I went to a networking event the other day and the minute I got home, I did what I was supposed to do:I sent out a dozen follow up emails to the people I met.

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The emails went something along the lines of ...

Follow Up Chat



Let me know.




But you probably won’t be surprised by the response I got:没有反应。没有任何。

I thought to myself,"Really? Not one person can take just one minute to respond to my email?"

This was the big lesson I learned the hard way ...


这个标准follow up emailisn’t关于checking in. We’re trying to accomplish something with each message - whether that be closing a deal, getting a job, or solidifying a new connection.

So before we move on to five steps to write anamazing follow up email,让我们回顾一下,看看上面的电子邮件什么都没完成的四个原因。

It’s not personalized. I didn’t say a single thing that would interest Ariana.


I didn’t even remind her what we talked about at the event.

I didn’t provide specific action steps to move forward.



Provide new (and useful) information




Later that week, I changed my follow up approach for another person I met at the event ... andgot a response. If you want yourfollow up emails to generate revenue,您也需要改变方法。


Got someone I want to introduce you to

Hey Karl,

It was great meeting you at the Entrepreneurs in Boston Meetup last night. I enjoyed hearing your story of how you got into photography and learning about how your photography business is growing.

Thanks for recommending the Sony a6000. I’m definitely going to reach out for some advice once I get my hands on one.

In the mean time, I remember you mentioned that you’ve been having trouble with getting clients outside of Boston. I took some time to look into what other photographers I know are doing and I have a few solutions I think I could help you out with. I’d love to talk more about this and even introduce you to some of them.

Let me know if you’re interested and we can get on the phone sometime this week around noon.




因此,该电子邮件更加详细和个性化。But what makes it better?

Clickthrough the following SlideShare to find out. In it we provide a breakdown of why just checking in emails are useless, and share five steps to writing an amazing follow up email.

Afterward, you’ll be equipped to write a follow up email that’s personalized, builds rapport, provides value, and is more likely to get you what you want.

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Originally published Jul 2, 2014 8:30:00 AM, updated June 10 2021


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