中。您的业​​务付费,向尚未遵循您帐户的用户展示该推文。宣传的推文看起来完全像常规推文和以相同方式的功能 - 这意味着可以转发,喜欢和引用。Twitter会把您的推广推文in a daily campaign targeting the type of audience you want to reach, as previously indicated in your settings.

Twitter ads are a good option if you're looking to promote many types of tweets to achieve one goal or advance a campaign.

Here's what you need to know aboutTwitter广告和广告系列


Maybe your business has been on Twitter for a while and you're feeling frustrated or uninspired. After all, it takes time to build a loyal and interactive Twitter audience, and it's hard to see content go out with little or no response. But giving up on the platform eliminates a huge source of brand awareness for your business, and makes it harder for customers to find you.

Here are a few reasons you'll want to stay on Twitter, even if you're currently feeling unimpressed.



You can also get information on your competitors' social strategy by monitoring their Twitter presence. A great way to revamp your own Twitter strategy is to take a look at what's working -- and what isn't -- for your competitors.


Who can say no to free marketing? Twitter is a great place to interact with your customers and start a cycle of word-of-mouth. If your customers are tweeting about you, it goes a long way to respond -- especially if they're having a negative experience.


如果您是免费营销的类型,也许增加销售额的报价会让您保持联系。Twitter不仅使您能够将品牌融入世界,而且还可以让您成为客户。60% of a brand's followers在Twitter上关注品牌后,更有可能购买或推荐产品。

要了解有关Twitter为什么对您的业务重要的更多信息,请看一下23 Remarkable Twitter Statistics to Be Aware of in 2019

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