The internet has come a long way in terms of web design since the 90s. Remember苹果在1998年? Or亚马逊在1999年? Even looking back atYelp in 2005feels like stepping into a time machine.


在这篇文章中,我们将定义是什么让一个网站“bad” and look at some examples so you can avoid these mistakes in your own designs.


In other words, a bad website design makes it difficult for users to accomplish what they’re trying to accomplish, which might be learning about your product, signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or any number of other actions.

Website engagement metrics,就像平均页面上的平均时间和跳出率一样,可以通过告诉您访问者倾向于在您的网站上往返的何处,持续多长时间,多久和如何到达网站上,从而为您的网站的用户提供洞察力。

用户测试还可以帮助您根据所学知识来收集可行的见解并实施更改。幸运的是,有很多user testing tools可以提供帮助。例如,HubSpot的网站分级器将根据包括移动,设计,性能,SEO和安全性在内的几个因素评估您的网站,然后提供量身定制的改进建议。



一个主要目标ecommerce website是为了产生销售。难以导航或过于复杂的网站将导致人们在完成购买之前弹跳或放弃购物车。这些将被视为“坏”网站设计。让我们看一些示例。


怎么了: Unconventional navigation


访问Zara的网站有点像翻阅一本精美的社论杂志,这很酷,但很难真正购物。例如,查看上面的美国网站的主页。文本非常小,导航菜单隐藏在hamburger button,因此,用户不清楚下一步该怎么做。





bad website design: Wayfair example

Landing on Wayfair’s homepage might also leave users feeling paralyzed with indecision. While it felt like Zara’s homepage didn’t offer enough choices, Wayfair’s offers too many. The main problem: lack of visual hierarchy.视觉层次结构是安排和组织网站元素的一种方式,使访客自然而然地倾向于最重要的元素。目的是领导游客完成所需的行动。



怎么了: Complex product pages


从eBay这样的在线市场购买时,您想做出明智的决定。为了在其产品页面上提供尽可能多的信息,eBay有危险造成信息超载。In the screenshot above you see the item’s name, price, condition, quantity available, and number already sold as well as shipping, payment, and return information — and that’s just above the fold. There’s another toggled section with more description and information on shipping and payments when you scroll.

You’re also presented with several options at once. There’s CTAs encouraging you to buy the item now, add it to your cart, or save it to your watchlist. But then there’s smaller hyperlinked CTAs inviting you to sell an item if you have one, see feedback from buyers, check out the warranty, learn how to get a discount on the item, save this seller to your watchlist, visit the store, view similar items, and on and on. Presenting so much information and options to a user at once might cause them to get frustrated and bounce — or pick an option you don’t want like adding an item to their watchlist instead of buying it.




Incorporating images can make a website more informative, engaging, and memorable — but they have to behigh-resolution。Lipton网站上的某些图像是模糊的,需要很长时间才能加载,显示了损坏的图像链接多秒钟,然后被实际图像替换。视觉效果还主要是库存每种茶包装的图像或图片 - 如果这些视觉效果代表使立顿茶及其饮酒者独特的原因,它们将更加强大。



不良网站设计:Madewell示例Mobile sites pose a design challenge: you want to provide all the navigation options and information a visitor needs without cluttering the interface. Madewell's mobile site doesn't quite strike this balance. It's clean and sleek, but it's missing some key features that affect the user journey.

For example, say you log in and want to change your password. You'd click the yellow user icon and see this fly-out menu. You might understand that you can click "My Orders," "My Favorites," or "Sign Out," but these won't provide an option to change your password. To get to account details to then change your password, you have to click the "HI, [NAME]." This unclear navigation label will likely prevent some customers from completing this user flow and being able to change their password, which is a big pain point and security risk.

bad website design: navigation link is not underlined


怎么了: Outdated design


纸张来源was founded in 1983 and, like many brands that have been around for decades, its website suffers from an outdated design. Its layout is cluttered with images, text boxes, and CTAs. A mismatch of colors, fonts, and backgrounds adds to the visual clutter. As a result of this outdated design, customers might think the products — and overall brand — are outdated as well, and opt for a newer, trendier brand.


The purpose of a movie website is to inform visitors and possibly persuade them to purchase tickets or film rights. Websites that seem unprofessional, outdated, or hard to navigate might cause visitors to leave before getting the information they were looking for or making a purchase. These would be considered “bad” designs. Let’s take a look at some examples.

7。房间 - 官方电影网站



可以房间’s website be ironically bad? Maybe? Whatever the intent, it has several UX issues, many of which boil down to a lack of credibility.

The website is one very long homepage, and there’s no navigation menu to make it easier to browse or jump to a specific section you’re interested in.The items below the featured image look like navigation items, but if you click on any of them, they actually open up a new tab. Some are broken, and open up a blank tab. So your only choice is to exit the site, or scroll down the page. You’ll see a bunch of images, GIFs, and hard-to-read text as you scroll. The media and info is only somewhat related to the film and ultimately distract from the main goal of the site, which is to get consumers to buy rights to use the film. They also hurt the site’s credibility, making it less likely that users will provide their payment information.


怎么了: Cluttered layout


IMDB重新设计了许多网页,例如主页,以使其更加时尚用户体验。But some of its pages still have the outdated design shown above, which has some UX pain points. With little whitespace and color, relatively small font, and lots of ads and other content, the layout is cluttered and doesn’t make it easy for visitors to accomplish their goal: finding out more about Scoot McNairy in this case.

也没有简单的方法来浏览页面。例如,您想了解McNairy的个人详细信息。您别无选择,只能继续滚动 - 播放他的照片,特色工作,学分和相关视频 - 直到您到达该部分。


怎么了: No clear CTAs

bad website design: Fandango example

像Zara,Wayfair以及上面讨论的其他网站一样,Fandango缺乏对用户的清晰途径。问题:没有明确的CTA。实际上,乍一看,主页看起来没有CTA。那是因为折叠上方存在的少数人并不脱颖而出。两个“获取票” CTA按钮放置在看起来是广告中,ignored by users。Another CTA —to enter your location or a movie title — is hidden in the search bar of the navigation menu. The “See all Movies” CTA below the search bar has even less visibility because of its size and lack of color contrast.

Finally, the slider contains some implied CTAs to view the 2021 Summer Movie Preview, or a breakdown of a scene inCandyman, 等等。但是,由于它们没有用作操作或放置在常规按钮设计中,因此用户也很容易忽略它们。




怎么了: Whitespace

bad website design: Yahoo example






Considering that load time is essential to the user experience and search engine rankings, CNN is likely losing visitors and positions onsearch engine results pages (SERPs)由于其速度。





每日邮报does not meet this objective. The ads clutter the main body of the web page and both sidebars, pushing the content down and making it more difficult to read. They also significantly slow down the website's load time.



13.Yale School of Art


bad website design: Yale School of Art example

作为一所艺术学校,耶鲁大学艺术学院希望其网站给人留下大胆的印象是有道理的。这意味着它可能会破坏一些网页设计惯例 - 但这是以用户体验为代价的。虽然动画背景可以比坚实的背景增加更多的个性和深度,但耶鲁大学的速度和故障效果会分散其其余内容的注意力。不一致的颜色,淡入效果,边界和字体样式(有大写,小写,斜体,大胆,下划线和正常字体)也令人分心和混乱。


怎么了: Color

bad website design: NYU example

纽约大学的主页由三个主要组件组成:一个纳维栏,具有独特的网格布局和页脚的车身部分 - 它们都是紫色的。尽管它们的紫色阴影略有不同,但对比度或空格并不多,因此很难将一个部分与另一部分分开。这令人困惑,使导航更加困难。

Also, since the grid layout has some images but is mostly made up of blocks with a solid background color and some text, it looks like the web page isn’t fully loaded. Some more images would help prevent this misconception and provide valuable context to readers.



不良网站设计:路易斯安那大学示例路易斯安那大学提供很多在线资源,因此拥有一个有意义的bob体育苹果系统下载安装drop-down navigation menu。但是该设计无法提供干净且可读的物品列表。字体很小,项目之间的间距不大,菜单颜色与标题背景非常相似。当用户徘徊在一个选项上时,整列更改为稍微暗的红色而不是单个选项。结果,用户可能会因提出的选项而不是指导而感到不知所措。






craigslistis notorious for its bad website design (although there are also捍卫设计的支持者). While it’s not pretty, it does allow users to browse, sell, search for something specific, and connect with each other. The major problem is that the site isn’t响应迅速。因此,如果您在台式机或笔记本电脑上打开Craiglist并尝试调整窗口大小,它将隐藏一堆内容。它的移动网站运行良好,但是如今用户希望能够在几乎任何设备和屏幕尺寸上访问网站。




黑客新闻bob官网官方网站is the go-to source for tech coverage and breaking news related to cybersecurity. Although it’s a widely-read publication, it has some readability issues.


Bad Arts Website Design





新世纪的室内乐团有一个由三种颜色组成的很棒的徽标:粉红色,蓝色和黄色。这些颜色在整个网站中都使用 - 但色调不同。例如,主页上的标题,电子邮件选择表格和页脚都是蓝色的不同阴影(徽标中的蓝色都不匹配蓝色)。整个站点上都有CTA按钮是霓虹灯粉红色,黄色和蓝色。这些选择中的一些似乎是不一致且无意识的,这可能会损害用户体验并稀释品牌的身份。


怎么了: Accessibility issues

bad website design: ODC/Dance example

ODC/Dance has some accessibility issues which might limit its ability to reach as wide an audience as possible. For example, a video autoplays on the homepage. While this is interactive and engaging, it should have controls that allow the user to pause or stop playback, according toWCAG指南

The site also has somecolor accessibility issues。In the screenshot above, for example, some of the heading and CTA text isn’t visible against the image background. Since the navigation bar and banner at the bottom of the screen are somewhat transparent, the white text is also difficult to read. This might prevent some users from clicking on the CTAs or navigation links, or even staying on the site.

The Showcase of “Bad” Websites

The websites above are used as examples of “bad” website design because they fail to be user-centric in some way. Some have accessibility issues due to a lack of color contrast. Some overwhelm users with choices because of a cluttered layout or lack of visual hierarchy. Others user colors, whitespace, and images in an inconsistent or unintentional way. You can learn from these mistakes and avoid them in your own website designs in order to provide the best experience to your visitors.




Originally published Nov 24, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 24 2021


Website Design