如何去管理一个团队效果吗iveness Assessment [Questionnaire]

肯·索森(Ken Thoreson)
肯·索森(Ken Thoreson)


As a manager, ensuring your team is working as effectively as possible should always be a — if not- 您的主要优先事项。这就是为什么您需要找到方法来维持员工持续的绩效。


Here, we'll go over what a team effectiveness assessment is, review how to run one effectively, take a look at how to respond to one, and see a template you can use to run one of your own. Let's dive in.




Don't think of this kind of assessment as some kind of workplace scripture. It's meant to set you in the right direction, not plot the whole course for you.

如何去管理一个团队效果吗iveness Assessment


  • 目标设定
  • Team chemistry
  • 解决问题
  • 技能
  • 愿意和学习能力
  • Motivation
  • 角色
  • Team processes





专注于您可能会出现的位置。如果您回答大多数问题是四分之一或五个问题,请查看您回答的问题,两分或三。开始计划如何解决这些特定要点 - 无论是通过额外的培训,在会议中建设性地召集这些问题,还是可以有效地将这些问题与您的团队交流的任何其他方式。


If your team effectiveness assessment comes back less than ideal, don't panic. Take a breath, and take a close look at which areas were particularly bad. Find the ones and twos, and prioritize addressing those first.

如果您的分数真正令人担忧,请迅速而果断地表现出结果。在会议中调用最紧迫的问题。开始弄清楚您将如何训练团队来解决问题 - 如果最坏的话,请考虑引入顾问或外部培训组织等第三方,以帮助促进改进过程。

A poor team effectiveness assessment doesn't necessarily mean the sky is falling — but it does mean you can't afford to keep letting these issues slide.

Now that you know the fundamentals of how to conduct and respond to a team effectiveness assessment, let's look at an actual questionnaire you can reference when conducting yours. Team Effectiveness Assessment Questionnaire

Answer each question by scoring the degree to which you relate to its premise on a scale of one to five.

  1. How well do you know the true or real total value of your pipeline?
  2. 您有多保证,您知道当前类别中的管道中有多少百分比超过销售预算?
  3. How comfortable are you that you have enough pipeline potential in the 30-, 60-, and 90-day categories to exceed future monthly quotas?
  4. 您对每个销售阶段类别所需的预计收入的了解有多舒适,以确保您有足够的机会超过未来的配额?
  5. 您如何在预测帐户的前10个潜在的10个潜在的策略中制定策略
  6. 所有关键帐户的目标程度如何?
  7. How would you rate your ongoing recruiting plan that ensures you have qualified candidates available?
  8. 评分您的面试过程的质量。它是否确保选择了最佳候选人 - 不仅是最佳候选人?
  9. How complete is each salesperson's personal business plan? Is it reviewed each month?
  10. 评估您的销售培训计划的质量。
  11. 评分您的CRM/销售部队自动化系统的质量。它是有效使用的吗?是最新的吗?
  12. 评估销售人员六个月命名帐户的质量重新验证/战略/战术计划过程。
  13. 评估您六个月销售/营销/管理计划的质量。是否定义为每个月?
  14. 贵公司的目标与薪酬/配额计划的一致程bob全站app度如何?
  15. 评估销售管理领先指标的有效性。
  16. Do you have regular scheduled and unscheduled coaching sessions with each of your salespeople?
  17. 您如何评价销售竞赛和商业游戏的有效性?他们是否计划促进收入并建立团队合作?


60-85 -您的身体状况良好,但是可能需要进行较小的调整才能使您的团队尽可能有效。

47-59 —Several projects are required to achieve maximum effectiveness.

34-46 -You will need to take multiple actions quickly to turn your team around.

17-33 -Major assistance is required now!

As I mentioned toward the beginning of this article, a team effectiveness assessment should be used as a starting point for identifying and ironing out your team's issues. It provides an opportunity for you to exercise self-awareness and piece together where your overall underperformance stems from.



主题: 销售管理


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