You’ve been working to sell a prospective client on a retainer for months. You’ve sent them a range of articles, guides, and case studies. You created a proposal, a contract, and have followed up multiple times to move things along.

They seem genuinely excited about the idea of investing in inbound, but a few people on the client-side are hesitant. They’re not quite sure how this will work within their current structure. They're used to the current way of doing things. The idea of signing a year-long contract is making the prospect retreat.

So, what do you do? Do you go in with a hard sell? Do you lean on the one person in management who can demand adoption?

You can’t force a culture, and that's ultimately what inbound is: a culture shift for companies. It changes the way a brand operates. Inbound is about transparency, education, and listening. These are words that may not be a part of the client’s current business lexicon.

And that’s a lot to ask of someone during the sales cycle. You are asking the client to not only invest in new marketing tactics but to also change its approach to communication, sales, and services.

这就是为什么马库斯·谢里丹(Marcus Sheridan), founder ofThe Sales Lion,相信代理商需要一种新的(更好)开始持续关系的方法。通过给客户研讨会(销售前或销售后),代理商可以指导客户完成为入站成功而进行的精神和文化转型。

Why Inbound Is a Culture Shift

“The idea of inbound is that you let go of the idea that your business has a secret sauce,” Sheridan said. “You see yourselves as teachers to those in your industry, as problem solvers, and active listeners.”

Companies that adhere to this idea ask questions and问题的答案。他们听。他们了解client’s pain points and problems. The company uses this to educate their prospects and customers about the solutions. By teaching, the company gains trust.

“The business that we're in, that you're in, that I'm in -- whether it's swimming pools, whether it's marketing services, whether its selling rocket fuel to airlines -- this is a business of trust,” Sheridan said. “As soon as the company realizes that this is a business of trust, they start to focus on what matters and what they have to do to engender and generate more trust than anyone else in their space.”

客户投资入站营销时,can’t just send out an all-staff email saying, "Hey, I think we should start blogging and doing this thing called inbound marketing.”

You need buy-in -- from management, marketing, sales, engineering, customer service, HR, and even legal.

Sheridan说:“研讨会是让所有人进入同一页面的理想催化剂。”“每个人都必须了解什么是入站,如何做,以及如果它将成为一种文化,为什么他们应该分开。除非您真的深入介绍这些东西,否则整个团队都会听到并理解并将其应用于自己 - 单独地将其应用于自己 - 您不会建立一种文化。”




Reason #1: To sell inbound retainers to the right clients.




Another way workshops can be beneficial for the start of a relationship is that it fast- forwards the initial, get-to-know-you phase. You can use the time during a workshop to identify subject matter experts, build trust with people from customer service, engineering, and marketing. It also helps to convert your most important group: sales.

“Ultimately, we need to see inbound marketing as a sales tool,” Sheridan said. “And the sales team needs to see that it’s a sales tool. Until they do, we’re not going to live up to nearly the possibilities of what a true inbound culture is within an organization.”



Hosting a workshop does require that the agency learns如何最好教。大学演讲方法对此无效。您需要了解人们如何学习以及如何以促进发现的方式呈现信息。

“You’ve got to allow them to discover these magic truths on their own,” Sheridan said.

The most important idea workshop leaders must understand is the Columbus Principle (as in Christopher). “Everyone wants to feel like they are the one that discovered America,” Sheridan said.


During the past five years, Sheridan has developed a set of more than 100 questions that he asks attendees who attend his workshops. Every question walks a person closer to the point of finding their own answer. And the added benefit for agencies is that when they master this style of questioning, they are able to apply it to situations outside of the workshop, such as sales and training.

An example of this is the below run through of questions and answers:

By a show of hands, how many of you have researched how much something costs over the last year?


Okay, great. So you all have done it, perfect. So, when you are on that website, and you can’t find anything about cost and price, what is the emotion you experience?

Everybody in the room immediately says 'frustration.'

Great! So tell me why do you feel frustrated in this moment?

Everybody says, ‘Well it’s my right to know these things.’

Of course, you feel like it’s your time that they’re wasting, don’t you.

They say, 'Yes, it’s my time they are wasting.'

Well, do you just keep digging on the website?


OK, well instead of digging, do you think to yourself, 'Well that’s okay. They’re a value-based company. I’ll call them instead.'



They say, 'Well I keep searching.'



And then generally, what happens with that person?



Everybody shakes their head and says, ‘Yes, we do.'

OK, great. Now, by a show of hands, how many of you talk a lot about cost and price on your website right now?


By following the Columbus Principle, agencies can teach prospects and clients what inbound marketing is, how it is done, and why all team members should support it. You do this by discussing how the buying cycle and consumer expectations have changed, how people search online and what they are looking for from a company, and why sales needs content.



“Agencies need to be world class communicators,” Sheridan said. “If they are, they can convince, and they can convert. If they’re not, they’re going to have frustrating retainers, they’re going to have constant issues and headaches, and they’re not going to enjoy what they do nearly as much.”

This post originally appeared on HubSpot'sAgency Post。To read more content like this,订阅代理职位


Originally published May 17, 2015 8:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017

