Only3% of buyers trust salespeople。In fact, the only people that buyers trust较少的than sales reps are car salespeople, politicians, and lobbiers. Sales tie downs are here to help fix that.



帮助你的团队成员差异erentiate themselves by training them on the power of sales tie downs: what they are, how to use them, and mistakes to avoid. You’ll build trust and rapport as well as growing your bottom line.



  • If you’re doing a good job and your points are resonating.
  • If the prospect understands the value of what you are selling.
  • Whether or not you need to change your approach to better reach them.
  • 合适的时间是完成交易。

Using sales tie downs allows you to check your assumptions around each of these points. They also get your customer engaged and saying “yes” before the time comes for you to go for the close. Building up slowly can make things feel much more natural to your customer.

每个人都去过那里:演讲正在进行。演讲者正在呈现。但是,这些信息正在插入一只耳朵,而另一只耳朵则流出。Prospects can tune out for many reasons, but sales tie downs help you re-engage them and keep them involved in the process, rather than just speakingat他们关于您的产品。它使其成为对话而不是独白。

Here are a few great sales tie downs that you can sprinkle into your presentation or conversation with your prospects:

  • Do you know what I mean?
  • 那听上去对吗?
  • Shouldn’t it?
  • 你同意?
  • How does that sound?
  • 那有意义吗?
  • 不是吗?

Sales tie downs don’t have to be long, elaborate sentences. Often, it’s just as good to pepper them in casually. If they seem too crafted or artful, you may actually lose trust rather than gain it.



Don’t make assumptions.


For instance, you can make a statement and then, rather than continuing with your pitch, take a break to ask, “Does that make sense?” This question allows the prospect to breathe and reflect and lets you double-check how your pitch is landing. If needed, you can take the time to explain something that didn’t land and uncover information about where your prospect’s attention is.


轻轻点头或认可的“ MM!”真的很容易釉面。或“哦!”来自客户。与其对他们的欣赏而没有回应,不如使用销售联系来做出反应。例如,如果您要宣传一项功能,并且潜在客户会兴奋地抬起眉毛,那么您可以说诸如“您可以使用的东西吗?”之类的话。或“很酷,对吧?”这使他们能够确认他们对此感到兴奋。使用这些信息来磨练您的音调。


The average human attention span持续约10分钟。这意味着,根据您的销售时间多长时间,您可能会超越大多数潜在客户可以承诺的限制。在您的球场上采取迷你突破,要求销售领带折磨并重新吸引观众。

For example, you could say, “I know I’ve shared a ton of information. Does it all make sense? Is there anything you’d like me to double back on?” This gives them a chance to come back to the conversation, and you can take a break from pitching.


Nothing builds trust like letting someone know that you’re listening to them。A great way to build rapport and use sales tie downs with your prospects is to reiterate something that they said in the past and relate it to your current conversation.

例如,您正在销售软件来帮助管理中断。bob电竞官方下载您可能会说:“您提到由于中断而有28个小时的停机时间 - 您想谈谈我们可能减轻这种痛苦的特定产品吗?”客户会很高兴您记得细节。您还可以真正强调产品功能的价值以及它们将如何直接影响您的前景生活。


If a customer asks you a buying question, answer their question and be sure to include a sales tie down. If they ask, for instance, “How much does this feature cost?” you might respond with, “That feature costs $15 a month. Does that fit into what you’re looking to spend?” This response answers their question and opens up an opportunity to continue the conversation. If they aren’t happy with the price, you’ll be able to keep talking about it.


Sales tie downs sound pretty great, don’t they? However, there are still some things to be cautious of when starting to use them:

  • Avoid using them too much. If you use too many, sales tie downs start to sound fake and stilted.
  • Try not to sound pushy. If you wouldn’t use a specific tie down with your family, don’t say it to your prospect.
  • 注意您的语气。您不想听起来有威胁性或争论性。
  • Don’t just parrot statements back at your prospects.您想向他们展示您正在听和订婚,就像您希望他们成为
  • It’s not just about getting a yes. Sales ties downs are a great way to get extra information about how your customers feel about the deal.


Sales Tie Downs Help Close Deals


You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Many of the most effective sales tie downs are just two or three words added to the end of a meaningful, informative sentence. Pay attention to how your prospects respond, and you can shift your strategy as needed.




Originally published Jun 9, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated June 11 2021


销售电话 Sales Dialer