终于完成了。合同已签署。另一个客户在书上。这一切都是微笑和高fives的 - 您在公司内部甚至还举办了新的客户庆祝活动。bob全站app

Everyone on your end is ready to get to work on a new — and hopefully profitable — relationship. But that excitement and eagerness don't seem to go both ways. Your new customer isn't responsive when you reach out, and when they do get in touch, they're throwing out demands that extend beyond the contract they signed.

Learn how to run more effective sales meetings using this playbook. 

You don't have a solid grip on what they want, what to expect, or what to do. You're not just on a different page, you're in a different book entirely. Before you know it, all that thorough preparation and excitement go to waste, and what was once a promising relationship starts to sour before you even send out your first invoice.

Plenty of businesses fall into similar traps to the one described above. Those kinds of hitches are both real and cause for major concern — concern that begs certain questions.

"How can I avoid a dilemma like that? Are there any avenues to ensure my new client and I understand each other? What does it take to make sure a customer cooperates without curveballs or pitfalls?"

Well, one of the more prominent, effective ways to remedy those issues is known as akickoff meeting.在这里,我们将进一步探索其目的,并查看一个模板,该模板涵盖了您自己执行一个基础所需的所有基础。


Enter the kickoff meeting.

This meeting or call is a conversation with the major stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page. It helps you create a plan, define a list of priorities, and reaffirm the goals you uncovered during the sales process.

Your kickoff meeting will help you develop a deeper understanding of your client's strengths and weaknesses — along with other opportunities that might be at play. And with those key findings at your disposal, you can start to construct a strategic plan involving:

  • Concrete business goals
  • A competitive analysis
  • 对客户以前的努力的审查
  • 买方角色
  • Established benchmarks
  • KPIs you will measure on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis

尽量不要在这里掩盖任何东西 - 本文档将是您工作的基础at leastthe next three months. And as far as the meeting itself goes, here are some key elements to incorporate into yours if you don't know where to start.

1. Introductions

Give everyone in the meeting a chance to introduce themselves and explain what their role is. The project team includes both your agency’s staff and the client’s team. It's an excellent opportunity to get to know each other.

This should also give you insight into each person’s expertise — something that will come in handy when delegating and executing responsibilities like creating content.

The ultimate goal here is to build rapport with the group and create an air of collaboration. You'll most likely be working closely with the people in this meeting in the coming months — it's never a good policy to keep them nameless and faceless.

2. Goals

Here's where you finally apply the interests and ambitions you discussed with your client during the sales process — take the vaguer discussions you've had and pare them down into legitimate goals. And when you set those benchmarks and milestones, be sure to make them SMART:

  • Specific:Determine the type of goal you're pursuing and make sure it's not too broad or vague. For instance, "getting more views on the company blog" is not a specific goal, but something like "improving average traffic generated by paid social" is.
  • Measurable:Establish how you will track the goals. The client might want to increase brand affinity, but you need to develop a process for measuring and reporting the success — or failure — of a specific goal. Extending the example above, you might want to measure the traffic stemming directly from your client's paid social effortshow it stacks against the total traffic their blog is generating.
  • Attainable:Find out the client’s previous efforts. Try to benchmark what has been done before so that you can showcase growth. If a client's blog generated 500,000 organic sessions in the past year, setting a goal of 5,000,000 organic sessions per monthprobablyisn't the way to go.
  • Realistic:与上面的点相似,如果客户过于雄心勃勃,您需要缓解他们的期望。同样,我们的样本客户有5,000,000个有机会议真是太棒了,但是它有点超过顶部,并为双方设定失败。
  • Timely:Establish a deadline for achieving these goals. Setting a goal that you'd like to achieve in three months is more practical and motivating than one set without a timeframe in mind.

3. Plans

Based on the goals you’ve established, you can then begin to work out what the tactics for accomplishing those goals will include.

For example, a HubSpot client kickoff meeting could include these sample goals:

  • Attract X unique visitors per month.
  • Increase visitor-to-lead conversion rate by X.
  • Convert X visitors into leads.
  • Increase lead-to-customer conversion rate by X.
  • 从入站营销中获取X客户。


  • Increasing the publishing frequency of the blog
  • Developing top-of-the-funnel ebooks and whitepapers
  • A/B testing calls-to-action for ebooks
  • Using email to nurture leads effectively
  • Developing a lead scoring system to identify high opportunity leads

You probably won't (and shouldn't) develop a concrete and exhaustive plan during the meeting, but you can start to outline some tactics that will help the client reach their highest priority goal as soon as possible.

4. Challenges

This section of the meeting is essentially the starting point of a task list — a list you'll refine and polish during your post-meeting reporting. Here, you'll discuss your client's competition, immediate blockers, and other obstacles.

Then, you can start to develop a chart that outlines the findings and insights from your conversation. That will come in handy when you're discussing your broader strategy.

5. Timelines



6. Roles and Responsibilities

You're entering a partnership with the client on the other side of this meeting — a two-way street. There are certain tasks and processes your company needs to deliver on and others that fall on the customer.

Get to know the internal structure and processes the client has in place and determine where your company’s product or service fits in. And don’t be afraid to set expectations for the client. You need to show results, which means you will need information, support, and approval from their team.

在完全不同的页面上操作的不守规矩的客户是等待发生的偏头痛。双方都需要知道他们所处的内容,他们对彼此的期望以及他们希望看到的结果。很难通过将其翼能够到达那里 - 这就是为什么举行开球会议的想法至少值得考虑的原因。

Sales meeting playbook


Originally published Jan 26, 2021 2:00:00 PM, updated January 26 2021


Sales Closing