Sales Automation: The Ultimate Guide


撰写人: Aja Frost






销售自动化可能只是你的答案r selling woes. No, really.

Have you ever:

  • Lost a deal because you forgot to follow up?
  • 花了宝贵的几分钟来增加机会或引导您的CRM?
  • Overlooked an issue in your sales process for a dangerously long time?
  • Called leads in alphabetical order rather than best fit?
  • 前景来回走来,弄清楚了一个好时机吗?
  • Wasted half an hour digging through your files to find the specific deck or customer testimonial you needed?


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What is sales automation?

Sales automation is the mechanization of manual, time-consuming sales tasks using software, artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools. It aims to manage or own responsibilities that sales reps and managers do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


  • 。。。increases the productivity and performance of your sales reps.
  • 。。。turbocharges your efficiency.
  • 。。。improves the accuracy and accelerates your sales process.
  • 。。。ensures your sales leads don't fall through the cracks.
  • 。。。streamlines the quality of your sales tasks.
  • 。。。reduces response time which can increase customer satisfaction.
  • ...使您的销售组织保持销售数据一致。
  • ...允许有效利用其他稀缺的资源(例如小型销售团队或预算)。bob体育苹果系统下载安装



So, if you’re blasting out automated emails by the thousands or using an autodialer, you’ve crossed over to the dark side.

And beware, prospects don’t take kindly to being pushed through this type of machine. You’ll never get high conversion rates with these tactics, and worse, your company will earn an undesirable reputation.

你的团队的sales process是一个重要的资产。你确定它所以that you have an iterative process for everyone to follow. A sales process also makes it easy for you to identify gaps to improve upon.销售自动化软件bob电竞官方下载only make your sales process more solid by streamlining the quality of certain tasks and freeing up time and energy to spend prospecting and nurturing leads.

Sales Automation CRM

However, one type of sales automation software is particularly important: your客户关系管理(CRM)工具。(您将在下面的各节中看到justhow many sales automation tasks your CRM helps automate.)

您的CRM工具是您的销售自动化难题的关键部分。它类似于车轮的中心 - 车轮中心是支撑和移动辐条的原因,因此车轮本身向正确的方向移动。如果没有强大的CRM,您的许多销售自动化职责都可以平稳。

HubSpot free CRMis everything your sales organization needs for customer relationship management销售自动化。With the HubSpot CRM, you can easily organize, track, and nurture your leads and customers. The CRM itself has automation tasks — such as logging prospect activity, rep outreach, and contact data and information.



Sales reps have a multitude of daily responsibilities. These aspects of sales automation will particularly help reps perform better.


Are you consistently running the same searches on LinkedIn? There’s a better way. If you have aLinkedIn Premium或者销售导航器account, you canset up a custom filterusing your combination of criteria (for example, “CMO AND San Francisco”).

Choose to get email alerts every day, week, or month. Now you’ll receive a prequalified list of prospects on a recurring basis without lifting a finger. (LinkedIn only sends you new profiles, so don’t worry about seeing the same names again and again.)

Using an insights tool that lives in your email will also free up a ton of time. The集线器销售中的收件箱配置文件工具pulls details from your prospect’s CRM records, social media profiles, and company so you can see everything you need to send the perfect email at a single glance. Now there’s no need to open up a million tabs to discover what they tweet about, their job title, or even the last page they converted on.



That’s where lead enrichment tools likeLeadSpaceLeadgenius进来。这些收集数百或数千个数据源的信息,为您提供有关潜在客户的最新信息。

Contact and Deal Creation



Second, make sure you’re integrating your various lead sources with your CRM. That might be webinar participants, survey respondents, new email subscribers, event attendees, Facebook Lead Ads respondents, and so forth. If a native integration isn’t available, useZapier(a third party tool that seamlessly connects your apps).


Prospecting, meeting confirmation, and follow-up emails usually do not and should not vary much. To increase response rates, personalize 30-50% of the content but no more. (Our data actually shows回报率降低超越这个点。)

Avoid copying and pasting messages — or even less efficiently, typing out the same basic sentences over and over — by creating email templates. Simply write master versions of the emails you regularly send to prospects, then save them as templates.

You can quickly customize them to the specific recipient and situation before sending them off. TheTemplates feature in HubSpot Saleseven lets you add personalization tokens so details like the prospect’s name, company, and job title are filled in automatically.



这n, choose to have the messages stop when the prospect responds.

Meeting Scheduling

安排与潜在客户进行对话的过程可能感觉像是网球集会:您发送一个日期和时间,他们以不同的日期和时间返回,您不仅要来来回杀人your deal’s momentum, but it’s also inefficient.

有了预约和会议计划工具,您可以从“想看演示吗?”to getting a slot on the calendar. Simply shoot the prospect a link to your schedule. They can choose any open time that works for them.

HubSpot Meetings是一个不错的选择,因为它会自动创建CRM中新联系人的记录。

However, there are other options out there if you’re looking for a stand-alone tool, like日历或者Arrangr



Platforms likeGong,Wingman,Avoma, 和合唱拔出对话的关键部分(例如,您涵盖的主题,讨论的动作项目以及哪些竞争对手出现),甚至为您提供有关机会的AI驱动见解。

Deal Management Automation

Get a prospect’s voicemail — log the attempt in your CRM. Call two days later and reach them — log the conversation in your CRM. Send them a follow-up email — log the message in your CRM.

You’re probably getting tired just reading that. Automating deal-related activity is a no-brainer; look for a tool that will record your calls, meetings, and emails for you.HubSpot销售can help with this and even record when prospects open your email, click on the links you sent, or download the documents you attached to the message.


这re’s no need to draft a proposal or quote by copying and pasting the relevant details from your emails, notes, and CRM. Tools like潘多克ClientPoint与您的CRM集成,以便您创建报价时,诸如客户信息,产品详细信息和价格之类的关键详细信息会自动转移。

You can usually set up timed reminders as well. That way, you won’t have to pester prospects to sign — your tool will do it for you.

Want to make sure your manager or legal team reviews the contract first? Set up an automated internal workflow in your CRM so the right stakeholders can sign off before it’s sent to the buyer.

Sales Automation for Managers

Sales managers have a completely different set of sales responsibilities then reps. Let's take a look at what those manager responsibilities look like in terms of sales automation.


If you lead a sales team, you might be spending an hour (or more) per day manually creating reports and then screenshotting or attaching them to emails.

这re’s a much easier way to keep your team informed motivated. Use your CRM tocreate automated email reports。For example, you could send a daily stack ranking to your salespeople and a weekly revenue report to the director of sales. You can also use a reporting automation tool likeQuarterOne.

Lead Rotation


使用自动旋转器 -或者your CRM— to assign leads by geographic territory, company size, vertical, or a combination of criteria. If it’s a free-for-all, use a round robin style.



这re are a few things to consider before investing in this kind of tool. You need enough leads to score in the first place — meaning that if your reps are always asking for more leads, it’s probably better to focus on lead generation.

Having enough information is crucial as well. And it needs to be the right information. From lead capture forms and data enrichment tools to online behavior and email and social engagement, there are a ton of sources to pull from.


凭借您的销售自动化,您可以在“ MEH”的日子里完成比以往更多的美好时光。实施这些工具,并让结果自言自语。



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