无论是丑陋的小鸭,不合适的玩具还是圆孔的方形钉,有些事情都不适合 - 但是在大多数情况下,它纯粹是情境。

丑陋的小鸭可以变成天鹅。不合时宜的玩具都有一个整个岛屿。并不是全部孔是圆形的。有时拟合仅意味着改变情况 - 该原则适用于不同的销售品牌。

有时,目前在外部工作的销售专业人员不会为此削减。也许,它没有发挥他们的优势。也许,它太累了。也许,他们不喜欢它。这并不意味着他们不能成为有效的销售人员 - 这只是意味着他们需要改变事情。


[新数据] 2021年销售支持报告


Hubspot Solutions合作伙伴成长专家Sharen Murnaghan关于她从内部到外部销售的经验,她提供的第一个建议与主动行动有关。

在印刷行业开始她的职业生涯后,Murnaghan decided she wanted to be a digital salesperson, but lacked experience in the field. According to her, "[She] needed to skill up in digital." She borrowed money from a credit union and took night classes to get a post-grad diploma in digital marketing.

She understood what she wanted out of her career and took on the legwork necessary to make that happen. The kind of ambition she demonstrated would hold weight in any field but is particularly valuable in inside sales. If you want to make the shift from outside to inside, that burden falls onyou- 最重要的是。



In her case, she "focused onembracing all that [she] could learn." She read books, asked questions, shadowed other high flyers, and scheduled meetings with top executives — all while setting goals and establishing firm plans to achieve them.



最后,莎伦(Sharen)建议代表希望从外部到内部销售过渡,真诚地关心他们的同事,客户和公司。bob全站app根据她的说法,内部代表应该“永远在场……我一直在那里帮助我的同事 - 主要是因为他们在那里帮助我 - 很高兴能够通过这些事情。”

She suggests that the best inside sales reps are alwaysinterested and sharing。According to her, if you can commit to those aspects of the job, you'll be in a solid position to seamlessly transition between the two schools of sales.


HubSpot Principal Account Executive Kristen Kelley also provided some sage advice for sales reps looking to make the shift between outside and inside sales. Her first piece of advice had to do with establishing trust and authority with prospects.

One of the tactics she cited was particularly straightforward — immediately share your expertise and LinkedIn profile to promote credibility. According to her, "Your buyer needs to understand that you’re a real human being who can add value to the evaluation as opposed to a call center rep they’ll never speak with again."


Kelley also stressed the importance of sincerity, individuality, and authenticity in inside sales. She advises all aspiring inside sales reps to be themselves around prospects. She says, "Robotic conversations are a bore and a drag for everyone involved — just keep it real!"

内部销售有一个人类因素,您无法掩饰或推下。当涉及到它时,前景是peoplethat want to hear fromother people。Ditch the rigidity and excessive formality if you want to hack it in inside sales.



凯利提到了这一点的重要性saying, "Make your prospects aware that if you’re investing time with them, then they need to be accountable to you as well — even if accountability means telling you it’s not the right fit."


Kelley had another simple, straightforward point rooted in adding a personal edge to your inside sales game — turning your video on over conference calls. Let your prospects see that beautiful mug of yours.据她说,“它将吸引视觉和听觉感官,促进更深层的关系并激发信任。”

8。始终在结束呼叫之前安排重新连接 - 即使只是一个可以在将来日期进行调整的占位符。

You want to keep a grip and a pulse on any engagement with prospects. One of the better ways inside salespeople can do that is through scheduling reconnects before the ends of their calls.正如凯利(Kelley)所说,“重新连接帮助您保持对流程的控制。否则,您将浪费时间和精力在下一步中追逐潜在客户。”

9。Consider creating a collaborative, mutual action plan in a shared document to collaborate on next steps and ownership of next steps.

与您的潜在客户建立协作和问责制的另一种方法是创建相互构造的,易于访问的行动计划 - 概述与日期和所有者的每个步骤,一直到您的近日期。

As Kelley puts it, "These plans are especially useful in complicated sales evaluations with lots of stakeholders, but they can also quickly reveal someone’s level of commitment in any type of evaluation."



She says, "Ask them 'on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being您想立即购买and one being你再也不想和我们说话了— where are you right now?'


根据她的说法,“这项练习对于衡量兴趣非常有用,并且有效很好,前景喜欢它!每个人likes sharing their opinion."


Kelley refers to this point as a "HubSpot value" but stresses that it's valuable in any sales process — no matter if it's inside or outside sales.

She suggests that you "let [prospects] know that if at any time you determine that your solution isn’t the right fit for them, you will tell them immediately." She also says it's best practice to "encourage them to do the same. Ask them if they will tell you if they have any doubts or concerns."

12.Break up if necessary.

在内部销售中,有时您最好切割和跑步 - 沉没成本等。Kelley says, "If your prospect is ghosting, always remember that there’s more fish in the sea and send them a professional break up email. If they’re really interested, they’ll respond. If not, you just cleared your calendar for valid prospects."

她将这一点与她对真实性的政策联系在一起,”始终保持真实- 特别是与您自己在一起 - 保持干净,合法的管道。取回您的力量,并通过分手创建关闭,这是销售中最有用的工具之一!”

HubSpot销售总监Dan Tire的四点框架用于有抱负的销售人员

HubSpot Sales Director Dan Tyre offered some insight about his personal experience shifting from outside to inside sales.

He says, "Before I joined HubSpot in 2007, I spent 30 years leading outside sales teams to generate business. Back in theoutside selling era,销售人员获得了所有预算,可见性和荣耀。

“销售是国王,市场营销在狗屋中 - 他们要么没有创造足够的线索,要么创造了太多的潜在客户(无论如何,我们一直在抱怨他们的表现。)

“营销创造了品牌并产生了潜在客户,外部销售团队将所有这些潜在客户列为资格,为产品演示提供了前景,回答异议,并将人们带到了闭幕式中 - 坚实的95%销售过程。

“当我加入HubSpot时,该过程有所不同 - 入站线索刚刚出现,并且参与度更高,感兴趣和销售已经准备就绪。因此,涉及不同的技能:

  • 准备:在里面old外面的日子,您可以出现并进行“发现”问题,以提出有关个人和公司的问题 - 销售人员内部提前进行研究。bob全站app
  • 步伐:同样在过去,您每天进行两到三个销售电话,因为您必须从一个潜在客户开车到另一个潜在客户。今天,您一天可以做六次!但是您必须快速行动并拥有良好的技术。我了解到的速度是,我需要在开始之前整天设置我,并且需要良好的技术自动化,例如序列和易于使用的CRM,才能使其变得容易。
  • 速度:您必须更快地达到这一点。在里面外面的日子, we spent a lot of time building the relationship to potentially do businessdown the road.在内部世界,这条路是今天。人们想快速移动,他们希望您完成所有工作。
  • 一致的联系:在里面outside world, it was 'buyer beware'. In the inside process, it's 'seller beware' because you have to stay involved with the prospect over the life of the engagement to build high trust. I learned to check in with my clients four or so times a year to make sure things worked."

如您所见,从外部到内部销售的过渡可能很艰难 - 一个空气中有很多球的过程 - 因此提出了问题。"Why do it?"

那么这里有什么吸引力呢?您为什么要应用我们的专家提供的建议?这两个销售品牌之间过渡的意义是什么?好吧,我们要求HubSpot合作伙伴销售支持者David Weinhaus谈到进行转变的好处,他说:

"Transitioning from outside to inside sales has been a blessing. Sure, I miss the excitement of traveling — going from belt buckle to belt buckle, seeing the physical space of those I'm selling to, and entertaining.


"When it was turned on, it would magically indicate that they had a pressing need for my services. I wouldn't have to waste countless hours traveling, especially for sales calls where the prospect really had no need.

"What I've come to learn is that inbound marketing plus inside selling does exactly that. Marketing finds leads that have the light bulb turned on, as evidenced through their online behavior. And then inside sales calls on them.


内部销售并不适合所有人。如果您很高兴从事现场销售工作,那没什么错。但是,如果您是一名艰难时期的外部销售人员,而David描述的好处对您和您的兴趣说 - 您可能想考虑进行转变,并注意这里列出的建议。

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