
We're talking about the dreaded performance review.

While not exactly fun – and oftentimes stressful – performance reviews are among the most underused levers for affecting behavior in your organization. Reviews encourage people to play by the company rules, stop bad habits, set priorities, and hold themselves accountable.


In a world with an enormously highsales employee turnover rate(35%),绩效评估可以帮助您提高代表的绩效,保持其目标清晰,并确保达到他们的期望。

Not to mention, conducting a performance review helps you develop effective leadership skills and ensure clarity with your direct reports.

在这篇文章中,我们将介绍您可以采取的步骤,以更好地了解如何进行绩效审查 - 从组织您的想法到写下反馈并提出下一步。

Featured Resource:Performance Review Template


Save time writing your performance reviews and use this免费绩效审查模板instead. Pre-filled with common fields for an assessment but completely customizable to fit your company's needs, this template will help you organize your thoughts and provide your direct reports with a clear idea of how to improve.


Before typing an essay about your rep's successes and shortcomings for this review cycle, take these steps to gather the pieces of information you'll need to make a proper assessment of his or her performance.



  • How and when performance reviews should be conducted.
  • 员工最终如何排名,评分和/或评估。
  • 绩效评估如何将薪酬调整为薪酬调整。
  • Where – or to whom – employee performance reviews should be submitted.




To see if you and your rep are on the same page, ask the employee to rank his or her performance for the review cycle, citing specific examples. You can ask questions like:

  • What do you feel you did well in the past six months? Why?
  • 在过去的六个月中,您觉得自己在哪里缺席?
  • 您认为在接下来的六个月中可以改善哪里,您认为您需要什么?



鉴于您不能或不应该监视员工的一分钟,因此良好的绩效评论应涉及员工与之合作的其他人。这就是所谓的360-degree feedback, because it encompasses more parts of the employee's day than you may notice.



1. Use a performance review template

不要从头开始 - 使用员工绩效审查模板建立或启发您的评论。您可以在这里免费下载一个。


2. Review employee feedback and previous review(s)

阅读员工的自我评估,同龄人的反馈以及员工先前的审查。请注意您阅读的内容之间的共同点 - 无论是IT改进或卓越的领域。


3. Highlight the employee's successes

您的员工在此评论周期中给您和/或他或她的同龄人打动了哪里?也许这是一个庞大的项目或采用了以前的评论中被提到的新行为或习惯,例如变得更有条理“ 或者 ”当同事需要帮助时,反应迅速。"

In the review, explain:

  • 积极属性是什么。
  • 为什么重要。
  • A specific incident where this attribute was evident.
  • 如果有的话,它对公司产生了什么影响。bob全站app
  • 如果适用,他们的同龄人对这种行为/属性的评价。


We all have areas where we can improve our performance.

It's important to go into this section with the intent of building up rather than tearing down. This section should be an overview of what it will take to get an employee from where he or she is now to the next step in advancing in your company. So, be sure to outline:

  • What the areas of opportunity or improvement are.
  • 为什么他们会产生负面影响。
  • Why or how it will make the employee a better worker or culture fit to improve on them.
  • 作为他们的经理,您将采取的措施来帮助改进。
  • 员工的行动计划是改善的。

5. Give your employee a final performance rating




Once you've completed the performance review, follow these steps to make sure your feedback is received and understood.

1. Email your rep the performance review



2. Meet in person to discuss the review

Schedule ample time to go over each aspect of the review in a meeting, and instruct your rep to come prepared with any questions or concerns over the review's content. Remember, this should be a discussion between you and your employee, rather than a time for you to talk and your rep to be quiet.



Tie the review into what's next. Remind the employee when the next review cycle is, explain what future goals/projects lie ahead, and try to determine the best path for getting your rep to where they want to go next within your company.




Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. New Call-to-Action


Originally published Aug 7, 2020 3:00:00 PM, updated June 15 2021


销售业绩评估 KPI Software