如果您在二月份庆祝亲人,那么现在该庆祝您的其他亲人 - 您的客户了。

Believe it or not,情感上的联系拥有品牌是持续忠诚度的预测指标,而不是客户满意度。在当今时代,当客户可以通过社交媒体与品牌建立联系并关注品牌参与的原因和问题时,他们对他们想要如何受到治疗有很高的期望 - 他们希望像对待尊贵的伙伴一样受到对待。

In this blog post, learn about the benefits of customer love -- and 12 key strategies for giving (and getting) it.


The Benefits of Customer Love

When a business regularly shows its customers it loves them, that business also becomes a lovable brand. And making your brand lovable has a ton of great business benefits, including:

  • Customer referrals
  • Customer evangelism
  • Social sharing
  • 值得推荐的推荐
  • 客户保留和忠诚度
  • Positive online reviews
  • User-generated content

考虑一下您喜欢的品牌 - 或者我们将以我喜欢的品牌为例:缅因州的汤姆natural health and beauty products. I tell my friends and family to try its products (customer referrals), I talk about how much you love them whenever the topic of toothpaste arises (customer evangelism), I'm happy to share interesting content the brand creates with my社交网络(社交共享),我很高兴能拥有该品牌的特色“我爱汤姆的”狂欢(示威),我经常选择这个品牌而不是其众多竞争对手 - 无论价格或便利性如何(客户忠诚度)。我尚未在Instagram提要上分享自拍照,但是当我这样做时,这也将是引人入胜(和值得信赖的)用户生成的内容的一个例子。

因此,如果您希望当前和未来的客户将您的业务名称插入上面的缅因州情景的汤姆(Tom),那么您可以做11件事来开始传播客户的爱情 - 并获得回报。



If your product or service is one that helps make peoples' lives better in one way or another,feature your top customers in case studiesor testimonials that you can publish on your website and share on social media.

Whether your products or services help them succeed in their business, or allow them to improve a certain aspect of their personal lives, highlighting your happy customers not only gives them an ego boost, but it also contributes to a positive brand image.

尽管考虑到客户成功案例是一种非常强大的销售工具,虽然这种策略的主要好处将在您的末端,但您的客户也将获得一个有价值的入站链接to their website --and quite a bit of pride out of it, too. And if a case study customer is one who shares similar buyer personas with you, the promotion of their case study to your audience could open them up to potential new business.


Giving your customers early or exclusive access to new products or services, or special events or offers, can be a great way to show them you value their customer status.

Give them sneak peeks into product development, invite them to beta test new product features, allow them to be the first to try out a new service, or offer discounted rates only available to paying customers. They'll feel special, and you might even benefit from some valuable user feedback on your new product features.

3. Offer grandfathering.


For example, when AT&T changed its rates and no longer offered an option to purchase unlimited data plans for smartphones, I was grandfathered into the former unlimited data rate since I'd already been using it, whereas new customers are not. It makes me happy that I use AT&T, and it keeps me loyal to the brand.


If it makes sense for your business, offer acustomer loyalty programwith rewards for your customers. If your business follows a recurring revenue structure, reward customers when they hit certain benchmarks such as offering a discount once they've been a customer for a certain amount of time.


You could also implement a referral program that rewards customers who refer potential customers or new business to you. Many online retailers do this well by offering a discount to customers who get a certain number of their friends to register for their website.

5. Showcase your brand's personality.

It's hard to love a business -- but it's easier to love the people behind the business. That's why the most lovable brands are the ones that have a recognizable and lovable personality.

让您的企业个性在您的营销和客户支持沟通中闪耀。是个人,相关和有趣的。开心。给他们一个behind-the-scenes look在您的员工中or how your products are made.

向您的客户展示您关心的价值,生活方式和兴趣他们care about. For example, if your customer base is one that cares about certain causes, make a donation on behalf of your customers to a non-profit that supports those causes -- like Lyft does with汇集并捐赠

6. Provide recognition on social media.

社会媒体是最好的渠道传播customer love. Respond to positive mentions of your brand and your products in social media, retweet customers' tweets of things they care about or successes they've had, and show appreciation for the love your customers are spreading about you.

Using social media to recognize customer success, happiness, and interests is a great and easy way to show your customers you care about them.


Ask your customers for feedback-- on your products or services, your marketing content, their user experience, your customer service, etc.

You can do this in a number of ways: with an email, through social media updates that link to a survey, by pulling together a customer focus group, or in a blog post with an embedded survey. Asking for your customers' feedback shows them you value their input and are committed to making their experiences with your brand as positive and valuable as possible. A commitment to improvement makes you lovable.

8. Offer guest blogging opportunities.

If it makes sense for your business,提供来宾博客opportunitiesto your customers and other partners.



Take opportunities torefer to your customers to other products or servicesthat would benefit them -- and help them achieve their goals faster -- without being pushy. They'll appreciate you suggesting data-driven options for hitting their goals more effectively and won't see it as strictly selling.

10. Remember to say thank you.


Use营销自动化工具like those in HubSpot software to send customers a thank you note after they've made a purchase. Or, create a dedicated campaign that uses a video to thank your customers for their loyalty.

11. Surprise and delight.


Surprise reciprocity in particular can be a very effective way to cultivate customer love and loyalty. By adding a bonus gift or acknowledgement to surprise a customer with a moment of客户喜悦-- such as providing free shipping, writing a thank-you note, or offering an unexpected discount -- customers can feel really positive about doing business with you.

毕竟,每个人都喜欢感到特别 - 尤其是您的宝贵客户,给您辛苦的钱。


The most time-tested and gimmick-free way to earn your customers' loyalty and love? Providing exceptional service and support so they can achieve their goals and see success using your product or service.

在开始之前delighting your customers, you first need tomeet their basic needsby giving them what they ask for -- your help, knowledge, expertise, and support in quickly and effectively resolving their issues. Once you focus on engaging with customers to solve their problems, you can guide them with new suggestions and education to help them use your products and services as effectively as possible -- eventually reaching the point where you can help them grow and see better results -- when they'll becomeyour biggest evangelists

Want more? Learn more abouthow to build customer loyaltynext.

Improve your website with effective technical SEO. Start by conducting this  audit.  
building loyalty

最初发布于2018年8月17日1:58:00 PM,2019年11月25日更新

