您组织的更广泛目标不能一次实现。您没有说话的奢侈,”我们希望从根本上改善潜在客户的生成数量。每个人都可以!”and expecting your company to just figure it out from there.

You can't exactly wing business-wide objectives. They have to come together piece by piece — broken up into smaller milestones that ultimately amount to the big-picture you're chasing.

Those individual pieces are most commonly referred to as operational objectives. Here, we'll take a closer look at what that term means, get a feel for how to prioritize them effectively, and see some examples of what they might look like in practice.


运营目标通常与战略目标相混淆 - 长期的组织目标可以指导运营团队的即时计划和行动。战略目标不够具体,无法合理和明确地独自指导日常任务。

For instance, a strategic objective could be something like,"We want to generate more online sales through an improved ecommerce experience."这个目标可能太广泛了,无法每天决定确定的,可实现的行动。

进来,他们的运营目标represent the more bite-sized tasks that ultimately make that strategic vision come true. In the case of the "ecommerce experience" example, some operational objectives that support the broader goal might be retooling how your shopping cart feature is structured, taking the strides to accept more brands of major credit cards, and setting up an infrastructure that supports overnight shipping.

Prioritizing Operational Objectives

As I mentioned, sales operations teams are generally tasked with setting long-term strategic goals for their organizations. But those broader, strategic objectives can only be attained by being broken up into more concrete, achievable pieces — often completed in sequence.

需要清楚地定义和委派给特定的团队或员工。他们绝不应该抽象或模棱两可。如果您设定了运营目标,则需要有一个负责任的一方 - 有明确的期望和准则。

操作目标必须是聪明的 - 特定的,可衡量的,可实现的,现实的和时间限制的。他们还需要仔细跟踪和监视。几乎可以在业务的每个方面设置运营目标。让我们看一下它们在不同部门的外观。



If you're broader strategic objective is to cut production costs without sacrificing too much productivity, some operational objectives you might set could be:

  • Speaking to other vendors to see if you can get lower-priced raw materials
  • 修改员工培训以提高效率
  • 改进计划
  • Thoroughly examining current equipment to see if any of it is out-of-date or due to be upgraded

Strategic Objective: Improving Lead Generation


  • Finding discounts or lower-cost options for your lead generation tech stack
  • Starting a blog and working up to a specific publishing cadence
  • Developing a certain number of content offers to place in your blog posts
  • A/B testing call to action copy to find language that converts well
  • 启动一个YouTube频道,填充了特定数量的信息视频
  • 录制一定数量的网络研讨会
  • 建立一定数量的共同营销伙伴关系bob综合博彩下载

Strategic Objective: Improving Sales Rep Onboarding


  • 查找和实施对话智能软件,让经理更有效地遮蔽呼叫bob电竞官方下载
  • Set a systematic agenda for training that can be replicated every week
  • Determining how to structure breakout groups for discussion
  • Setting standards for relationship building with reps
  • 挑选培训方法并提出核心宗旨以进行入职

Strategic objectives don't happen arbitrarily. They represent a sum of smaller, dedicated tasks that any department trying to achieve bigger-picture goals needs to stay on top of.

如果您希望善于实现更广泛的战略目标,则可能需要设定运营目标才能到达那里 - 因此,它可以了解他们的外观。



最初出版于2021年6月1日7:30:00 AM,更新于2021年11月12日

