
We've rounded up a handful of battle-tested, clever sales emails from HubSpot sales reps -- and included a few new templates for you to try out for yourself.



When it comes to销售电子邮件, a little levity goes a long way. Most messages are straightforward and serious -- and boring. Adding a fun twist to their outreach helps reps distinguish themselves from the competition and make their pitch more memorable.

In addition, humor usually puts recipients in a better mood. Once their prospects are smiling, salespeople usually have a far better shot of getting time on their calendars.

That being said, no gimmick can make up for a bad sales process. If reps aren't capable of asking probing questions, diagnosing their prospect's needs, consistently adding value throughout the conversation, tailoring their pitch to the individual buyer's situation, and surfacing urgency, an attention-grabbing email will make zero difference to their bottom line.

Funny Sales Email Templates

Follow Along With These Sales Email Templates


1. The funny sales pitch

According toYes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be More Persuasive, businesspeople who sent a funny, inoffensive cartoon to their negotiation partners before negotiating generated higher levels of trust and 15% larger profits than those who didn’t send a cartoon.

Salespeople can leverage the same trust-building effects by including a cartoon in their outreach email.

[Prospect name], are you struggling with [challenge]?

Hi [prospect name],



But I’m interested in your objectives. In working with similar companies [in X industry or vertical/of similar size in X region], I’ve found many struggle with [major business challenge].




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Hearing this standard objection doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no opportunity. Use this template to make buyers think twice about brushing you off. If they’re truly not in a position to buy, they’ll remember you when the timing is better. And if they are a good fit, disarming them with a funny meme will likely lead them to think,“嗯,这似乎不是普通的销售人员。也许我应该给他们一个机会。”

One last question

Hi [prospect name],

hilarious sales email gif



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Matt Hambor, Inbound Marketing Specialist


To immediately differentiate yourself from other salespeople -- and hopefully, make the buyer laugh -- send them a tongue-in-cheek sales email as a follow-up to the compelling event.


Yes, I’m sending you one right now, but in my defense it’s because you [requested more information on X/Y trigger event just occurred].


Seriously, every time I click “Send,” it pains me. Help stop my suffering and find a time on my calendar here.



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Sam Belt, Senior Sales Partner Manager

4. The clever email

Walking around the conference floor isn't usually the most scintillating activity in the world. Use this template to provoke your prospect's curiosity and make a conversation with you seem more fun than the typical booth chat. Even if they don't respond, they're likelier to stop by when they see your company's name.

Cheer [salesperson] up at [conference]?



funny gif to send a prospect

Want to book a quick side meeting or swap some text and meet up at our booth?


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Drew Healey,销售开发团队负责人,LeadIQ

5. No-B.S。电子邮件

而不是pretending your previous (unsuccessful) contact attempts never happened, bring them out into the open. Then, hook the prospect by discussing why this time is different.


Hi [prospect name],


This partnership is now about three simple things:

  1. 帮助您改善[x业务领域]
  2. 帮助您解决[X挑战]
  3. 帮助您实现[X结果]




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Claire Chazen, Channel Account Manager, HubSpot Agency Partner Program


Traditional guilt-tripping doesn’t work. Your prospect will be far likelier to reschedule if you make a light-hearted reference to the no-show.

Just like Ross Geller's Prom Night ...

Hi [prospect name],



Jokes aside, I was curious if you are still interested in putting time back on the calendar for us to discuss strategies for [achieving X goal or outcome].

Here's my calendar if you'd like to discuss in more detail. If you're simply not interested anymore, not a problem, just let me know so I can return my tuxedo. :)



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James Hylas, Senior Account Executive, HubSpot Sales Solutions

7. The hilarious email to a prospect who ghosted

Few things are more frustrating than a有前途突然停止的前景returning your calls and emails. Sometimes, an Adele reference is what you need to bring them back.




salesperson ghosted email

On a more serious note, last time we talked about [pain] and how [product] could help [drive X results/accomplish X goal] over [specific timeframe].

Are you still interested in continuing our discussion? If not, please let me know so I can stop blasting Adele.



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HubSpot销售解决方案客户经理Gary Valenti


无论您在哪里工作,办公室都会在星期五感觉不同。每个人都更加放松,稍微降低。利用悠闲的心情,并向您的潜在客户发出以星期五为主题的信息won'thurt their ears.

9. The cheerful email


10. The "no rush" email


11. The fill-in-the-blanks email

Just need to get them to open the email in order to pique their interest? Try this template to open a conversation with a prospect.


But正如Sales Hacker Max Altuscher的首席执行官所说,“不要过分谨慎。在大多数情况下,如果潜在客户不回答您,无论您做什么,传达有趣的消息是一项伟大的最后努力。”

想要更多follow-up sales email templates to send instead of "checking in?" This should help.

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最初发布于2019年9月1日1:58:00 PM,更新于2021年6月10日


Sales Email Templates Email Templates Builder