
在我们最近进行的调查中,,,,347 SMB salespeople reported that inbound marketing generates their most qualified leads。For this sample of salespeople, inbound generated even more qualified leads than referrals, word of mouth, or networking, and significantly more than cold calling or cold emailing.

It’s great that these salespeople are getting so much value from inbound marketing.但是我发现,大多数公司仍然缺少一些明显,简单且廉价的方式来生成更多的入站线索:匿名访问者跟踪,主动网站聊天和拨打电话。

Don't put off implementing these three lead generation methods. You can use them to start more conversations with many hot prospects as quickly as tomorrow. Here’s how to get started.


即使在网站优化的访问者转换s into leads, only a single-digit percentage of visitors fill out a form to share their contact information and become a lead. That means more than 90% of your visitors are clicking away before you discover their identity -- many, never to return.

With the abundance of freely available information on the web about products and services, today’s buyers wait until later in their sales cycle to contact companies and their salespeople. That doesn't mean that salespeople have to wait to contact them, though. In fact,Forrester reports“第一个达成决策者并设定购买愿景的可行供应商赢得了74%的胜利。”

So, stop squandering this lead source. Install an anonymous visitor tracking service that can detect the companies visiting your site, such as HubSpot's Prospects tool. Prospects automatically detects and presents a list of companies (note: not specific contacts) that have visited your website, but have not yet converted. It also enables salespeople to search, filter, and favorite companies that match their ideal buyer profile, and set up alerts to get notified when companies fitting a specific profile visit their website. The tool is integrated with HubSpot’s free CRM, which enables reps to quickly associate visitors with company information from our database of 19M companies, and add leads to lists.


由于这些类型的潜在客户尚未要求联系,因此请仔细与他们联系。不要开始与您的对话,“您公司的某人一直在访问我们的网站” - 这是令人毛骨悚然的。bob全站app取而代之的是,转到LinkedIn,寻找适合您理想的买家角色并发起对话的联系人。And given the fact that these buyers are potentially looking for what you have, you can't go wrong withpicking up the phone and delivering your positioning statement either


与新潜在客户建立联系的一种更简单的方法是实时与网站访问者启动聊天会议。在线聊天functionality can turn a website into a prospecting machine. It allows salespeople and buyers to skip the landing page, email prospecting, phone calls, and the back-and-forth scheduling altogether. When a visitor arrives on a chat-enabled website, they are presented with an invitation to chat. Once a website visitor responds, the chat operator is notified.瞧!销售人员,见到潜在客户。这打败了发送一堆电子邮件和语音邮件,希望您得到一些回复,对吧?

Many HubSpot customers use SnapEngage与HubSbob电竞官方下载pot的营销软件或我们的免费CRM集成的聊天软件。这些集成在与网站访问者进行聊天后自动创建新的潜在客户。他们还将聊天会话的成绩单记录在CRM中的新导线或现有潜在客户中。

为了增加访客响应聊天的机会,该软件甚至可以根据访问者正在查看的页面来改变用于启动对话的问题。bob电竞官方下载主动聊天软件将根据预先配置的规bob电竞官方下载则发送自动化的,有针对性的聊天邀请(代表在线代理)向访问者发送给访问者。例如,查看下图to see how SnapEngage prompts visitors viewing the page about the HubSpot-SnapEngage integration by asking, "Would you like to integrate your HubSpot with SnapEngage?"

Well, would you? :-) If you’re not convinced yet, read the stats below the image ...


b bob全站app1;b电竞官方下载软件公司Bizible发现实时聊天的潜在客户每月大约占新月收入的25%在收入方面使其成为第二大销售渠道。此外,实施聊天后导致机会转换增加了50%。当我们开始在Hubspot.com上使用积极的聊天时,我们将总体访问者提高到领导转换率。就像Bizible一样,我们找到了这些潜在客户converted at a much higher rate: 2x higher than those requesting a demo through a standard landing page.

聊天的美丽之处在于,它允许销售人员在潜在客户调查解决方案的确切时间与潜在客户立即联系。随着时间的流逝,销售人员与通过典型着陆页形式捕获的潜在客户连接的能力会减少。这个铅反应研究结论是,“试图在收到查询后一个小时内与潜在客户联系的公司与关键决策者进行有意义的对话的可能性几乎是即使在一个小时后与潜在客户联系的公司的有意义的对话。”通过网站聊天,查询时间和买家 - 范围的连接之间绝对零延迟。因此,有道理的是,像Hubspot,Bizible和其他许多其他公司使用主动网站聊天大大提高了下驱逐的转换率。




最后但并非最不重要的一点是,大多数公司通过不使用滑入呼叫的行动而错过了入站线索。通话行动 - 通常被缩写为“ CTA” - 是一种图像或文本线,可提示网站访问者采取特定操作。所需的动作可能是下载电子书,注册网络研讨会,要求提案或预订时间与销售人员交谈。一旦访客采取了这一行动并提供了他们的信息,他们就会成为领导者。



今年,HubSpot推出了一个免费的工具HubSpot营销免费。While HubSpot Marketing Free (+ theHubSpot生长堆栈) offer much more不仅能够将Slide-In-in CTA添加到网站上,还可以使它们非常易于设置。许多新的HubSpot营销免费用户报告在设置该工具后数小时内捕获了Slide-In-In CTA的第一批线索。

Need leads tomorrow? Get up from your desk right now and walk over to your webmaster (or call up your web design agency) and demand they implement slide-in calls to action immediately.


营销人员和销售专业人员努力识别,吸引和吸引前景。You’re probably scouring the web for contact information, crafting and sending hundreds of prospecting emails, smiling and dialing only to leave voicemail after voicemail, attending networking events multiple times per month, annoying clients with repeated referral requests, and maybe even blogging to generate leads.


现在有市场前景访问您的网站,您甚至都没有尝试与之建立联系。我的请求(受笨拙的舞蹈): Stop what you're doing, cause I'm about to ruin the cold calling rhythm and cold emails that you're used to. Hook up these three methods to connect with more inbound leads today and “yo, you’ll be making money” in no time.




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