No matter if you're an amateur or a seasoned professional, there's always more to learn aboutcustomer service。业务领导者继续提出新的文献,培训和研究,以改善和完善客户服务行业。

如今,可以在线找到很多此信息 - 免费!您不再需要参加耗时的课程或支付培训材料的旺盛费用。相反,您可以在浏览器上搜索主题,并在几分钟之内进行教育。

It's tough, however, to know which articles you should read when there are countless options to choose from. And, it's even more stressful knowing that not all of them will be accurate or credible. You need data that's written by reliable sources and relevant to your customer service team.

To narrow down your selection, we put together the list below that provides you with the best customer service articles available this year.

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1。9 Ways Technology Will Affect the Future of Customer Service迈克尔·雷德博德(Michael Redbord)

在当今时代,难怪技术在客户服务和支持中发展。聊天机器人,AI,self-service, and more are revolutionizing the way customer service employees are working every day. Written by HubSpot's former VP of Services and Support, this article predicts how technology will shape, change, and assist the way we'll do customer service over the next few years.

2。不应该的部分客户服务Automatedby Ryan W. Buell

自动化已成为我们日常生活的另一个基本部分。例如,Amazon Gowas the first store with no cashiers. While automation has increased the speed, accuracy, and convenience of service, this article states that too much automation can also decrease顾客满意度

3。社交媒体客户服务的完整指南by Anna Bredava

Customers crave intimacy; that's why社交媒体客户服务变得越来越普遍。它通过通过客户使用的相同渠道回答快速,简单的问题来节省您的团队很多时间。本文将为您介绍建立社交媒体客户服务的过程,并涵盖与此渠道期望有关的许多常见问题解答。

4。客户服务差不仅会影响那些经历过的客户服务by Kristen Dalli

我们观察到的服务影响我们对品牌的个人看法非常有趣。即使经验与完全不同的客户有所不同,它仍然改变了您对业务的看法。本文讨论了您不必直接体验不良客户服务to be turned off by a company.

5。Handling Customer Service as Your Business Growsby Editor of Home Business Magazine


6。6良好客户服务的示例(以及您可以从他们那里学到什么)索菲亚·伯纳扎尼(Sophia Bernazzani)

It can take just one exceptional experience to transform a customer into a lifelong提倡。Learning from some of the best players can prove to be a strong strategy for growing companies. Take a look at the brands listed in this article and learn some key takeaways about great customer service.

7。混合品牌和文化如何影响客户体验by Chris Cancialosi

As we mentioned above, a single great customer service experience can stick in a customer's mind for life. Unfortunately, the same can happen with a negative one. This article covers the three foundations for customer experiences -- brand purpose, promise, and values -- and how understanding these three things can make all the difference in customer service.

8.15客户服务心理学提示掌握。我们走吧!by Gaetano Dinardi

当您更好地理解他们在购买过程中所经历的情绪时,为客户提供服务要容易得多。反过来,这可以帮助您实践情商 - 理解,管理和表达情感的能力,尤其是在人际关系中。本文涵盖了利用情商来建立与客户建立更多同情心的联系的技巧。

9.取得更大客户成功的10个步骤by Emily Marchant

Any company can claim to have greatcustomer success。However, if your metrics aren't adding up, there could be an issue with your strategy. This article covers ten simple ways you can improve customer interactions and prioritize customer success.

10.Four Roads We Call Customer Serviceby Seth Godin

一家bob全站app公司可以在任何客户互动中采取四条道路之一。这些道路中的三条道路致力于加强客户关系并有效地解决他们的问题。最后一家 - 许多公司在不知不觉中接受的一家 - 将客户视为滋扰。本文可帮助公司了解如何在每种客户互动开始时具有更好的心态。

11。拥有世界一流客户服务的9个秘密by The Oracles


有关客户服务的更多信息,请阅读这些信息customer service stats



Originally published Jul 26, 2019 8:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


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