作为互联网的人形生物,we have a love problem

We're obsessed. Stuck in a one-sided relationship. We put in hours upon hours, only to receive nothing in return. It's so frustrating. We可以专注于其他地方,但我们无法摆脱困境。

  • "Did anyone comment on what I shared?"
  • "Oh, that looks interesting. I'll just read this one article... "
  • "LOL that was hilarious. I gotta share that now."

We are in madly in love with distracting ourselves.

但是,障碍不是社交媒体本身,而是result社交媒体 -Black Hole Browsing



Take Facebook for example. First, we share something. Second, we check to see if it got any Likes or comments. Third, we tell ourselves, "Oh I'll check my feed, just for a second..."


Eventually, we escape the powerful force of the consumption black hole, where habitual procrastinators (I'm a recovering addict) are stuck, by sharing our hilarious/informative/shocking content we discovered ...只是要重新开始周期


Tim-And-eric-Mind Blown


Rather, a FREE tool, which can be setup in 30 seconds.

MeetStayfocusd- the website-blocking Google Chrome extension that has saved me hours, if not days or weeks, of wasted time. No longer do I feel hopelessly free falling into the productivity-sucking, procrastination-inducing black hole that we like to call the internet.

Stayfocusdblocks distracting websites after a set amount of time, breaking the Black Hole Browsing cycle entirely. After the daily clock expires, I get this beautiful message:


Why yes, my productivy tool sent from heaven. I should be working. You are amazing and I love you.

Blocking distracting websites interupts the检查社交媒体通知的心理冲动,这会导致对新闻源的“仅此一次”检查,这导致了45分钟的无意识浏览。bob官网官方网站

After downloading StayFocusd from the Chrome store, it can be set up in three easy steps.

Step 1: Write down all websites that distract you.

Websites that distract me most, causing Black Hole Browsing, are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Trends, and upvote-based websites such as reddit, Hacker News, or我nbound.org。因此,我相应地设置了我的住宿。


这是否意味着我永远不会分心?Um, no. I am still human. BUT, itsignificantly降低浏览干扰,即使没有完全消除它们。

Does that mean I never read?Ha, no. I consume blogs like Popeye consumes spinach. All the time.然而,我已经设定了创建(即撰写本文)和消费期(即听我当前的听觉书籍或保存在我的阅读文章中)的设定期限口袋).


The person who reads too much and uses his brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking

Albert Einstein[CLICK TO TWEET]

步骤2:设置允许的最大时间全部网站each day.

I set my maximum time allowed to 10 minutes per day, which blocks全部网站listed. This forces me to move quickly when checking Facebook, Twitter notifications, Linkedin requests, the headlines on Google Trends, and upvoted articles websites.

If something looks intriguing, I'll save to Pocket for later.


10 minutes too little? Cool. Work your way down. Start at an hour. It doesn't matter.重要的是你startsomewhere


The key to not feeling rushed is remembering that lack of time is actually lack of priorities.


Step 3: Set active days and hours websites are blocked.




Instead, 24/7 Black Hole Browsing blockage forces me to focus on things that areactually我mportant, both professionally and personally. Professionally, I focus on writing these blog posts (!), listening to your feedback, and analyzing data.



You may delay, but time will not

本杰明·富兰克林[CLICK TO TWEET]

Finally, play around with other minor features.

Honestly, you only need those three steps to use the app. There are other features, but they're minor and easily configurable.


Afterward, you canactually完成一些重要的工作(这是一个免费的模板)。

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Originally published Feb 14, 2015 2:16:00 PM, updated June 15 2021


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