根据斯坦福大学的主要行为科学家的说法BJ Fogg实现目标的最简单方法是建立“小习惯”。

These are small, easy-to-do actions whichtrigger long-term behavior change.但是,要坚持新习惯,必须存在以下元素:

1.Authentic motivation to change the habit.

2.Simple actions that make the new habit easy to accomplish.


For example, I recently set a goal to meditate every day because of the extraordinaryhealth benefits(ex. increased focus, reduced stress, and greater creativity) from it.Not to mention, successful people like Jack Dorsey, Rupert Murdoch, and Oprah Winfrey全部meditate daily.


是的,没有上下文没有任何意义。我将在第三步中解释更多。但是首先,我需要发现我的motivationbehind daily meditation.

Step 1: Ask为什么我想要form meditation as a daily habit.

According to BJ Fogg's research, if I'm not authentically motivated to meditate daily, it won't happen. A useful method for discovering authentic motivation is conducting平均末端分析to understand the root of为什么我想要meditate daily:

Habitual Means-End Analysis

What is my goal?我想要meditate for 20 minutes every day.
Why does that matter?If I'm more clear minded, I will have better focus, less stress, and greater creativity.
Why do all of those matter?If I have all of those benefits, I'll produce better work.
Why does that matter?If I produce better work, I'm a more valuable teammate.
Why does that matter?If I'm more valuable, the faster we can growSidekick.

Means-end analysis validates the deepest logic for为什么我们想要东西。如果我能够证明自己的推理是合理的(渴望成长搭档的愿望),那么当我不喜欢冥想时,我可以将其用作“激励性的提醒”。

Step 2: Simplify the goal into a daily habit, then schedule on the calendar.



This trend continues for 20 weeks, until I am meditating for 20 minutes per day. By starting at one minute, then incrementally increasing each week, makes it easy to hold myself accountable.

Step 3: Define your trigger and reward.

Habit formation looks like this:


对于我的触发器,我选择了洗澡。当我得到out of the shower, I know it's time to meditatebecause I've habitually trained myself to meditate immediately after showering.I'll then eat breakfast as my "reward." It looks like this:



You can do this for any habit.

想跑更多吗?Use your alarm clock (i.e. waking up) to trigger yourself to put on your running shoes, then incrementally increase your run time (start small, even at just two minutes). Reward yourself with a shower.

Wanna start flossing?用餐晚餐触发自己的牙线。首先只用牙线牙齿,然后每次牙齿牙齿。刷牙奖励自己。

想少检查电子邮件吗?Use designated times (ex. 1pm) to trigger checking your email. Start by giving yourself multiple times throughout the day, then slowly narrow it. Reward yourself with a chocolate after checking email in less than 15 minutes.

但是,即使我们正在使用这种方法,我们偶尔也会stillfall off track. We're busy. We forget. We accidentally skip a day.So unless you have asystemfor holding yourself accountable, it's easy to lose progress on new habits.

Later this week, I'll share the accountability system used by an award-winning entertainer, who is worth over $800 million. He has starred in TV sitcoms, won Emmy Awards, and sold out Madison Square Garden. He transformed himself into a star, primarily attributed to this habit-building system.

All email subscribers (subscribe below) will receive his habit-forming methodology later this week.

Until then, I'm happy to answer any questions below about this habit-forming process.

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Originally published Mar 24, 2015 2:54:00 PM, updated June 15 2021


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