Back in 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter that nothing in the world is certain -- "except death and taxes."

We think that's a bit of a grim outlook on the world, but the founding father isn't wrong. If you work for or operate a business in the United States in order to make money, at the end of the year, you have to start filling out and filing tax forms to pay your taxes.

If you're a business owner who works with independent contractors, or if you're self-employed as a contractor or freelancer, you're going to need to understand the 1099 tax form, which reports on income paid to non-employees. Keep reading to learn more about the purpose Form 1099s serve, and how to use them correctly to file and pay your taxes.

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有各种不同的1099税收形式,with the term referring to any tax document that reports on an individual's income other than that paid by their employer in the form of a regular salary. This income is reported on in W-2 form at the beginning of the following year.

The different types of 1099 tax forms can include:


If you're an independent contractor, freelancer, or self-employed, you will receive a Form 1099-MISC from every business or individual who paid you more than $600 in the previous year.

Form 1099-DIV: Interest and Dividends

If you receive interest or dividends on stock investments or mutual funds, you will receive a Form 1099-MISC that reports on this income. This form is independent of the form you receive from making or losing money by buying or selling stocks, which is a Form 1099-B.



Form 1099-C: Debt Cancellation


Form 1099-R: Retirement Account Withdrawals

If you withdraw money from your retirement account prior to officially retiring, that is considered taxable income, and you will receive a Form 1099-R will show the amount of the withdrawal that is taxable.

表格1099最常见的接受者之一是独立承包商或自由职业者。超过5700万美国人who reported that they freelanced in 2017, including 50% of millennials, it's a growing employment trend. In fact, trendsestimate大多数美国劳动力将在2027年开始自由职业。,其收入是使用1099s表格报告的。



How to Fill Out a 1099 Form


1. Order Form 1099s.

您需要从IRS订购特定表格1099,这些表格可读和可扫描。您可以在线或通过电话订购它们IRS website.


使用W-9表格中的信息最初填写的承包商和您的企业自己的税收信息,填写1099表格,并使用联系信息和您的企业的联系信息和锡在Box 7中,标有“非雇员补偿”。

3. File forms with each independent contractor and the IRS.

在1月31日之前,将1099表格的副本b发送给承包商。接下来,不迟于3月31日,与IRS的表格1099的文件副本a。最后,将表格1099的复制C保留为您的记录。为您在一年中与之合作的每个独立承包商重复此过程。如果您不确定您与哪些人和企业合格为独立承包商,则可以咨询this list of guidelinesfor figuring out how many you should fill out before the deadline.



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Originally published Dec 28, 2018 8:30:00 AM, updated September 05 2019