
Market research firmIDC发现企业集体投资了估计27亿美元in sales process recommendation and automation in 2019 — a figure that's expected to rise considerably through 2022, at least.


There's a diverse array of AI-powered sales software that suit a wide variety of needs — many of which can accommodate virtually any budget. Here, we'll get a picture of how affordable AI can streamline your sales process and some of the best tools available in the space.

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How Affordable AI Streamlines Sales Processes

实际上,任何业务都可以从将这种技术纳入其销售流程中获得一些收益。但是,这是什么样的?人工智能到底对您的销售工作有什么影响?克里斯汀·霍尔特(Kristin Hersant), VP of Marketing atGroove可以提供的高级概述人工智能工具do for you and your sales team.



  • Conversational Intelligence— resources that record, transcribe, and analyze phone calls.
  • 声音和短信— tools that leverage AI to improve your voice call and SMS outreach.
  • Sales Engagement- bob电竞官方下载软件可以告知如何以及在何处与潜在客户共享特定的高影响力内容,同时为未来的动作提供可行的见解。
  • 基于AI驱动的帐户营销— platforms that enable companies to better sync sales and marketing by surfacing leads and target companies that align well with their existing client base.

Let's see how this range of resources can improve your sales process.

1. Conversational intelligence platforms can identify particularly pertinent conversation points.

Conversational intelligence platforms are designed, in large part, to pin down specific keywords and conversation topics that consistently emerge and resonate with prospects and customers. With the help of this technology, sales reps can tactfully direct conversations to points that will hit with the prospects they're talking to.

This kind of software also addresses the other side of the sales call token by helping sales managers identify ineffective topics and conversational strategies. Ultimately, conversational intelligence platforms streamline sales processes by trimming the fat from your sales calls.

It lets your reps know what and what not to discuss with prospects — putting less emphasis on the improvisational element of a sales call and focusing more on proven strategies, backed by hard evidence.

Chorus AI,Deepgram,观察,Cogito, 和Amenity Analyticsare among the most popular conversational intelligence platforms on the market.


Some conversational intelligence platforms can provide real-time, actionable, AI-powered feedback on their calls. Using that data as a reference point, these kinds of platforms allow users to monitor and scan all the sales calls in progress across their companies.




3. Voice and SMS platforms can expedite and optimize prospect outreach.

AI-powered语音和短信平台帮助销售团队s streamline their prospect outreach by using artificial intelligence to expedite processes like leaving voicemails, conducting outreach via SMS, and auto-dialing.

This kind of software manages to accelerate and optimize outreach without sacrificing the personal element of the process. Those functions I mentioned —specifically, voicemail drop and SMS outreach — are automated, but if the platform you choose to leverage backed by solid AI capabilities, your prospects and customers won't be able to tell.

声音和短信platforms can streamline your sales efforts by stripping back some of the more grating, unnecessarily time-consuming aspects of your sales process.

If your business conducts outreach through voice calls or SMS, you can save a lot of time and spare yourself some tedious work by leveraging one of these platforms.

这个领域的杰出系统之一是Kixie— a platform that can seamlessly integrate with your CRM.

4. Sales engagement platforms can offer actionable insights to improve your sales process.

销售参与平台的主要好处之一是其销售智能功能 - 跟踪您的所有电话,电子邮件和其他外展活动,以确定对您有用的和不适用于您的事情。



如果您正在寻找具有这种功能的平台,请查看Groove,SalesLoft, 和外展.

5. AI-powered account-based marketing platforms allow you to uncover demand and refine your sales efforts.

As per HubSpot's own definition,基于帐户的营销“a focused growth strategy in which Marketing and Sales collaborate to create personalized buying experiences for a mutually-identified set of high-value accounts."

There are severaltypes of softwareavailable to support that process, but they're not all backed by artificial intelligence. AI isn't exactly an absolute necessity when it comes to ABM platforms, but the ones that are backed by those kinds of capabilities have particularly high potential to streamline a company's sales process.

AI-powered ABM platforms can help you pin down where interest in your business is coming from and how your sales and marketing teams can best translate it into deals.

这种观点和部门的校准通过确保提供给您的销售渠道的潜在客户可行,简化您的销售工作 - 可为您提供更合格的潜在客户和更清洁,更容易跟踪的销售流程。

6Sense— with its unique AI platform that leverages historical intent to reconstruct your business's account-based buyer's journey — might be the most notable software in this space.

The right affordable sales AI platform for a business will vary based on qualities like its favored medium for prospect outreach, its scale, the nature of its sales process, and its sales team's current performance.

尽管如此,无论您的公司在这些因素方面可能置于何处,您都可bob全站app能从某种经济适用的AI中获得一些收益。因此,如果您决定实施这些平台之一,那么要牢记一个关键点 - 您利用的AI工具应支持您的销售工作,而不是完全覆盖它们。

As Hersant put it, "Look for software that leverages AI to empower sellers as opposed to replacing them. At the end of the day, relationships still matter — especially in enterprise sales — so AI is most effective when it can surface insights that humans can’t, empowering them to build stronger relationships and generate more revenue as a result."

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              <p class=最初出版于2020年8月18日上午8:00:00,更新于2021年6月15日


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