Ask any sales rep what the hardest part of their job is, and I’ll bet they’ll say "closing." After all, signing new customers and upselling existing accounts is how a rep makes quota. If they’re not getting prospects to sign contracts, they’re not going to hit their number.

There are a some killer mistakes you need to avoid if you hope to be successful. Here are 24 of the most prevalent — and devastating — closing fumbles reps consistently run into.



根据HubSpot销售总监Dan Tire的说法,关闭是整个销售过程中跨越的过程。根据他的说法,“大多数交易在2021年都具有竞争力 - 但大多数前景都以同一组竞争对手开头。无论谁钉在销售过程的第一部分的人中,往往是将完成或关闭它的人。发现电话是新的电话关闭电话,因此,如果您不问正确的问题,交易将停止。

“When you identify a good fit prospect, you want to be very specific on your expertise and experience. For instance, you might say something to the tune of,'We help professional services companies in Canada with at least 100 employees who are looking to grow 25% in 2021 and feel like they need to spend more time and effort on their digital efforts.'

“I like to continue these conversations with a discovery call where we can dig in and find the biggest issues that cause the most pain. Two great questions that I like to ask in this phase of the process are,“您喜欢新的业务发展工作吗?”和,'What do you want to improve?'

“I also like to address the“我们决定不开始”objection — which is universal — right upfront.'When do you need the problem solved?' 'When do you need to see the cost reduction?' 'When do you need to get the customers by?'All these questions create that mindset of moving to solve the problem sooner rather than later."

2. Closing Only Once

As Dan stressed, you should consistently "close" throughout the sales process — for three main reasons. First, you'll gradually secure greater and greater buy-in from your prospect. Second, you'll filter out tire kickers. And finally, you'll get key information, meetings, introductions, and more.

例如,在您的第一个电话中,您可能会要求购买者的手机号码。能够直接致电或发短信 - 而不是通过助手或打电话给他们的工作线 - 将使他们更容易联系。



Clearly stating your ask might be common sense, but it’s hardly common practice.

There are two reasons reps don’t simply state what they want from a prospect. They might be afraid of rejection, so they soften their language to minimize the chances of hearing“no."

On the other hand, it’s possible they don’t know what they want! Too often, reps go into a call or meeting with no real concept of what they’re hoping to get out of it. And if you don’t know what you want, how can you get it from the prospect?

要牢记一个明确的目标,输入每个互动,在要求时不要绕过灌木丛。例如,“I’m calling to see if you have questions about the proposal,"不清楚您希望潜在客户要做什么。“您今天会签署并发送该提案吗?”does.


Closes should always be phrased as questions, not statements. Why? Because questions require direct answers — statements don't.

If a sales rep says to a prospect,“很高兴在星期一下午见面。”该前景可以以多种方式做出回应。但是如果代表说,“你可以在星期一下午见面吗?”the prospect has only two possible replies at their disposal —“我可以,”或者“不,我不能。

Sentences that start with“我想”或者“也许,我们可以”aren’t closes. Questions that start with“你是,”“你可以吗,”或者“你会”are.


HubSpot销售总监Dan Tire钻探家的另一点是为您的潜在客户提供个人销售过程中的股份的价值。据他说:“我在结束过程中看到的另一个错误不是为了个人利益而获得潜在客户。”

“我喜欢问,“我们如何使您在此过程中以及何时开始?”和,'How can we make your boss and team look good?'这些问题将确保潜在客户正在考虑为他们及其团队前进的好处。”


采购决策由两件事驱动 - 需求和时机。如果需求很大,但其他优先事项更为重要,那么您的交易将被推动。如果需求很大,但是潜在客户不明白为什么他们现在需要解决问题,那么您的交易也将被推动。

Identifying pain isn’t enough to close a deal. You have to create the right timing as well, and that means creating a sense of urgency. Explaining to your prospect not only why they should act but why they should also act now is the only way to close a deal.






Rep:“没问题 - 明天好吗?”






Prospect:“… But I can meet next Tuesday."



Asking for the business is a way to signal to prospects that the end of the sales process has arrived. Of course, you also need to be aware of when it’s time to ask for it. Asking too soon makes the prospect feel rushed, but asking too late will make the deal last longer than it has to.

At the beginning of every sales process, make sure you find out what specific criteria the decision-maker needs to make a purchase. Do they need the vendor to follow a certain review or legal process? Do they need a specific set of features or a specific business case to be built? Find out these criteria and fulfill them methodically so a natural endpoint becomes obvious.

9. Not Understanding the Prospect’s Purchasing Process

Understanding the purchasing process is a similar, but slightly different requirement than the one above. Some companies require a legal review or formal procurement process to get a deal done. Others are required to evaluate a certain number of vendors. Still, others will have specific requirements for payment terms or types.

Know this process before formal negotiations start so that you won’t get through the entire closing sequence only to have to go through a weeks-long review process before the deal can be signed.


Negotiating with the wrong people is a waste of time. They won’t be able to tell you whether a decision can be made or what it will be. Bring in all necessary stakeholders and have them up to speed on your progress thus far before you start talking about pricing and terms.


Why pose an ask to someone who can’t give you what you’re asking for? It’s not a good approach, and yet, I see this happen all the time.


12. Getting Caught Up with NINA

集线器Senior Sales Manager Katherine Fischer recommends sales reps stay wary of getting involved with NINA. Who and what is NINA?

“NINA stands for No Influence No Authority. It is someone who talks a great game — they have a lot of experience over the years, telling salespeople exactly what they want to hear but are a total waste of time.



You can gather information from them to then later craft very personalized emails to key stakeholders. For example, you can ask NINA questions like, '“公司会议中最常谈论的是什么?”bob全站app

13. Attempting to Close Someone Through a Third Party


With this question, you’re asking the assistant to deliver what you want on behalf of their boss. Not a good idea. While it’s fine to pose your close to the assistant or a third party, make sure you’re closing the actual decision-maker directly. With this in mind, the above question becomes“Who do you recommend should be there?”

关闭与您交谈的人,而不是代表他人的人 - 后一种方法是误会的秘诀。

14. Using Underhanded Closing Tricks

到目前为止,您应该运行一个简单而诚实的销售流程 - 那么为什么现在就停止呢?太多的销售人员依靠技巧和技术来说服他们的潜在客户在准备好之前就关闭。



HubSpot合作伙伴频道客户经理Jill Fratianne建议代表保持在任何问题上的重要性,并且担心前景可能会引起。据她说,“最大的错误是等待结束,以解决所有可能的问题或反对。”


16. Closing Too Early

Just as you wouldn’t pitch your product on the first call, you shouldn’t go for a final close when you’re only halfway through discovery. The sales cycle can and should be sped up if it’s possible to do so without cutting corners, but often you’ll need to follow each step and work on the buyer’s timeline to get a deal signed. Trying to force a sale over the finish line when you’ve only completed a few of these steps will prematurely end a deal you could have eventually won.


妈king a sale isn’t the end-all, be-all. The deal has to be mutually beneficial to both parties, and that means not compromising on price or payment terms to a point where you’re harming your company.

Be accommodating where you can, and help your buyer out if they’re genuinely willing to commit to a purchase — but don’t agree to terms that are so far from your company’s bottom line that you’d be better off walking away.


On that note, don’t step on the close. A rep steps on their close when they immediately tack the word "or" or "and" onto the end of their closing question. Instead of asking the prospect,“Would you be able to meet tomorrow?”然后让问题悬而未决,代表经常匆忙地用一个额外的短语来说明,例如“还是下周有空?”




Poof. That's the sound of money disappearing.

如果您倾向于更加友好,请记住这一点 -没有人听过交易的出路。每当您完成一个新术语,回答一个问题,提供特许权或最重要的是说明您的价格时,您都应该闭嘴。当您的潜在客户说“听起来很棒,我认为我们已经准备好前进了,”结束对话并结束会议。


集线器Sales Team Lead Lindsay Kopit suggests reps be frank and upfront with prospects. She says, "If you've built trust with your stakeholders, you should feel comfortable asking for what you need.



Kopit also stressed the importance of knowinghow决定是从您的潜在客户尽头做出的。她说:“很容易被一个对您的产品或服务感到兴奋的潜在客户带来的,但要记住从参与决策过程中的每个人获得买入很重要的情况。



如果您的潜在客户拒绝了您,那么最糟糕的反应就是与他们争论。这发出了一个明确的信号:您没有足够的信心接受他们的“不”。他们会对你失去信心 - 更不用说你的融洽关系会受到影响。




Reps often ascribe to the thinking that closing needs to be easy for the prospect, but that’s wrong. By definition, closing requires the salesperson to put the prospect in a mild state of discomfort.



24. Closing When You're Not in a Closing Position

集线器Principal Account Manager Leticia Henry framed this point with a baseball analogy. She said, "If you think of the sales process as a baseball diamond, each base represents a different step in the sales process.

“Successful salespeople sell consistently because they follow a consistent, repeatable sales process. They have a clear understanding of both the purpose of each step and the outcome of that step.


“Sales reps often try to close a deal when they’re not a position to do so — that's to say they’re on first or second base, but are trying to reach home base in one swift run. That may work some of the time, but it will not help you close reliably.

“您需要保持稳定达成交易的位置 - 要始终如一地到达第三垒。在第三垒之上意味着您可以对以下问题回答'是':“你在和决策者说话吗?”“这个客户是否认识到他们有问题?”“客户想解决这个问题多少?”“客户想要我的帮助解决吗?”“客户认为我的解决方案可以帮助解决问题多少?”

“If the answer is 'yes' across the board, you have successfully put yourself in a position to close. If the answer is 'no,' take a moment to consider a few points. Reps in this position need to ask,'Where am I in my sales process, and what will it take for me to hit my next step?'

“本垒打很棒,但是您不能依靠它们来始终如一地回家。我的近距离约为60%。在我成功结束的背后原因之一是因为我每次都关注我的过程。我不会去for the close until I’ve covered all of my bases, every time. I don't close until I am in a position to close, every time. You need to put yourself in a position to close if you want to close consistently."


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Sales Closing Techniques