企业家精神might seem like the business equivalent of trying to navigate uncharted waters — and in some respects, that's accurate. Entrepreneurs are assuming tremendous risk, putting a lot of faith in themselves, and paving a lane within whatever industry they're trying to crack.

他们本身就是开拓者,但很明显,这听起来很明显,他们并不是第一个有史以来爆炸的踪迹。企业家并不孤单。不,他们是出色的公司 - 那些在他们面前的人有很多bob全站app贤哲的智慧,可以提供任何有抱负的商业先驱。

To help new entrepreneurs find their footing, we've compiled some of that advice here.



1."All business is personal… Make your friends before you need them." —Robert L. Johnson, Co-Founder, BET

entrepreneur advice Robert Johnson


2.“您可以使用社交媒体做的第一件事是发现并理解为什么人们喜欢或不喜欢……您实际上可以看到人们对您的看法的现实。”-Daymond John, Founder, FUBU

3."我们需要接受我们不会总是做出正确的决定,有时我们会搞砸 - 了解失败不是成功的相反,而是成功的一部分。” - - ” -Ariana Huffington, Founder, Huffington Post

4."If you have a dream你有一份工作。太棒了!您可以学习如何导航。您的雇主,或者我喜欢称其为“投资者”,为您提供了投资梦想的钱,并在追求梦想时支付账单。” -创始人丽莎·尼科尔斯(Lisa Nichols)激励群众

5.“纪律不是一个肮脏的词。创造力和成功享受纪律的自由和机会更多。几年前,我非常尊重的人告诉我,他们成功的原因是他们拥抱他们做其他人的怨恨或不愿意去做。”-Janice Bryant Howroyd, Founder, The ActOne Group

企业家建议Janice Bryant Howroyd

Image Source: NBC News

6."To have a successful career, you have to approach it as an entrepreneur, even if you are working for someone else. Your career is your own private business. You have to market yourself and your abilities and knowledge just as you would a product or service." —Earl G. Graves Sr., Founder, Black Enterprise Magazine

7."Not to let anyone convince you that your dream, your vision to be an entrepreneur is something that you shouldn't do. What often happens is that people who are well-meaning, who really care for us are afraid for us and talk us out of it." —Cathy Hughes, Founder, Radio One

8.“没有人谈论企业家作为生存,但这正是它的本质和培养创造力的想法。经营第一家商店教会我的商业不是金融科学。这是关于交易 - 买卖。”-Anita Roddick, Founder, The Body Shop

企业家的建议Anita Roddick


9.“运气是当准备机会满足机会时发生的事情。”-Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group

10。"People want to do business with someone they like. If people like you, they're going to want to do business with you." —Barbara Corcoran, Founder, The Corcoran Group

11."I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow. When there's that moment of'Wow, I'm not really sure I can do this,'然后,您将在那些时刻推动,这是您的突破。” -Marissa Mayer, Founder, Sunshine Contact

entrepreneur advice Marissa Mayer

Image Source: Stanford Law

12.“您应该向竞争对手学习,但不要复制。复制而死。”-杰克·马(Jack MA),阿里巴巴创始人

13."Remember, the universal language is not texted, emailed, or spoken. It is felt." —Angela Ahrendts, Senior VP, Apple

14."Life-fulfilling work is never about the money — when you feel true passion for something, you instinctively find ways to nurture it." —Eileen Fisher, Founder, Eileen Fisher, Inc.

entrepreneur advice Eileen Fisher


15."The most surprising, and rewarding, part of my journey as a CEO was finding out how easy it is to get legendary people to help you. All you have to do is ask." —Phil Libin, Former CEO, Evernote

16.“这是一个浪漫的想法,您将有一个绝妙的主意,然后一切都会变得很棒……但是执行和交付是关键的。”-Sergey Brin, Co-Founder, Google

17."It’s about first having impact and executing something well before you move on to the next thing. If you’re too focused, you’ll stop innovating. But if you’re too innovative, you’ll lose your focus and won’t get anything done." —联合创始人Tan Hooi Ling

18.“从一开始就寻求收购不仅仅是企业家的坏建议。对于企业家而言,它导致短期战术决定,而不是公司建设决策,并且我认为,通常会降低成功的可能性。”bob全站app-Sun Microsystems的联合创始人Vinod Kholsa

Vinod Kholsa


19.“找到一个方法'yes'对事物。说'yes' to invitations to a new country, say'yes'to meet new friends, say'yes'学习新的东西...即使有点前卫 - 有点超出您的舒适区 - 说'yes'意味着您将做一些新的事情,结识新的人并有所作为。'Yes'让您在人群中脱颖而出,成为乐观主义者,看到玻璃杯,成为每个人都来的人。'Yes'是让我们所有人年轻的原因。”- 前首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc​​hmidt),Google

20。"Balance is a long-term game. It's all work, all the time. It feels exciting. It's more intense than ever. I don't know how people do it without a partner." —Katia Beauchamp, Co-Founder, Birchbox

21。"There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it. If I have accomplished anything in life, it is because I have been willing to work hard." —C. J. Walker女士,C。J。Walker Manufacturing Company,第一美国女性自制百万富翁的创bob全站app始人

entrepreneur advice Mdam C.J. Walker

Image Source: National Park Service


Inequity in access to economic resources, disproportionate distribution of wealth, and discrepancies in access to other environmental factorsrestrict the potential for entrepreneurship in marginalized populations, undermining innovation everywhere.

If you're interested in learning more about the state of and tremendous potential in entrepreneurial diversity, check outthis post here.




