

有没有搞错。只是主题行?没有身体副本?nrn?所以我通过电子邮件回信,“Ok, sounds good. What does NRN mean?”His response:

“It means ‘no reply necessary’ ;)”


但是与此同时,没有人愿意听起来像个白痴。所以我汇编了20个清单most useful电子邮件首字母缩略词。

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Email Acronyms and Abbreviations

立即学习它们,并为稍后的d'oh oments浪费自己:

1. NRN - No Reply Necessary


2. LET - Leaving Early Today

Informs coworkers (usually in group email) you’re leaving early, so they don’t miss you later if they need anything.

3. EOM-消息结束

Keeps all content in the subject line, which saves the recipient time since they don’t have to open the email.

4. PRB - Please Reply By


5. HTH - Hope That Helps

Used when responding to someone. Typically when someone thanks you for your help.

6. WFH - Working From Home

Notifies coworkers you’re working remotely that day.

7. TLTR - Too Long To Read

When someone sends a massive email, but you have little time, TLTR asks the sender to briefly summarize what they need.

8. tl; dr-太长;没有读

When sending a massive email, it’s a courtesy to summarize what you need in one sentence, labeling it TL;DR.


Saves the recipient time by asking for only a yes or no answer; as it’s not necessary to respond beyond that.

10. ooo-出任

Standard acronym for when you’re out of the office.

11. EOD - End of Day

Means you’ll be sending something (or you’re asking for something) before the day ends.

12. EOW - End of Week

Means you’ll be sending something (or you’re asking for something) before the week ends.

13. SFW-安全工作

Used when sending a file or article that sounds bad, but it really isn’t. Tells recipient it’s okay to open it.

14. LMK - Let Me Know


15. IMO - In My Opinion

When submitting feedback, a humble way to give feedback without sounding like a opinionated know-it-all.

16. BTW - By The Way

Typically sent after you forget to mention something in a previous email.

17. IDK - I Don't Know

Informal abbreviation typically used in body copy.

18. FWIW - For What It's Worth

A humble way to give feedback on something and not sound like a know-it-all.

19.仅供参考 - 有关您的信息


20. TYT - Take Your Time

Used when you need feedback on something, but it’s not urgent.

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Originally published May 19, 2015 7:51:00 PM, updated June 10 2021


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