
After all, most prospects are tired of being pestered with calls and emails from relentless reps. Position yourself the right away, and you’ll avoid setting off their “time-wasting salesperson” alarm. The following eight tips will help you leave a good impression.


I’m not saying you should misrepresent yourself at all or manipulate the situation. But there is a difference between acting as a business professional who represents a company and a set of products and a pushy salesperson who’s trying to sell something.

Think of yourself as a subject-matter expert. You have a bird’s eye view of your prospect’s industry, while they’re on the ground. Use your hard-earned knowledge to make recommendations and provide new insights.

2) Spend less time on your company and products



I am with [company name] and we provide [product]. Our [product] provides [explanation about product].

我想要安排会议with you to discuss how [product] can help you. What is a good time for a 15 to 20-minute meeting?

Best regards,


Here’s a modified version of that message that suits a consultative selling approach:



  • [Pain point #1]
  • [Pain point #2]
  • [Pain point #3]

Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting next Tuesday or Thursday morning where we can discuss how we have helped other companies like yours eliminate these challenges?

Best regards,


That second email might not get your prospect to say“Yes, I need this”- 但无论如何,这是一种罕见的反应。更重要的是,它激发了买家与之交谈的兴趣。一旦赢得了他们的信任,您就可以成功推销产品。


Shift the focus of your conversations from your company and products to the prospect and their needs. Not sure how to do that? Ask probing questions. Not only will you encourage your prospect to open up, facilitating a balanced dialogue, you’ll also get to learn more about their situation and gather valuable details.


4) Pre-qualify the prospect

Consultative salespeople try to find prospects who need what they sell. Pushy salespeople try to talk prospects into wanting what they sell. Make sure you’re targeting the right buyers by asking pre-qualifying questions. Good ones stem from the pain points you resolve.

You can also use buyer personas. Periodically review your closed/won deals to make sure your actual customers line up with your ideal ones -- are they from the same industries, work at companies of similar size, sell similar products or services, etc.?

对谁需要您的产品有清晰的了解,可以使您真正销售 - 更不用说,更有效。


Include benefits that your product offers in your sales pitch. It is easy to discuss what your product does and the functionality that it provides. But what does that functionality help your prospect do or improve?

Does the product help your prospect work more efficiently, save them time, decrease costs, improve profitability, increase revenue, or decrease stress? Focus on this value.





“We help businesses to increase their revenue from new accounts. But I am not sure if we can help you in that same way.”


任何希望不惜一切代价完成交易的人都不会提供这些界限 - 但是,具有潜在客户最大利益的顾问或顾问会想到。销售外卖将减少守卫并建立信任。


If you want to sound less like a salesperson and more like a consultant, give the prospect some autonomy by asking“你接下来想做什么?”or“What direction would you like to go from here?”


这些小改变will enable you to kick off more conversations and relationships with prospects. Good luck.

最初发布于2017年7月5日8:30:00 AM,更新于2021年6月11日


销售电话 销售量Dialer