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I was first introduced to Glossier by a friend who claimed her skin had never felt more plump and dewy. These were not adjectives I had ever considered to be associated with one's skin, especially in a positive way. I found myself thinking, "What the heck is dewy skin?"

Now, dewy skin is all I strive for. Every morning, I applyBoy Brow眉毛,滚动卤素onto my cheekbones, swipe a layer of BirthdayBalm Dotcom在我的嘴唇上,立即感觉像个老板女士。那种穿合身的西装外套,有永久拱起的右眉毛,并在早上与凯利·克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson)在背景中爆炸的“独立小姐”一起工作。

Glossier makes me feel confident and empowered in my own skin. Natural, healthy skin is in, and women all over the world are hungrily following the Glossier cult. It's partly because we all want that perfect, dewy skin. But it's also partly because of the unwavering loyalty of their customer service.


Glossier-4-ed-2- 来源: Abracadabra Girl

Glossier is a leading direct-to-consumer makeup and skincare brand. It was founded in 2014 by Emily Weiss, born from her makeup and skincare blog进入光泽进入光泽got its claim to fame through Weiss's interviews with icons, such as Kim Kardashian, about their beauty regimens.

当魏斯(Weiss)创立Glossier时,它已经从她的博客中有了像邪教的追随者。在公司前四种产品推出后的6周内,Glossier拥有bob全站app$8.4 millionin Series A funding.

Glossier在其完美的品​​牌形象上蓬勃发展。一些品牌的关键方面include: that natural, dewy skin; the trademark Glossier pink; the motto of "skin first. makeup second."; minimal makeup; diverse women; and cool and casual vibes. Also, its packaging is very memorable. All Glossier goodies are delivered in a pink box and filled with fun stickers and a pink bubble makeup bag containing your products.

While Glossier has opened two位置- 纽约的陈列室和洛杉矶 - 它仍然是电子商务品牌。它有一个令人难以置信的客户服务团队,被亲切地称为Gteam。Gteam的激情,友善和动力是客户服务团队带来的忙碌和奉献精神的灵感和证明。



1. Call it what you want it to be.

来源: Into The Gloss

At Glossier, the name is "客户体验“,不是客户服务。GTEAM更喜欢此名称,因为他们所做的很多事情都是为了创造更好的客户体验。

客户体验协调员Emily Mullaneybelieves the gTEAM is different than other customer service teams. Rather than speaking from a script and rapidly sending emails, the gTEAM has real conversations with customers comparing products and talking about they use each product.


The bottom line: Titles matter.如果您希望您的客户服务团队取得伟大,那么如果您认识到他们的辛勤工作,可能会有助于激励他们。更改团队的名称和每个职位的头衔似乎似乎都很卑鄙,但这可以使您的代表感到受到赞赏,并对他们的心态产生巨大影响。

2. Don't separate; integrate.

来源: 推特

Customer service is an integral part of every marketing department. So...why is it not always considered that way in many companies?

在Glossier,GTEAM有助于制定产品开发决策。GTEAM需要客户反馈,问题和投诉,并使用它们来帮助创建将成为粉丝最爱的新产品,例如Glossier看不见的盾牌daily sunscreen.

These contributions the gTEAM makes to product development brings in actual retention and conversions. Basically, without the input of their customer experience team, Glossier wouldn't know what customers真的need.

The bottom line: Recognize the value your customer service team brings.Let them have a say in marketing decisions. Don't outsource your team or separate them from the rest of the marketing team. Instead, use the customer feedback gained through customer service to continuously improve products, packaging, shipping, and more.



Glossier has its ownrepresentative program。According to Weiss, Glossier's customers are their best form of marketing. They spread the word about the brand and its products and have interpreted Glossier to be what they want and need it to be. And, it gives an opportunity to young women, like Emily Loughridge above, who love the brand and want to be more involved with it.


The bottom line: Let your best customers do the marketing for you.潜在的潜在客户更有可能信任客户评论或朋友对公司本身的付费营销广告的建议。bob全站app如果您有忠于您品牌的客户,请给他们代表它的机会,他们一定会建立您的客户群。


GTEAM编辑器和我的同事Sophia Bernazzani之间的电子邮件交换显示了GTeam与客户的真实交流。GTEAM上的编辑以友好,温暖和体贴为荣。

他们不仅表现出这些特征,而且通常是员工started out as customers。他们了解客户,因此对他们有同情心。


最重要的是:将您独特的个性带入您的角色。Be honest about mistakes you make and questions to which you don't have answers, but also apologize for that. Share with them your own experiences with those products and services and give real recommendations. Use emojis (when appropriate), humor, and sincerity. Basically, be human. And customers will adore it.



The gTEAM doesn't just limit its interaction with customers to emails and phone calls. Editors speak to customers on all social channels, from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter. And, they actually respond to customers' questions, comments, and concerns, as shown in this Instagram exchange in reference to Glossier's Invisible Shield daily sunscreen.


gTEAM之间的差异和many other customer service teams is that they strive towards increasing conversations with customers, rather than having the mindset of dreading calls and shutting down customers. They want to speak to their customers, so they go where their customers are spending most of their time online.

The bottom line: It's not cool to ignore customer comments and complaints.Customers expect you to respond to them -- immediately. You're way more likely to interact with customers on social channels than via email these days, especially if your target market is millennial or Generation Z. Show them you really care by making it easy for them to speak to you, right on their favorite social channels. And, by having a more positive attitude to customer conversations, you may also have better conversations and feedback, too.


来源: Glossier

有一个了不起的storyof Glossier going above and beyond for a single customer. A bride-to-be was panicked because Glossier was sold out of the Haloscope highlighter, which she wanted to use on her wedding day. After writing to the gTEAM, an editor messaged the entire office, hoping an employee might have an unopened Haloscope to spare. They finally tracked one down and mailed it to the ecstatic bride-to-be.

Glossier treats its customers as it would any friend, family member, or coworker. And why shouldn't they? That extra step Glossier takes to make customers, like这个, happy shows the relationship of mutual respect and loyalty that has been built.

At the start of the company,Weisseven personally handled some deliveries. Still today, she responds to every direct message she receives and is compassionate and humble when speaking with customers.

最重要的是:对于客户来说,额外的英里通常几乎没有花费,这是值得麻烦的结果。你的客户由purch帮了你一个大忙asing your products or services; the least you can do is do them a favor in return, once in a while. After all, how can you expect them to care about you and your brand if you don't reciprocate?

7. Take advantage of your company's growth.

来源: PopSugar

When Glossier's gTEAM was first born, the company sold one product. Now, having grown to sell 23 products, the gTEAM only seems to be benefiting from this growth.

As Glossier grew as a business, it also meant it was growing in the size of its employees. More people representing the gTEAM meant more opportunities for conversations with customers. The team divides editors so that each one focuses on customer interaction via a different channel.

最重要的是:您公司的增长意味着您有更多机会为bob全站app客户带来改变。A larger customer service team shouldn't mean the responsibilities are thinned out across the team. Instead, each team member should still be working equally as hard, producing a greater impact. And, as your company develops more products, that means more products for you to recommend to your customers.


In theGTEAM职位描述, Glossier highlights that they are looking for employees who are enthusiastic, compassionate, thoughtful, and passionate about building strong customer relationships. Also, instead of requiring a cover letter, Glossier has interested applicants submit a statement in under 400 words on why they want to work in customer service.


The bottom line: If you're passionate about your company, that'll be clear to your customers.一些times, it takes researching and understanding your brand's mission, values, and products or services to gain that level of dedication to what the company stands for. Taking that knowledge, approach each conversation with the desire to improve a customer's experience. Relish in the excitement thatyouget to be the one to help a customer navigate your brand and purchase a new product or service.


Glossier's gTEAM exemplifies the same qualities valued by the brand: fun, thoughtfulness, authenticity, naturalness, and simplicity. By sticking true to your brand's values, you can also achieve exceptional customer service.

For more tips on improving and educating your team, read about effective客户服务培训想法



Originally published Jun 25, 2018 8:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


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