It takes a lot for a new customer to become a customer these days.

很少有客户发现一家公司,找到所需的产品,并决定在同一天购买全bob全站app部购买 - 相反,他们在几天,几周甚至数月的时间内采取了许多步骤,以进行购买并开始使用产品。

The complex process of winning over customers requires strategy and commitment. That's why sales and marketing funnels and buyer's journeys were created -- to divide and conquer each little step that goes into converting a potential customer into a returning one.


营销人员似乎同意渠道中每个阶段需要不同的策略,并且您需要为每个阶段创建独特的内容。However, what many marketers don't know is that each stage of the funnel also requires collecting a unique batch of客户的反馈意见

Surveying your customers in order to collect customer knowledge at each of these stages, and not just after a customer buys your product, is essential if you want to improve your retention rates and win over new customers. But why?

In this blog post, we are going to dive into why surveying customers at each step of the funnel is so important.



Before your customers become customers, they are very hard to track and understand. This is because you often never have direct contact with potential customers before they become actual customers. Sure, you can send them emails and track open rates, and you can track your site visits to a certain extent.


Asking unqualified leads in the awareness stage what they think about your industry in general, and what they think of your specific product, is an excellent way to refine your marketing strategy andmake sure you are correctly suiting the needs of your consumer base.







3. To survey accurately, you need to survey immediately.

Lastly, surveying customers at every stage is important simply because customers forget. If you survey a loyal returning customer of five years about how they felt when they first started receiving emails from you, they probably are going to have a hard time objectively remembering the experience, because they have five years of positive experiences with the company influencing their emotions.

总的来说,人类并不擅长记住事情。We often shift our memories to fit in with a larger narrative that we believe about our lives and experiences.So in a similar way, if someone has a negative experience with your company, they are going to have a hard time remembering that they really enjoyed a marketing strategy you employed the first time they visited your site.

因此,要获得可靠,准确的反馈,it's best to survey people immediately after they interact with some of your content, no matter what stage in the funnel they are in.

Collecting the right customer feedback in your online ordering funnel takes careful planning and a firm understanding of the journey your customers take when buying a product on your website or app. Here's an infographic that shows when to effectively capture feedback from your customers:




如果您未能通过在营销渠道的每一步获得反馈来获取大量的客户知识,那么您将错过发现新的方法,以使潜在客户转换为loyal brand evangelist这容易得多。

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出版Feb 14, 2018 8:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


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