Email sucks.

让我们把它扔出去。每个人都讨厌它。它分散了注意力,繁重,偶尔感觉就像是苍蝇在我们的头上嗡嗡作响。Yet despite our love of hating it, we need it.Our entire professional life runs off email.


How do the world’s most successful peoplemake email work for them

好吧,老实说 - 我没有该死的线索。

But I took my first stab at understanding how they do it. A few days ago, I got a behind-the-scenes peek into the inbox of HubSpot’s VP of Growth — Brian Balfour.

He’s a busy guy with an impressive resume.


So how does he keep it all straight? And how does he stay sane?

He uses a system, split into 10 principles, that makes his inbox incredibly efficient. He can now spend less time in email, get in touch with hard-to-reach people, avoid repetitive tasks, optimize his energy, and leverage a few tools that have skyrocketed his productivity.

这是10封电子邮件这位世界一流企业家的生产力提示and angel investor [click to Tweet image].



nstead of hearing it from me, I'll let Brian share the advice in his own words.

Take it away, Brian.

Email Principle #1: Archive everything.

这two features I use religiously in Gmail are:

  1. 档案button
  2. 发送和存档按钮(在一分钟内我将解释如何to activate this)






如果我需要立即做出回应,我会使用发送和存档button. This automatically archives the message after I reply. If I need to respond, but my response can wait for later, I'll follow the same process when I have time.

Constantly archiving messageskeeps my inbox tidy and clean, making it easier to comprehend emails I need to tackle next.

How to Turn On the "Send & Archive特征

1.在Gmail中,单击右上角的齿轮图标,,,,then clickSettings

2。我n the General tab, scroll down until you see the "Send and Archive" section.

3。SelectShow "Send & Archive" button in reply


Now when you reply to an email, the default button will be发送和存档。但是您仍然可以选择在不归档消息的情况下发送消息:


Oh yeah, and see how I annotated that image above? That's using one of my favorite tools ...

Email Principle#2: Use tools to work faster, thus spend less time in email.

这re are four email productivity tools I use pretty much daily.


1。Evernote web clipper- If I need to email a screenshot to someone, I capture it usingEvernote的网络快船extension for Google Chrome. It also lets me add arrows and text (as you can see in the first tip above) for easy annotation.

2。Pocket- When I receive an article via email that catches my eye, I'll save it for later usingPocket。这n I’ll read in my downtime.

3。Buffer——如果我读条口袋里很有趣,我'll useBufferto share it withmy Twitterfollowers.

4。Sidekick- If I'm writing emails at 11pm, I schedule them for the next morning usingSidekick。我t also automatically shows Linkedin and Twitter profiles inside of Gmail, which saves me time from having to look them up outside of email.

Email Principle#3: Batch emails.

我相信我们能陷入的最糟糕的习惯是notbatching our emails.

我typically batch email twice a day. First round is between 11am and 12pm. Second round is between 4下午和5pm:


But do Ialwaysbatch my emails?No, I'm not perfect. But I understand the consequences of sporadically checking email throughout the day.

Atostudyby the American Psychological Association,,,,shifting between tasks causes temporary mental barriers, depleting our productivity by as much as 40%单击“到tweet.png”“title=


Email Principle#4:当您的心理能量最少时,电子邮件。

我的精力is highest in the morning, so I leverage that time tofocuson my most important task.

相反,下午我充满活力。自从电子邮件doesn't require intense mental energy, I send most emails then. But of course, some emails are urgent and require a faster response. So I respond to those during my 11am to 12pm email batching time slot.

这trick is understanding when we're most energized, then optimizing each time period for the appropriate task. This empowers us to get more done in less time.


We need to stop managing our time ... and start managing our focus.

Robin Sharma单击“到tweet.png”“title=

Email Principle#5:关闭通知(尤其是在移动设备上)。


Email is distracting enough. Using notifications (both desktop and mobile) just intensifies the distraction. Shut them off.



我discovered this stressed me out more than anything. Because instead of starting the day clear-minded, I'd be distracted by requests and questions from others.

尼尔·艾尔(Nir Eyal),一个expert关于习惯建造,遵循类似的过程。他关闭了电子邮件通知,因此他可以专注于高优先级任务。

Email Principle#6: To get a response from someone successful that is difficult to reach, follow these guidelines.

我f we're sending ineffective emails, we won't get an answer. If we don't get an answer, we're wasting our time in email.

我t's not easy getting in touch with venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, and CEOs. But itis可能的。但是,它要求我们学习一些有关如何获得响应的规则。


Get an introduction from someone else.它给其他人施加了社会压力。

Discover how you can help them.Don't just blindly ask for help without offering something yourself. Do your research (ex. Twitter, Linkedin, blogs, etc.) to discover how you can offer value to them.

Be unique.吸引他们的注意。如果您写通用的话,“嘿,我是XYZ Company的Joe Schmo,会喜欢您的一些时间……”这是即时删除bob全站app。尝试一条独特的主题和介绍,听起来不像其他所有人。

保持简短...具体。Always ask one specific question. Not two or three questions. One. And be very specific about what you want a response for. More on that in the next tip ...

Email Principle#7:如果您想快速回复,请不要提出通用问题。

Please, if you're an entrepreneur, don't do the following to anyone (it is my biggest pet peeve):

Don't ask extremely generic questions that are almost impossible to answer!单击“到tweet.png”“title=


我f we get no response, we end up sending a follow-up email (thus spending more time in email). If asked for more clarification, it just adds yet another email to our inbox. It's a lose-lose situation.

For example, I often get hit up by entrepreneurs asking for growth or marketing advice. The email usually goes like this:



我'm Joe Schmo from XYZ Startup. We are in the XYZ industry.

Our problem is we aren't growing as fast as we'd like to. If you were us, how would you grow our company?

Joe Schmo


My immediate answer in my head is,

“我have no #$%@ing clue. I don't know who you are or anything about your company. And you are asking me a generic question that is nearly impossible to answer without anything details about your situation."

我t makes me feel like this person hasn't put in any time or thought into the email. And if they haven't, why should I?

Email Principle#8: Be ruthless about unsubscribing.

我give all newsletters two strikes (i.e. two articles where I didn't learn anything new) before I unsubscribe. This keeps my inbox from overflowing with junk that doesn't teach me something new.


By ruthlessly unsubscribing, I avoid the "email debt" that progressively builds over time from multiple email subscriptions. If you're buried in a mountain of email subscriptions, giveenrull.me尝试一次批量订阅。

Email Principle#9: Use "no templates" to stop typing repetitive emails.


But it's innefficient to say "no" in a unique way whenever someone emails me.


Re: Advice on this project?

Hi Mike,

Sounds awesome and I'd love to help.


我hope you understand and best of luck!




Most people respond well to that. If they don't understand, then they probably aren't the type of person I want to be helping anyways.

Email Principle#10: Use email templates to outsource tasks that aren't your specialty.

Finally, I used to do everything myself. And then one day I realized how stupid this was.

我'd trick myself into feeling busy with smaller tasks, when I was just wasting time. My stress levels continued to rise until I realized I needed to start outsourcing tasks.

但是存在这个小问题 - 外包任务也需要时间。

We have to type the email, give directions, and make sure we don't miss any important parts. After we do all of that, we might as well of done the task ourselves. By using email templates (again, with Gmail's canned responses), all the hard work is automatically done for me.

Now I just have to make three clicks and press send.

You can flip through all of the email templates below:

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Originally published Jun 15, 2015 1:46:00 PM, updated June 15 2021


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