No onewantsto procrastinate. No onewantsto feel stressed. No onewants每天面对分心。

Yet we do. Myself included.

But what about the most successful people in the world?

How do they stay sane? Surely, theymust每天都面对分心。使他们专注的习惯是什么?这是我们要发现的确切问题。

The Habits of Highly Productive People

Diving deep into the minds of highly-successful people, we wanted to find out:

  • 他们如何保持专注并克服生产力杀手?
  • 它们如何在不过分依赖咖啡因的情况下全天最大化的能量量?
  • 他们如何避免拖延困难,精神挑战的任务?


Habit 1: They take work breaks throughout the day.

Research validates (这里这里) that brief breaks from a task dramatically improves one’s focus and productivity. Why?


  • Circadian Rhythms
  • Ultradian Rhythms

Our Circadian Rhythms -- which run in 24-hour periods -- are our body’s natural release of melatonin, dictating when we’re energized or exhausted. Here’s what it looks like:

Our Ultradian Rhythms, which run in 90-minute periods, are the ebbs and flows of energy throughout the day.

例如,我们可以“在区域” 90分钟,但是之后,我们会感到有些疲倦,需要重新充电。那就是我们身体的天然超轻度节奏,看起来像这样:



“ pomodoro技术”是一种开始付诸实践的有效方法...

Action Step: Try the Pomodoro Technique

To sustain energy throughout the day, tryPomodoro技术。Work in 25-minute intervals, then take a 5-minute break. It looks like this:


For more information, readthe step-by-step processfor how to get started.





如果too many days passed by with the answer being “no,” he’d adjust his lifestyle until he hit a consistent yes (which eventually created a company worth $702 billion). This forced Steve to define long-term goals and stay motivated.

Highly-productive people think about the end of their lives. They define how they want to be remembered. What legacy they want to leave. Or what people will say about them at their funerals.

然后他们工作backwardsto achieve those goals.

This touches on the psychological theories and models of motivation. If we’re driven by a purpose, we’re more likely to work extra hard. As award-winning author, Simon Sinek, says:


西蒙·西内克(Simon Sinek)

Thus, it all starts with defining our purpose. What is yours?



  • What am Iactually热情吗?(Lifehack警报:要找到您热衷的事,问自己,"If all jobs paid the same, what would I do for work?")
  • What can I do better than most people, or comes easier for me than others?
  • What do I want people to say about me at my funeral?




  • 9:00 - 10:00 am: Outline the presentation
  • 10:00 - 11:30 am: Write copy for the presentation
  • 11:30 - 12:30 pm: Create all images for the presentation
  • 下午12:30:带玫瑰的午餐

Creating sub-deadlines forces the person to abide byParkinson’s Law。从本质上讲,这意味着如果最后一分钟到期,只需一分钟即可。

Action Step: Write Your To-Do List At Night


步骤1:Define your most important task.

第2步:Break that into smaller sub-tasks.


This forces you to abide by tighter deadlines and be realistic about what you can accomplish.


Sure, it’s easy to plan our days, but distractions happen. And they come in two forms:

  1. 分心我们自己
  2. 分心别人

Oftentimes the biggest distractions come from within. We think of something, then Google it. We check Facebook, Twitter, or some other website. Or we start flipping through other addicting smartphone apps.

All four of these tips will drastically reduce distractions. But what about distractions from others?



步骤1: DownloadStayfocusd停止在Facebook,Twitter等上拖延。


步骤3: Shut off your Wi-Fi to remove any potential "Black Hole Browsing"


How do highly-productive people stay focused in the midst of emails, phone calls, chat messages, text messages, and request from others?


For example, if a coworker asks them to review their sales presentation slides, they’d respond with something like:


Hey (name),

No problem, happy to help.



十分之九的回应将是”Sure, no problem!"

然后,此请求已记录在单独的待办事项列表中,该列表已完成afterthe day’s most important task:

Dwight Eisenhower has a beautiful quote on this:

What's important is not always urgent. And what's urgent is not always important.

Highly-productive people don't let daily distractions pull them from their long-term goals.

A helpful tool for defining these distractions is the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps clarify important versus urgent tasks. Here are a few examples:


  1. The tasks that have the greatest impact on my career are ______________.
  2. The tasks I do often, but I don't really benefit long-term career growth are _________.
  3. My most common day-to-day distractions are _____________.


Habit 6: They use email tools / systems to optimize their inbox.



Project management softwarecan integrate with email software such as Outlook and Gmail and help centralize your communication and workflows to create a unified workspace. Integrated email communication can make siloed email threads visible to anyone you work with, cutting down unnecessary time spent syncing with your team.


SaneBoxis used by highly-successful people in a variety of industries, such as Hiten Shah (CEO of KissMetrics), Tony Robins (media personality), and Amy Hubbard (casting director ofThe Hobbit).

HubSpot销售是一个other email productivity tool. It shows when someone opens an important email, allows scheduling of emails for later, and viewing contact profiles inside an inbox.

Unroll.me是一个other fantastic tool. It lets you unsubscribe to multiple email lists at once:

CleanEmail是一个other great email unsubscribe tool. Aside from getting rid of newsletters and promotional messages you no longer need, CleanEmail organizes all emails into easy-to-review bundles such as Finance emails, Travel emails, Emails from "dead ends", etc. Moreover, its automation features allow you to apply any action to new incoming emails without any manual work.

Finally, learning email shortcuts can save up to 60 hours per year. There are email shortcuts forGmail,外表, 和Apple Mail

Action Step: Download Email Productivity Tools

Try email productivity tools such as:

SaneBoxfor filtering out unimportant emails.


Unroll.mefor mass-unsubscribing from newsletters.

These are the "big three" email productivity tools that an inbox much easier to manage.

Habit 7: They build exercise and healthy eating into their daily routines to increase mental energy.

Brian Balfour, a successful entrepreneur and investor, views his brain as a muscle:

“Think of your brain as a muscle. Just like your arms or legs, your brain needs fuel to do work, exercise to get stronger, and rest to recover. Overall physical fitness is the foundation to mental energy. If you are eating terribly, overweight, and generally not fit, how do you expect your brain to be fit? Regarding our diet, there are certain foods that are healthy fuels, and certain foods that will make you feel cloudy and lethargic.”


Eat the BBQ pulled pork and you’re in a post-lunch food coma. Eat the salad and you’re loading your body with rich nutrients, providing more energy than before.

Unhealthy lunches (ex. BBQ sandwich and french fries) spike our blood sugar, which triggers an insulin spike, which triggers that groggy feeling.

And as we all know, it’s impossible to focus through a food coma.

Action Step: Create Healthy "Tiny Habits"

斯坦福大学行为心理学家BJ Fogg博士鼓励人们尝试“小习惯”。这些是小型,易于做的动作,触发长期行为改变。

To exercise more:首先每天只跑步两分钟。因为您更舒适,请跑三分钟。然后四分钟。以微小的间隔增加,直到您成为习惯。

To eat healthier:仅在星期三吃沙拉午餐。其他任何一天都吃不健康。下周,在星期三和星期五吃沙拉。此后的一周,在星期一,星期三和星期五吃沙拉。只需保持微小的间隔,直到适应您的日常工作。

Habit 8: They optimize their computer skills for speed.

Highly-productive people are lightning-fast on their computers. Here are a few ways they do it:

  1. They increase the speed of the mouse.We use our mouse every day, so why not make navigating our computers even faster?
  2. They learn keyboard shortcuts。Google Chrome,Evernote,电子邮件,Google Docs,Mac导航,Windows导航的键盘快捷键快捷键,列表还在不断。他们是一个巨大的节省时间。
  3. Using tools to find apps quickly。A favorite of entrepreneur诺亚·卡根(Noah Kagan)is a free tool calledAlfred(对于Mac)。它有助于快速找到我们需要打开的程序。
  4. Increasing our type speed。打字速度意味着更快地完成工作。如果you’re slower than 80 WPM (在这里免费打字测试), the average for computer-related workers, focus on increasing your speed.
  5. 使用双重监视器。这种设置可以提高您的生产率高达50%。任务和文档之间不再切换。


Habit 9: They view failure as learning opportunities.

According to PhD psychologist, Carol Dweck, we have two possible mindsets:

  1. Fixed mindset
  2. Growth mindset


It’s what causes people to say,“哦,我只是一个人。”Or,“I’ve never been a good test taker.”They accept defeat, viewing their skills and abilities as some sort of unchangeable, predetermined skill-set granted to them. They seek approval from others and view failure as failure.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, believes all skills and qualities may be learned.

如果you suck at writing, you can learn to become a better writer. If you are terrible at sales, you can learn to be better. They thrive on challenges and view failure as a learning opportunity.

Here’s a beautiful illustration from奈杰尔·福尔摩斯关于固定和成长心态之间的差异:

Take a few moments to think about people in your life with these two mindsets. Who gives up easily, admitting defeat? Who is always striving to learn something new?


Action Step: Self-Reflection Time



"I'll never be good at public speaking. I just get nervous, start sweating, and feel uncomfortable."



For more on adapting your mindset, check out Carol Dweck's book,心态:成功的新心理学


疯狂的生产力集中只要他们专注于…然后外包the rest.

Need to do anything of the following?

  • Mindlessly input data into a spreadsheet.Get a virtual assistant for $5-$10/hr from上班要么FancyHandsto help you.
  • Do your laundry, clean your bedroom, and scrub the bathroom floor.使用诸如便利to outsource your housework.
  • 从商店拿起杂货。UseInstacart要把杂货送到您家门口。

Highly productive people don’t think,“但这太贵了!我宁愿省钱,自己做。”

Rather, they consider their salary on a per-hour basis. For example, if someone makes $40/hr and they needed to complete 6 hours worth of chores, they could:

  • Do it themselves for $240 ($40/hr x 6 hours).
  • Pay someone else for $90. ($15/hr x 6 hours).

现在将这些杂务外包给了6个小时,通过工作而不是清洁来赚取$ 40/小时。

In that period, the person can earn $240. Subtract the $90 from outsourcing it and this person saved $150 instead of doing the task herself.

Considering tasks on a per-hour basis doesn’t only save time … it saves money.


Follow this three-step process:


第2步: Find websites to outsource your work to them. Use上班要么FancyHandsfor virtual assistants.便利对于房子周围的家务。Instacart用于杂货店。Fiverrfor speciality projects for $5. Or try99designsfor design projects. If there's something particular you'd like to outsource, not mentioned here, comment below and I'll help identify a solution.

步骤3: Giving instructions takes time in itself. Use email templates to outsource your work to save up to 520 hours per year.

Habit 11: They meditate.

Some of the most respected people in the world practice mediation. This list includes:

  • Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce
  • 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),演员兼政治家
  • Tim Ferriss, entrepreneur and author
  • Martin Scorsese, film director
  • 对冲基金经理Ray Dalio

Using fMRI scans, scientists can visualize the difference in our brains before and after meditation. Without getting too technical, meditation lets our brains slow down and stop processing information so quickly:

It calms our frontal lobe (or prefrontal cortex), which is where logic and creativity come from. This gives us better focus, less anxiety, more creativity, more compassion, better memory, and less stress.



Headspace是一个iPhone安卓app that guides you through the basics of meditation, in 10 minutes per day.


Habit 12: They say no (nicely).

We’re psychologically hardwired to help people. There’s even a part in our brains, called the Right Supramarginal Gyrus, that triggers empathetic responses:


We need a "to-don't" list of things that won't add to our careers. To make it easier to say no, try "no templates." They were developed by Silicon Valley venture capitalist and angel investor, Mark Suster, which look like this:

Re: 15 minutes of your time?

Hi (name),

感谢您写信给我 - 很高兴通过电子邮件收到您(或与您见面)的来信。

幸运的是(我的公司)已经开始脱下bob全站app我n ways that I couldn’t have imagined just a short time ago. Unfortunately that means I don’t have as much time as I used to have to take meetings with people.



- 标记



This is especially important when it comes tomeetings。根据Atlassian的说法,普通人每月在会议上花费31个小时,但只有50%的时间效率。仅仅因为您被邀请参加会议并不意味着您有义务参加 - 要求议程,考虑您提供和获得的价值,然后打电话。


Follow these steps:

步骤1:Set upGoogle Canned Responsesin Gmail or downloadTextExpander对于微软。

第2步:Create a "no template," modeling your response off Mark Susters.


Habit 13: They count their blessings and practice gratitude.

最后一个高生产力的人们的习惯是贝ng grateful for what they have. Gratitude is proven to increase productivity by these prestigious universities:

  • Yalestudies saya gratitude journal will result in higher alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, and energy.
  • Harvardstudies indicategratitude improves health and strengthens relationships.
  • UC-Berkeleyresearch indicates感恩杂志改善睡眠并减少疾病。
  • 哥伦比亚大学research says感激可改善免疫系统,同时减轻焦虑和/或抑郁症。

研究证明gratitude increases happiness; and happiness increases productivity. Thus, gratitude improves productivity:


Being grateful for what we have is one of the fastest way to not only increase productivity, but overall quality of life.

Habit 14: They avoid decision fatigue.

From Zuckerberg to Jobs, leaders avoid decision fatigue by removing trivial choices, like wearing the same hoodie or black turtleneck every day. Steve Jobs often ate one type of food for weeks -- once eating so many carrots his skin turned orange.

President Obama was known for "Decision Memos" in which three checkboxes were attached at the bottom of documents needing his attention. He would check "Agree," "Disagree," or "Let's Discuss" to let his staff know how to proceed.


Have a new way to shave .5 seconds off a task? Insanely-productive people want to know your secret. Here are a few productivity hacks you can try out in your workflow:

      • Make your lunch in batches at the start of the week
      • 在其他人面前的日历上阻止时间
      • Don't use the one-hour default on your calendar
      • Take a 30-minute nap and boost performance 34%
      • Turn off phone notifications
      • 听环境声音而不是流行音乐
      • Sit by a window
      • Set the thermostat for 70-77 degrees
      • 在咖啡店和公园等各种环境中工作
      • Mute your Gmail with Inbox Pause
      • Black out background browser tabs/notifications
      • Try a dictation app
      • Sort tasks by "Must, Should, Want" every day
      • 如果不到两分钟,请立即做
      • 仅5分钟就完成一项艰巨的任务

They might seem like small gains seperately, but if you add a few of these to your workflow each week, you might be surprised at the effect they have on your speed and efficiency.

最初发布于2017年12月6日9:20:00 PM,更新于2021年6月15日


Sales Productivity Task Management Software