Humble. Helpful. Empathetic. Active listener. Customer-oriented. Flexible. Solutions-focused. Knowledgeable. Authentic.

When you hear these characteristics, who do you think of?

I think of a star salesperson.

You might disagree, and that's okay. Representations of salespeople in popular culture (and frankly, the personality profile we've been taught to associate with a "typical" salesperson) haven't always fit this mold.

是时候进行心理重置了。最好的销售人员有always成为主题专家,将客户放在首位,并以其真实的自我领导。但是,今天,买家对我们的信任比以往任何时候都比以往任何时候都更加激烈,而且这些特征不再将最好的销售人员与仅仅是好的销售人员区分开来。这些是您的销售团队生存所需的技能。 立即观看:专家分享如何在2019年粉碎销售

If you want to develop a more effective salesperson, start with how your organization coaches and trains them.


从个人销售人员到销售经理的过渡中存在独特的紧张,这可能导致无效的教练。我经常与思考的新销售经理合作“如果这些策略和脚本对我有用,它们将为我的团队工作。”In effect, the manager aims to create a team of mini-me's who will sell and act the way they do.

63% of reps have difficulty changing their methods once they find a system that works for them.

Sometimes, this works. But if this is your management philosophy, I'd bet your team is performing below their full potential.


I didn't always want to go into sales. I enrolled at Harvard Business School after spending a few years in finance. On my third day, one of my professors said something that lit a fire: Most Harvard MBAs don't know how to sell. They might build a brilliant product, but they're clueless about how to promote it and demonstrate value to potential buyers.


I interviewed for an account executive position at HubSpot and bombed it. HubSpot told me it was a "no."



My excitement didn't last long. On Day 1, I was rejected more than I'd been in my entire life. I sounded terrified on the phone.


最终,我找到了我自己的全部风格mystrengths: empathy, listening, and problem-solving. All I had to do to be successful was guide prospects through how to improve their marketing efforts. I wove solution selling into my process starting with the first connect call.

It was a rough start, but within three years I'd been promoted to a sales manager. Today, I'm the vice president of our Global Agency Partner Program. What I assumed would be a six-month gig turned into a 10-year career.

My journey in sales was anything but typical, but I learned three crucial lessons along the way:




销售人员已经不再是看门人了 - 没有我们,销售流程可能会在很大程度上发生,我们需要在确保我们的潜在客户选择我们而不是竞争对手的过程中增加独特的价值。

The profile of a "good salesperson" has evolved. Changes in buying behavior have shifted the center of gravity in the sales process from personality to trust-building, opening the door for historically atypical personas (like me) to have amazing sales careers.

This doesn't mean people who do look like the historical sales persona can't be successful in 2019 — but they need to build new muscles and layer a customer-first mentality on top of their existing skill set. Nor does this mean we should startonly雇用内向或商学院的毕业生。

However, itistime to acknowledge that the idea of a "typical salesperson" is dead.

2. The best sales coaching is individualized.

销售量managers who try to create teams of mini-me's will be successful … to a certain extent.Some指导总比没有好,剧本是任何有效销售过程的关键部分。但这还不够。

Hubspot的销售支持和生产力副总裁Andrew Quinn说:“销售经理就像专业体育教练一样。”“他们可能不是最好的球员,甚至没有参加职业运动,但他们在教练专业运动员方面表现出色。最好的销售经理可能不是最好的代表,但是他们知道如何指导他们的团队以获得成绩。”

Truly effective management is about individualized attention, helping someone find their voice, and teaching them how to think about the business problems your company addresses.

There is no effective one-size-fits-all coaching model that accomplishes these goals — I'm living proof of that.

It's worth pointing out that this mini-me mindset has likely contributed to the negative perception consumers have of salespeople.只有5%的前景认为销售人员是值得信赖的, and many buyers find it difficult to建立个人联系与代表。为什么?我敢打赌是因为我们很多人都在努力像我们不是一个人一样行事,而买家可以通过它看到。


Source:HubSpot Research

We need to take a cue from our buyers. Every sales process looks different — buyers vary in sophistication, where they are in the sales lifecycle, the goals they're trying to achieve, and problems they're trying to overcome. With so many variables at play, it's difficult to be effective through rote memorization and following sales scripts. Instead, managers should tailor their advice to the selling motions a salesperson is struggling with, in a way that leans into the salesperson's strengths.


The best salespeople lead with their authentic selves. When I started out in sales, I got fairly basic advice for building rapport — identify commonalities, mirror a prospect's tone and language, and create familiarity through small talk.


How to Develop a Coaching Strategy

At a high level, there are two ways for managers to teach their teams:训练by example and by inquiry.

Training by example是经典的教练技术。经理展示了代表成功的录音,脚本和技术,以便他们应用其工作。这是有效的,只要经理提供对代表销售风格的真实示例。

Training by inquiryis more personal. Managers recognize that reps are able to independently solve a problem, so instead of concrete examples, they provide guidance based on the rep's selling style.

Content-wise, sales organization should invest in three types of training: Systems and operations, process, and solution.




2. Process

销售量people need two types of process training: a qualification process to determine who's worth moving through the sales process and an array of sales methodologies to apply to calls in real time.


资格培训指导销售人员如何prospect and qualify good-fit buyers. Who are your most successful customers, and what do they have in common? What problems are they typically trying to solve? Just as important — what red flags should salespeople be on the lookout for? Who is your anti-persona?

This process is unique to each business and typically can't be replicated from company to company. Root this training in real data and results, keeping an eye on churn, retention, and customer success. Work with your customer support and service teams to understand where customers stumble and succeed and how to control for this in the buying process.



You're likely already familiar with many well-known and widely-used methodologies, including SPIN, Challenger, and Sandler — you can read more about the most common sales methodologieshere

3. Solution

Just as good-fit training teaches salespeople how to identify good-fit buyers, solution training focuses on how to handle different types of buyer problems they'll face on calls. Solution training has two parts: Product training and solution training.

Product training gets your team up to speed on what they're actually selling. Salespeople should be soup-to-nuts experts in their company's products and services — this is the bare minimum.


Coaching Mechanisms

最后,一个关于如何this training gets delivered.

Just as training is not a one-size-fits-all process, the medium you choose for training will deeply affect the outcome. Use a blend of one-to-one, one-to-many, and peer-to-peer coaching depending on what the scenario requires.


Source:HubSpot Research




"Every individual has a mix of those three things, and that's going to shape the way I engage with them based on where those levels are from empty to full," says Quinn.

Our customers feel the same way.

Pamela Firestone,销售主管Skift说,“教练的目的是开发萨尔es talent to meet their goals, but also develop them into independent thinkers who can continue to grow and take on more responsibility."

Internally, we invest in a wide array of销售培训that fall into the three buckets above. This training is part mandatory, part informal, and partially driven by the individual salesperson (versus mandated by HubSpot). We believe in allowing people to learn in the way that works best for them, so we also use many different mechanisms to deliver this coaching.

1. Operations

所有新的HubSpotter都参加了所有销售员工的标准入职范围。然后,根据角色和细分市场,我们提供了另外两到四个星期的销售会议。这些培训涵盖了如何导航HubSpot CRM,访问引线,创建模板和序列等等。定期,当我们更新销售堆栈时,我们将运行新的团队范围内的培训,但在大部分情况下,在入职期间涵盖了运营培训。

2. Process



To be promoted from BDR to salesperson, candidates go through multiple one-to-one certifications with a hiring manager. They must demonstrate mastery of their day-to-day process, provide recorded connect calls for review, and role play a mock discovery call. To standardize the process, we use scorecards to evaluate each of these conversations.

3. Solution

Solution training is a combination of formal and informal training.

During the first two weeks of new hire training, salespeople learn to use HubSpot. Then, new sales hires are required to pass methodology and product-specific certifications onHubSpot Academy。Our sales enablement and training teams regularly produce team-wide certifications or trainings as we add to the HubSpot product.


Creating a Collaborative Culture

Culture is one of those vague concepts that has concrete implications for how well your sales team operates.

Creating an open culture where knowledge sharing is the norm is one of the best investments you can make in creating a virtuous cycle of continuous learning.

One way we do this is providing mentors for anyone new to their role, even if they're not new to HubSpot. Typically top performers, sales mentors join a new rep's calls and act as a safety net to help answer specific questions. Mentors step back over time as mentees become more independent, but this is an effective way to build peer relationships and encourage knowledge sharing.


Source:HubSpot Research

We also employ "ding notes": emails that are sent to the entire sales team for every deal that gets closed. The email includes information on the buyer and the process of closing the deal. Not only is this a great way to celebrate wins — the dozens of replies you get after "dinging" your first deal are a treasured HubSpot rite of passage — it's also a source of invaluable information the entire team can learn from.

Michael Swope, Chief Business Officer atHomeSmart,还鼓励他的代表公开分享他们的成功。Swope说:“我们的代表每周打电话,他们在上周分享最佳实践,工具和成功。”


While coaching, you may discover that there's a gap between who your sales team is and who your prospects are. Next week, we'll be talking about bridging this divide throughhiring in sales



