
毕竟,你每分钟花在一个帖子是一个minute you could be connecting with a new prospect, coaching one of your salespeople on an essential skill, or developing a new qualifying framework that'll help your company scale.

But the real question is: Can you affordnotto read sales blogs? Whether you're a rep, a sales manager, or an executive, your ability to reach your goals grows exponentially when you incorporate others' wisdom, experiences, and strategies.


[新数据] 2021年销售支持报告


1.Sales Hacker

Best for:B2B销售代表,经理和高管

Sales Hacker launched a community element for sales pros to ask questions, discuss tactics and more.

Its content ranges from blog posts and ebooks to webinars, videos, and more, meaning there's an option for every learning style.


2.Heinz Marketing

Best for:入站销售专业人员和营销人员

If you're looking for a daily source of B2B sales and marketing insights, look no further: Heinz Marketing releases a new post every day. You'll find thought-provoking content on engaging your prospects, filling your pipeline, and creating an effective content strategy -- and that's just scratching the surface.

Look out for“马特一周的应用程序,”a weekly feature from Heinz Marketing's president, and"How I Work,"a series spotlighting how successful B2B leaders stay productive.

必须阅读的帖子:10+ Sales Pitch Pet Peeves I Could Seriously Do Without

3.吉尔·康拉特(Jill Konrath)'s Fresh Sales Strategies

Best for:Sales reps

吉尔·康拉特(Jill Konrath),“向大公司销售”的作者,“ Snap Selling:加快销售速度并与当今疲惫的客户赢得更多业务”,“敏捷销售”和“更多的销售,更少的时间”,在浏览复杂销售,使潜在客户的生活更轻松以及提高效率方面是专家。

Her posts frequently include stories from her life, which make them relatable and engaging.

必须阅读的帖子:Value Proposition Examples -- Words That Get Meetings


Best for:Salespeople, managers, and executives

Brand-new reps and sales veterans alike will gain valuable insight from the HubSpot Sales Blog (at least, that's our goal). Contributors include many of the most well-known names in the sales world, including Donald E. Kelly, Jeff Hoffman, Anthony Iannarino, Trish Bertuzzi, and more.

From writing the perfect email subject line to negotiating a mutually beneficial deal, you'll receive all the tips you need to meet or beat your quota -- or if you're a manager, lead your sales team to success month after month.


5.LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Best for:Sales reps

Social selling is becoming abig priorityfor sales teams. Subscribe to LinkedIn's sales blog to stay up-to-date on the latest social selling news and techniques and get a refresher on universal sales best practices.

必须阅读的帖子:The Water Cooler: Why Posts on LinkedIn About Leadership Are Engaging Decision Makers in the Consulting Industry


Best for:Salespeople

John Barrows reinforces his sales advice with stories from his days as a salesperson and his current role as a sales trainer. These anecdotes make his posts both engaging and memorable. Not only will you learn how to give better presentations, address common objections, discover your personal drivers, and more, you'll also learn how to improve your own narrative skills.



Best for:Sales reps and managers

You've likely seen the difference in your open and reply rates when you use buyer-focused, personalized outreach emails versus generic ones focused on you and your product.

However, crafting an attention-grabbing message can be difficult even for top sales pros. Heather Morgan's blog is an excellent source of examples (both good and bad), straightforward suggestions, and fresh ideas.

必须阅读的帖子:Why Selfish Emails Never Work


Best for:Sales reps

You might be the best closer in the world, but you won't sign any new business without prospects. Jeb Blount is one of the foremost experts on prospecting (he literally wrote the book on the topic), so it's not surprising his company's blog has ample content on filling the top of your funnel.

必须阅读的帖子:Avoid Missed Opportunities and Sales Disasters

9。Gong Labs Blog

Best for:Sales reps



10.Sandler Training Blog

Best for:销售专业人员

桑德勒的training team has a seemingly never-ending stream of advice for every type of sales professional -- individual sellers, managers, and executives. Their posts typically include examples and sample messaging, so readers understand exactly how to put the concepts they learn into action.

必须阅读的帖子:5 Ways To Help Prospects Determine the Break-Even Point

11.Marc Wayshak的销售博客

Best for:Sales reps

Marc Wayshak,创始人销售策略学院and author of"Game Plan Selling,"索取了大量的实践知识和技巧。他使用简短的视频来传达他的大部分建议,因此对于那些喜欢观看视频而不是阅读内容的人来说,这个博客是一个很好的选择。


12.Art Sobczak's Smart Calling Blog

Best for:Sales reps

Calling prospects is both a science and an art. Learn how to create interest, handle brush-offs and objections, and lay the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship -- without resorting to manipulative, out-of-date, or selfish tactics.

必须阅读的帖子:How to Add Value and Not Just Check In or Introduce Yourself


Best for:Sales reps

Sales trainer and creator of the Your SalesMBA™ training program Jeff Hoffman lets readers in on the secrets to effective prospecting, qualifying, social selling, and more. His posts are digestible, relevant, and tactical.

必须阅读的帖子:Calm Down. (You've Got the Meeting!)


Best for:B2B sales reps

Life Blog的销售帮助销售人员与现代买家同步。从以友好,有益和方便的方式吸引潜在客户到有效地使用销售自动化,您将同时学习销售2.0运动的基本原理和最新技巧。

必须阅读的帖子:Cold Calling Advocates: Sincere, But Sincerely Wrong

15.The Sales Blog

Best for:Sales reps

Anthony Iannarino, author of"The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need,"publishes daily insights and thought leadership on his blog. You'll appreciate his direct, readable style, practical suggestions, and motivational words of wisdom.

必须阅读的帖子:4 Battle-Tested Strategies That Create a Competitive Advantage

Best Blogs for Sales Leaders and Executives

16.OpenView Labs(销售类别)

Best for:CEOs, founders, and sales leaders

OpenView is a venture capital firm focusing on early-stage software companies. Its blog is a valuable resource for senior executives -- especially the sales category, which features substantial articles on everything from building a sales enablement program and training BDRs to interviewing rep candidates and removing bias from your hiring process.

必须阅读的帖子:Establishing Data-Driven 1:1's as a Sales Manager

17.Sales Benchmark Index

Best for:销售经理and leaders

Every post on SBI's blog is ultimately meant to help you do one thing -- meet or exceed your team's quota. You'll discover fresh insights on hiring the best salespeople, crafting a winning strategy, and promoting a healthy yet achievement-driven culture.

必须阅读的帖子:Will Your New Hires Help You Hit the Quarterly Number?

18.The Ambition Blog

Best for:销售负责人

Average sales managers supervise their reps. Good sales managers motivate their reps. Great sales managers inspire and coach their reps so each individual is performing at their maximum potential.

Want to be in the last group? Check out Ambition's blog for tips on hiring, driving performance, and promoting productivity.

必须阅读的帖子:A Lethal Weapon for Inspiring Workplace Accountability

19。Inside Sales Experts Blog

Best for:内部销售经理和高管

Are you responsible for hiring, retaining, and training inside salespeople, creating and managing territories, and tracking your team's success? Bookmark the Inside Sales Experts Blog. It features in-depth, tactical content from Trish Bertuzzi, author of“销售开发剧本,”and other members of her consulting firm.


20.Sales Source

Best for:Sales reps, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs

Geoffrey James, author of“怎么说:企业到企业销售”,”在他的Daily Inc.com博客上分享各种销售,营销和一般专业建议。如果您有兴趣编写更好的销售电子邮件,变得更加富有成效,激励自己,提高谈判技巧以及更多信息,请查看销售来源。

必须阅读的帖子:How to Request a Meeting With Someone's Boss


Best for:销售负责人and entrepreneurs

风险资本家和SaaS爱好者Jason M. Lemkin作为一个简单的WordPress博客开始了Saastr,他的答案是他在Quora上收到的问题的答案。如今,它是世界上最大的SaaS创始人和企业家社区之一。

Readers can expect big-picture articles on the growth of SaaS businesses, as well as tactical advice for sales leaders on how to get more from your team.

必须阅读的帖子:When Should You Add a Second Product?

Best Blogs for Sales Managers


Best for:SaaS sales managers

Software as a Service (SaaS) industry leaders and sales experts regularly contribute to this blog. The average post is upwards of 800 words and jam-packed with tactical tips, so you're guaranteed to derive value from each one you read.

必须阅读的帖子:Why Better Objection Handling Leads to Less Friction in the Sales Process


Best for:销售负责人

Colleen Francis, author of"Nonstop Sales Boom,"gives sales leaders the tools and techniques they need to drive results. Her posts cover a variety of topics -- including pipeline management, sales leadership best practices, and personal productivity -- and get right to the point. When you're looking for a quick tip, go here.



Best for:销售负责人

Salespeople hate making calls with zero personalization or research. Buyers hate receiving them. If your team is still using these types of calls to prospect, read this blog. Referrals expert Joanne Black teaches sales leaders how and why to implement a referral program -- and eliminate the need for random dials.

必须阅读的帖子:How Getting Fired Actually Launched My Referral Business


Best for:销售经理

The success of your sales team often hinges on their attitude. However, keeping each member enthusiastic and committed isn't easy -- especially when you're also trying to diagnose their weaknesses, improve their techniques, and make your playbook as solid as possible.

The TopLine Leadership Blog focuses almost exclusively on motivation. Whether you're hoping to inspire an unengaged salesperson or encourage everyone to hit their numbers, you'll find the tips you need.



Best for:销售经理and recruiters

CloserIQ is a sales recruitment platform, and their blog provides plenty of guidance on the hottest skills your job candidates should possess, how to identify top talent, and how to manage a successful team.

必须阅读的帖子:How to Identify Top Sales Talent by Their Resume

27.The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Best for:销售经理and recruiters





Best for:销售经理and reps

Get news stories about entrepreneurship, small business, and startups. Most salespeople have an entrepreneurial spirit, and reading this website regularly will keep you up to date.


Best for:销售经理and reps



Best for:销售经理and reps

Find articles on finance, investing, and other industry topics. Check in for daily updates and headlines you need to to know for watercooler talk with prospects and meeting chit-chat with your boss.


Best for:销售经理and reps

When a story breaks in the business world, it's important that you know what's happening and how it affects your business and your prospects. Get up-to-the-minute information on Bloomberg Business.


Best for:销售经理and reps

The latest in tech, finance, media, and industry-specific verticals is all covered here. A good stop first thing in the morning — Business Insider will fuel you with the talking points you need throughout the day.


Best for:企业家

她拥有它celebrates, supports, and connects women entrepreneurs. Find inspiration, advice for the unique challenges women face in tech and business, and — if you're not a woman — some insight into how to be an ally in the workplace.


Best for:销售经理and reps

Quora is the world's largest question and answer platform that allows you to ask questions and receive answers from pros like Jason Lemkin as well as salespeople in the trenches. Get advice, learn something new, or answer a question yourself.

35.Wall Street Journal

Best for:销售经理and reps

This Pulitzer Prize-winning publication should be a mainstay in your daily reading. Breaking news, expert journalism, and deep dives into the industry news you need make this an important stop on your morning reading tour.

If you're looking for specific sales bloggers to follow on social media, here's a quick list of folks we recommend reading more about. Find them on Twitter. Connect with them on LinkedIn, and start learning from them immediately

More of an auditory learner? Check out our roundup oftop sales podcastshere.

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Originally published Aug 29, 2019 10:32:00 PM, updated June 15 2021


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