In the recent months, sellers who were used to high-touch, in-person customer meetings have had to pivot to remote sales meetings virtually overnight.



Let's dive in.

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Shifting your sales approach, deploying technology to support sellers, and doing it all in a timely manner are all ways you can assist your employees.


With that, here are my top tips for smoothly transitioning to remote selling.


When moving to virtual sales meetings, most would argue that video conferencing is the go-to. But is this enough? While video conferencing through platforms like Zoom are intended to make meetings feel more personal, studies show this isn’t necessarily the case. Video conferencing does not deter people from multitasking or completely zoning out. Only12% of people在视频会议上像打电话一样舒适。这导致了潜在的低水平参与度。

利用互动和引人入胜的演示文稿可以使您的潜在买家对谈话和维持参与的方式有很长的路要走。使用交互式演示文稿工具拖放功能使公司可以创建从传统文件的动画Power Point演示文稿,以一种新的更具吸引力的格式介绍。


2. Increase the impact of sales through value selling.

According to CEB,57% of the buyer’s decisionis made before they even pick up the phone to speak with you or your competitors. This means when they do engage with you, they already know about your business, products, and services.



ROI和TCO计算器等交互价值销售工具使团队成员可以从买家实时捕获个性化数据。使用这些工具可以通过74% of buyers从第一批卖方购买以提供此价值。


目前,大多数商业活动一直在canceled or postponed for the foreseeable future. This includes many sales kick-off events.

This does not mean you can’t ensure your sales reps have the knowledge they need to sell and meet quotas successfully. Microlearning, the use of video modules meant to educate sellers “just-in-time” vs. “just-in-case”, has been proven to be更加有效比传统的课堂学习。

Relying on modern learning management systems (LMS) allows your sales organization to go beyond one-time training and onboarding by using incremental education created to better prepare sellers for sales interactions. Not only do organizations get sales knowledge out to teams quicker, but companies that leverage LMS for sales training can also track completion, who needs additional training, release new content upon completion of each module, and ramp sellers faster.


During an economic downturn, marketing budgets are often the first on the chopping block. That means, more than ever, it is imperative to understand what content works and doesn’t.

According to a study conducted by The Whole Brain Group,95%的买家从购买过程的每个步骤提供相关内容的卖家购买。但是,根据福雷斯特的说法市场生产的65%goes unused by a company's sales team.

If your organization is wasting a limited budget on sales collateral that isn’t going to be utilized by sales reps, you are hindering your ability to close deals. How do you identify what content will bring your business the highest ROI, and when?



The general consensus is that the transition to remote selling has been unexpected and complicated. This shift can create concerns surrounding budgeting, business impact, and more. If your organization is weighing the benefits and risks, the cost of doing nothing will be much more detrimental to your business than shifting around budgets in order to deploy key sales tools and systems to sustain sales revenue.

为了降低总体成本并降低风险,请考虑合并sales enablement platformthat utilizes all of the strategies outlined above. In a time such as now, filled with stressors and unknowns, utilizing these tools and tips will save your organization both time and money. Make sure to steer clear of complicated deployment processes and overpriced solutions that offer unnecessary bells and whistles.

Rather, find a sales enablement platform that your organization can get up and running as quickly as possible to meet your employees’ needs at home. Many companies are offering free trials or discounts on their tools for a limited time only.

现在是时候为您的销售代表提供他们真正需要在远程工作时真正出色的工具和支持。有关成功管理远程销售团队的更多了解,check out this post.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



最初出版于7月8日,2020年6:30:00 AM,更新于2021年11月5日


Remote Working