The commercial world is full of uncertainty. In the wake of theCOVID-19 pandemic, many businesses – large and small – are looking to the future with trepidation. More than ever, companies must be as productive and efficient as possible.



Leveraging a customer data platform (CDP) to support基于帐户的销售is a prime example. It’s an effective way for businesses looking to sell to enterprises to boost their success rate. If you’re not yet up to speed on CDPs or account-based selling, it’s time to change that.

个性化is a watchword in all modern sales environments. Account-based selling takes things to a new level. Ideal for landing enterprise-level clients, it’s a hyper-personalized sales technique. Departments across your firm work together. They target, reach out to, and land any account you’ve IDed as being high value.

Account-based selling typically encompasses all the following functions of your business:

  • Marketing
  • 销售量
  • 客户成功
  • 高管和董事会成员


Traditional lead gen funnel vs. account based marketing funnel



Executives at your firm may also interact personally with critical stakeholders of the target account. Then, once a client gets landed, your customer success team gets to work to deliver an equally unique onboarding experience.

There’s obviously more to基于帐户的销售than we can cover here. What our summary should make clear, though, is the importance of data to the process. You can’t successfully target an account unless you know the prospect inside out. That brings us neatly onto customer data platforms (CDPs).

B2B Customer Data Platforms


The types of customer data collected and organized by a CDP are namely:

  • 识别数据 -Names of accounts and stakeholders; addresses; demographic details; etc.
  • Descriptive Data –Deeper detail on stakeholders; career information; interests; etc.
  • Behavioral Data –Interactions with your brand; purchases; website visits; email conversations; abandoned carts; phone calls; etc.
  • 定性数据 -How contacts learned about your brand; their opinions of you; NPS; etc.

A CDP, then, is a one-stop-shop for all customer data. It makes the information readily accessible to multiple business departments. More than that, too, CDPs structure the data in an actionable way. They build centralized, unique profiles for each customer or target account.


Now you know what account-based selling and CDPs are, it’s time to discuss how they intersect. For a brand looking to sell to enterprise-level clients, a CDP is an invaluable tool. In the same way that a robustSaaS SEO strategy对于那个利基市场的销售也至关重要,因此CDP也是基于帐户的销售。

The following are five of the principal ways a CDP can enhance your account-based approach to sales:

  1. Collecting and Unifying Data
  2. Qualifying and Targeting Accounts
  3. 计时您的宣传
  4. 改善和个性化互动
  5. 简化未来销售流程

Collecting and Unifying Data

The first step to effective account-based selling is gaining a full understanding of a target account. For that, you need as much information as possible on your prospects. It’s only by collecting as much data as you can that you can accurately target and prioritize leads.

Customer data sources


A customer data platform is a tool that can bring together all the relevant data. It will gather detail on:

  • The specific pain points of customers and prospects
  • How they have interacted with your brand
  • Which communication channels they prefer
  • 每个公司的决策者是谁bob全站app
  • 当利益相关者访问您的网站以及他们所做的事情时
  • 在什么时候不同的联系方式是最可接触的

这只是CDP可以c的信息ollect. Those insights will also get captured by other systems, of course. Tools like Google Analytics or aCRM platformcan gather some of them. Where a CDP stands out is that it unifies and organizes the data. Everything is available to all your business departments in one place.

Qualifying and Targeting Accounts

With so much data at your fingertips, qualifying and targeting accounts is far more straightforward. A CDP can help you pinpoint a smaller number of accounts with a higher chance of conversion. That allows your marketing and sales teams to better direct their time, effort, and budget.










  • Someone from a target account visits the pricing page of your website
  • A stakeholder of a prospect spends a certain amount of time reading your content
  • 铅开始a free trial或正在接近上述审判的结束

Getting such alerts from your CDP is invaluable. They ensure you don’t miss any opportunities to convert prospects or nudge them further along your sales funnel. What’s more, the nature of the alert helps you make appropriate and relevant contact. Speaking of which…



The data contained on the platforms gives you and your staff a 360-degree view of your prospects. With that, you can glean loads of useful insights about their needs and preferences. That lets you wholly personalize all your contact with them. Something that’s traditionallytougher in the B2B niche。我们谈论的是卖出的个性化,而不仅仅是将正确的名字放在电子邮件的顶部。

Understanding B2B vs B2C personalization


The insights you glean will help your sales team hold proper, intelligent conversations. Rather than working from a sales script, you can engage with the prospect on a human level. You know what challenges they’re facing and how they do business. You can, therefore, tailor your approaches accordingly.


到目前为止,我们涵盖的是CDP如何在此处和现在为您提供帮助。平台的另一个好处是,它们还可以简化您未来的销售。这主要是因为他们可以帮助您更好地建造Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)

An ICP is your perfect customer. It’s the account that you dream of finding and targeting. Target such an account and your chances of conversion are much higher than trying to sell to just anyone. With a CDP, you can flesh out and finetune your ICPs like never before.

Thanks to all the data organized by the platform, you’ll know your present customers inside out. That makes it more straightforward to pinpoint their shared characteristics. That may be industry, company size, behavior, and more. All those will then also become aspects of your ICPS.


CDPS– A New Addition to Your Account-Based Selling Toolkit

Customer data platforms can be like a silver bullet for account-based selling. As a tool for collecting, unifying, and organizing customer data, they’re made for B2B selling. Building both trust and relationships, after all, is what B2B sales is all about. You can do neither without properly understanding your prospects.

With a CPD, getting to know your leads has never been simpler. You can use data from many sources to build a three-dimensional picture of each prospect. That makes it so much easier to engage and connect with them. It’s in that way that you can use a CDP to take your account-based selling to another level.

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Originally published Aug 26, 2020 8:30:00 AM, updated August 26 2020


Account Based Sales