
Sadly, you'll never knowexactly目标受众将如何收到您的销售方式,这就是为什么公司进行市场研究

But, while mass data collection through surveys provides you with necessary quantitative information, it doesn't offer as much qualitative insight into your target market's view or opinion of what you're selling.

This is where a focus group comes in.



What is a focus group?



焦点小组通常意味着主持tive or representatives of the company, who ask 5-10 questions to the participants over the course of 30-60 minutes, with another facilitator keeping notes on the焦点小组问卷

Follow Along With a Free Focus Group Questionnaire Template


集线器's Market Research Kitincludes a questionnaire template to use in your focus groups, as well as four more templates to aid you in your market research efforts. You candownload the kit here帮助您计划焦点小组和市场研究。

You can also read more about the process of conducting an effective focus group in our blog post,如何为您的业务运行焦点小组

Next, let's explore the pros and cons of a focus group.

The Pros of a Focus Group

1. You get the story behind the data.

In focus groups, qualitative data takes center stage. Survey data is unbelievably powerful, but it's hard to understand the rationale for the numbers without context. Focus groups are a way to understand how someone truly feels about your business and provide thewhy数据后面。

If someone answers a question in a way that interests you, you'll have the chance to dig deeper. Ask “Why?” See how the other participants feel about the specific answer. Gauge facial expressions and tone of voice to see how people react to what you're talking about. You'll end up with the emotional input from your target market that your surveys may not be able to provide.


Those responding to a survey or a questionnaire can't pick up your products or use them, but theycanin a focus group. If the subject of your focus group is tangible, observe and ask questions about how participants use the product and feel about the packaging and design.

Here, you'll see your product through the end-users' eyes, which can help you realize something you hadn't before.


Interviewing individuals can take much longer than running focus groups with the same amount of people. Say you want to interview 100 people, and each interview or focus group takes one hour. Getting the opinions of those 100 people would take 100 hours if interviewed, but only 20 hours if participants were broken up into groups of five.

This way, you can get qualitative feedback from multiple people in a shorter amount of time — an enormous time saver, especially if most of your participants think alike.

The Cons of a Focus Group




This constricts the amount of people whose input you'll receive, which means your findings may not represent the opinions of your entire target market.


Have you ever been in a meeting where one or two people voice an idea you disagree with, but everyone else agrees with the idea before you have the chance to say your piece?


That's called集体思考,当一个团体在一个发声的想法背后集会,并非每个人都认为是为了继续前进或试图避免冲突是正确的。


You can avoid this by calling on specific group members to answer in-depth, but some may be reluctant due to shyness or disinterest.



例如,一个主持人可能希望以某种方式定价,包装或涂色产品,并可以将讨论带入该结论。这被称为observer dependency

For instance, let's say one moderator wants a product to be colored blue, and poses the open question to the group:"What color should this be?"

After everyone responds — and no one says blue — she might ask,“What about blue, would that work?”Everyone silently nods, and she notes that the group agreed blue would be a good color, despite that being far from the perfect truth.



请记住,当主持人提前组织思想并在会议上对焦点小组问卷进行笔记时,焦点小组是最有效的 - 您可以在我们的市场研究套件中免费访问。


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Originally published Nov 6, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated November 06 2020


Conducting Marketing Research