The Ultimate Guide to Customer Reviews and Testimonials


Written by: 克里斯汀·贝克(Kristen Baker)







我选择后者 - 我并不孤单。你知道吗81%的消费者依靠Google评论来评估本地企业?

Download Now: 20 Review Response Templates




Since they’re posted on third-party sites and from real users of your products, consumers view these reviews as a reliable source of information. In fact, customers find online reviews to be so helpful that49% of consumerstrust them as much as personal recommendations.



让我们深入研究人们使用的两个更广泛的客户评论网站:Google评论(这是Google我的业务) and喊叫


Google评论目前是最常用的客户评论平台。This is because … well … it’s Google. All types of businesses can be reviewed and rated on a 5-star scale.


With the help of aGoogle我的业务个人资料,任何人都可以为他们的公司创建一个存在,因此可以通过Google搜索找到。bob全站app

第1步:To receive Google Reviews, businesses have to complete aGoogle我的业务profile。在Google上设置您的业务资料不仅很容易,而且客户可以轻松地查看您的产品或服务。

第2步:Once you set up your profile, you need to create a评论链接因此,客户可以写下自己的经验或根据五星级的评分为您提供评级。

步骤3:确保您既有指向评论的链接Place ID Lookup tool.With this, customers can write a review by simply looking up your company or searching for your location on Google Maps.


如果您是审稿人,并希望在Google上留下有关您的经验的信息,那么您需要做的就是提供您的名字和姓氏。Google不允许任何审稿人保持匿名。任何人都可以看到您的名字以及您的评论以及您剩下的任何其他评论以及已添加到Google Maps的照片。

如果您已经有了Google帐户,则有一个”About Me” page that Google My Business will link to your reviews. Here's mine:



  • 它使您的评论对阅读它的人更合法。
  • 当人们将个人信息附加到某物上时,人们通常不太可能发表虚假陈述。
  • 它为您的审查提供了可信度。
  • 它允许公司的所有者跟进您的审查。bob全站app


You may be asking yourself, “What if someone still decides to leave a fake review about my company?” Or, “What if I want to respond to a positive or negative review?” Google helps you out with all of this.


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Although you can’t remove negative reviews, Google will remove reviews that do not meet the requirements of theirUser Contributed Content Policy。可以删除审查的一些原因包括仇恨言论,虚假评论,垃圾邮件,非法信息,利益冲突以及more。如果您注意到Google没有的东西,您可以标记评论,他们将检查内容并在必要时将其删除。


Now that you see how popular and important Google Reviews are for all businesses, you may be wondering how you can optimize your Google My Business profile. After all, reviews are just as necessary for your business to improve as they are for customers to make informed decisions.

Here are some ideas for优化您的Google我的业务资料to get more customer reviews and (hopefully) positive interactions:

  • 在您的Google上完成所有信息我的业务资料。否则,消费者可以进入并“建议”自己的编辑。这些可以在没有您收到通知或更新的情况下上线。定期登录到您的帐户以查看更新,并确保未经您的许可即可任何更改。
  • 创建Google我的业务邮政。这些就像您的Google个人资料中的迷你广告,使人们了解您的销售或您提供的服务。
  • 如果您提供检修es, add a预订按钮so they can schedule an appointment or meeting with you efficiently.
  • 从道德上要求客户的评论。不要要求朋友给您写一个超积极的评论,以便您可以在网站上使用它。如果合法的客户发现,他们为什么要在将来信任您?
  • Engage with customers and reviewers under the “Questions and Answer” section. Express gratitude for compliments, and thoughtfully respond to those who had a poor experience. Make your customers feel like you care about them no matter what they have to say about you.
  • 允许审阅者添加您办公室,商店或餐厅的照片和视频。这为他们的评论增添了个人风格。它也是使他们的评论更加可信
  • 将您的服务或菜单添加到您的个人资料中。您不想失去潜在客户,因为他们无法找到您的服务和价格足够快。



Another popular customer review site is喊叫。喊叫can be used for reviewing any kind of business or service. Consumers can write reviews and rate their experience on a 5-star scale, similar to Google My Business Reviews.




Visit theYelp业务页面开始您的主张。在此过程中,Yelp可以与您联系,以确保您是业务的合法所有者。您绝对不希望任何人在个人资料上运行内容,对吗?

Once you've created your profile and Yelp has given you the green light, you’re able to update important profile information, add photos, respond to reviews privately or publicly, and track views and leads.



Have you ever been in a situation where you had a really bad experience with a business or product and went online to write them a poor review ... then customer service impressed you by immediately contacting you and rectifying the situation?

You might then have felt obligated to write another review and retract what you said? Not a problem with Yelp! You can find your original review, click Update below it, and tell everyone on Yelp how the company listened to you and helped solve your initial issue.


Yelp可以轻松响应客户评论 - 只需转到原始评论,然后单击“写回复”。


But whether or not you agree with what someone wrote, the way you react to criticism says a lot about your company’s values and character. Remain positive towards all reviewers – and ask for more detailed feedback if you need it – no matter how frustrated you might be that this review is viewable to potential customers.

像所有评论网站一样,Yelp也获得了伪造评论的相当多的份额。该网站具有自动化审核过滤器,这是他们的一部分推荐软件bob电竞官方下载, that is used to weed out false information and spam. They also investigate all tips given to them by other reviewers and Yelp visitors to ensure only legitimate information is on the site.



Businesses of all sizes need reviews to gain new customers and build trust. But how do you get reviews? Sometimes, you just need to ask. Here are a few ways you can do that ethically and professionally.




2. Ask in response to praise.

When someone tells you how much they love their purchase or experience, whether it’s in-store, over the phone, or online, ask them to share that information in a review. Make it easy for them by providing a link to your business review page.


If your company has an email list, send a message that asks for honest feedback. Provide email recipients with easy-to-follow directions on how they can complete a review. And since the reviews aren’t anonymous, you can always provide reviewers with a reward of some kind to say thank you!


客户进行购买后,请他们寻求反馈。商店一直这样做 - 您经常看到提示在收据底部写评论或提供反馈。

For information on strategies to promote positive customer reviews,read this blog post





Your testimonials can include impactful and positive quotes from consumers,提供推荐人的照片的照片,或有关其经验的人的视频。这些技术使您的潜在客户感觉好像他们可以信任您和您的公司。bob全站app

It’s important to remember that each buyer is unique, and your testimonials should speak to each of your buyer personas. Every testimonial should highlight different types of people using your products or services in ways specific to their needs. This is because buyers want to know how people similar to themselves are using your product.

You can also create a case study highlighting your customer’s story and obtain a testimonial during this process.


现在,您看到了一个伟大的客户推荐对您的业务产生的积极影响,您可能想知道如何在网站上获得一些。有技术that can help your business receive strong testimonials from relatable and personable customers.




It’s always great having a customer testimonial on your site that has information about their end-to-end experience. This shows customers how your product or service has resolved a challenge that another individual was experiencing.

3. Ask again.

If you ask for a review and don’t get one, wait a couple of weeks and try again. There is no harm in sending a friendly follow-up email asking if they would like to share their experience. Who knows, maybe their purchase made a positive impact on their life in the last couple of weeks that they are now excited to tell others about.

4. Make it easy.



Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are a highly personal way of promoting your brand. When customers can actually see and hear other customers talk about their positive experience, it’s significantly more compelling than just reading words on a page. It allows your potential customer to engage with a real customer who is similar to themselves – and it makes the testimonial more relatable.


Creating Video Testimonials


你会旅行或雇佣一个fi制作公司bob全站applm the testimonial? Do you have the resources in-house to produce the video?

You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to say good things about your business. By controlling the production, you’ll be able to ensure the quality of the video and prompt them to get the footage you’ll need to help build trust with your prospects, alleviate any doubts, and convince them that your services or products will solve their need. However, this can be a large resource commitment, and you may not have the budget.

有tools available to help you create professional video testimonials on a budget. Apps (that require a subscription), like布拉沃Nimbb,允许用户在其计算机或智能手机上使用网络摄像头记录推荐书,然后将其发送给他们,以便您可以有效地将它们放在网站上,而无需挂钩。



From a customer's perspective, reviews and testimonials heavily influence how much a customer can trust a new brand or product. Even one negative review can dissuade a potential customer. Additionally, a business with no reviews raises a red flag; both positive or negative, reviews are beneficial in a customer's eyes.

客户评论的另一个重要部分是企业对他们的回应。Brightlocal发现了这一点55% of consumers felt positively看到企业主在回应审查之后。这意味着与客户评论互动可以为您的业务带来竞争优势。




通过使用评论,您可以将客户放在首位,并通过展示其他人如何从您的产品中获得价值来销售 - 不再是推销,而是对话。推荐书为消费者提供重要信息而不“销售”,并为潜在客户提供自己的研究和尽职调查的机会。


Adding customer testimonials to your sales deck can provide readers and potential buyers with the additional support they need to make a decision. In a sales deck, businesses typically include information that relates to prospective buyers’ needs, possible solutions to the challenges they may be facing, and proof that your claims are accurate. Customer testimonials will help you do all of this.

Using Landing Pages for Your Testimonials


查看Hubspot的testimonial landing pagefor reference. This highlights the variety of companies using our products and how they’ve each benefited differently. Also, notice how each testimonial is paired with a picture. Potential customers can put a face to the name and have a more personal experience.


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Remember: Customer reviews and testimonials are key to understanding why people are using your products — or maybe even why they found the experience less than stellar. This is just one more way to use feedback to improve your overall offerings and how you interact with prospects and customers.



Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



