Let’s say you — a business owner — are about to launch your awesome, innovative, game-changing new product. You’re beyond excited, but your sales team seems less enthusiastic.

You need them to move X number of units to meet your company’s sales goals, but they aren’t as motivated as you’d like them to be. You’re at a loss for what to do next, so you start exploring your options.



What is a Spiff?

Spiff stands for "Sales Performance Incentive Fund" (spelled with an extra "f" for some reason in some cases). It’s a short-term, incentive-based initiative meant to motivate sales representatives.

Spiff的概念归结为告诉您的销售代表,”If you move X amount of product or schedule X amount of demos or close X amount of deals within a fixed timeframe, you get a reward.“最使整洁激励的金融,但事情like prizes, vacations, and recognition can all serve as the basis for an effective spiff program.


Why Use Spiffs?


Employee disengagementis a very real concern for many businesses. Keeping employees invested and efficient can be a struggle. Spiffs are one way to address this issue. They have been known to encourage employee participation and lend themselves to active, competitive workplaces.

2. Spiffs are a good way to meet short term sales needs.

Spiffs are designed to help businesses meet or exceed sales goals in a short period of time. If your business is looking to have its reps quickly meet their sales quota, a well-designed spiff might be the way to go.

设计一个使整洁可能很难找到,但是there are certain steps you can take to ensure that your program is the best it can be.


1. Understand your goals and define them clearly.

You should know exactly what it is you want out of both your sales team and the spiff itself. Once you understand your objectives, make them abundantly clear to your reps.

无论您想做什么 - 改善您的销售管道,完成更多交易,推广新产品或其他东西 - 您的代表需要确切地知道您要确切地了解它们,以使它们保持正确的轨道并努力努力what’s best for your business.


2. Understand and articulatehowyour reps should achieve your goals

您的代表需要知道他们应该做什么以及如何赢得激励措施。您需要告诉他们您对他们的期望 - 无论是出售特定产品,安排更多演示,还是其他可能有助于您实现目标的其他可能。


Your reps should also know the figure you want them to hit. If they need to bring in a fixed number of leads by the end of the quarter, make sure they know exactly what that number is.

告诉他们,“如果您在第一季度结束时带来50个新线索,您将获得$ 1,000的奖金,”而不是"You can win a $1,000 bonus if you bring in a lot of leads this quarter."


您需要为whois going to be involved in the spiff. Your reps need to know whether they are even eligible for the program to avoid any confusion.



What are the reps working towards? Is it cash? A vacation? A trophy? A gift card? You need to establish what they should be looking forward to. That’ll be crucial in helping motivate your team. If they only have some vague idea of what the incentive is, they might not apply themselves as much as you need them to.

在我们的50 leads for $1,000example, your reps would need to know exactly how much money they were working for. Only telling them they’ll receive a bonus for their efforts likely won’t produce the results you need.

5. Figure out a timeframe.

You need to have a picture of how long your program will last — for your and your employees’ sake. Spiffs are temporary. They are meant for short-term sales boosts. You and your employees need to know exactly what "short-term" is going to mean.


6. Budget properly.

The cost of spiff programs can add up quicker than you might think. You should always be conscious of how much these kinds of programs could potentially cost you and plan accordingly.


7. See if it was worth it.

You need to have a plan in place to measure whether or not the program was successful. You should identify the metrics that best fit your sales goals and use them as a reference point. That way, you can understand whether or not you should implement a similar spiff in the future.


Even with these steps in mind, there are still some issues you have to account for.


1. Spiffs can lead to sandbagging

If your sales reps know that a spiff is coming, they may wait until the program starts to close deals they could’ve closed earlier. One way to manage this issue is to have your spiff be a surprise. Don’t let your sales reps know that it’s coming. That way, you can prevent them from essentially gaming the system and potentially losing out on deals they could deliberately wait too long to close.


Though spiffs are good for sales in doses, there’s a reason they’re confined to short timeframes. Coordinating several spiffs can end up being costly, and the employee engagement they generate can have diminishing returns if your business uses too many. It’s recommended that you try to keep spiffs infrequent — generally just once or twice a year.


This effect is often the case with spiffs that have only one winner. Employees who are certain they can’t win may end up backing off of the competition as a whole, and this kind of "all or nothing" mentality may create tension between sales reps. One way to address this issue is to offer incentives that all employees can reach. For instance, you could reward any employee that exceeds his or her sales quota for the quarter.


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Originally published Jan 23, 2020 8:30:00 AM, updated January 23 2020


Sales Motivation