8 Steps to Building a Strong Customer Success Team

布雷克·托德(Blake Toder)
布雷克·托德(Blake Toder)




客户 - 成功团队-2



Over the course of the last year, I helped our customer success team here at HubSpot improve revenue retention from 80% retention to 100%. Through careful trial and error, I determined the first five actionable steps I would carry out if I were to redo my experience building my team — and I'm confident your team will see similar success in half the amount of time if you follow them from the get-go.



1. Start with Talking to Customers


列出与您的产品报告成功的客户,以及取消或给出负面反馈的客户列表。一旦您列出了这些列表,就开始与客户接触以了解有关whybehind their sentiments. Once you've written down all of your notes, highlight the trends of your happy and unhappy customers.





3. Deploy a Survey at Each Stage of the Customer Lifecycle


一种净启动子得分®(NP)是调查客户的一种常见方法,但您还可以将调查添加到客户生命周期的其他部分 - 当然不会过度交流。我建议在最初登上新客户并取消时进行调查。如果客户取消和何时取消客户,您可以采取越多地收集信息,那么您就能理解和帮助这些客户,并在将来保留更多。



One of the most important reasons to have a customer success team is that, by working with customers directly every day,是代表您对您的产品和公司感受的最佳人选。bob全站app您应该通过每周写一段段落来编译此反馈,标题为“成为[您的公司]的客户的感觉。”bob全站app描述从客户的角度来描述反馈的亮点和低光,并确保通过电子邮件或您使用的任何其他内部通信系统可见整个公司。bob全站app




One way to ensure scalability is to adopt客户服务工具您的团队可以用来自动化其日常任务和功能。例如,票务系统can manage incoming service requests and distribute them to different members on your customer success team. You can also set up pre-written email templates that employees can use to standardize communication with new customers. Rather than taking the time to perform these types of menial tasks, customer service tools can save your success team valuable time and expand their bandwidth.


对于您的客户使用您的产品时,对您的问题进行快速,简单的答案至关重要。有时,他们获得帮助的首选方法不会跳上电话 - 它正在进行在线搜索以获取他们的问题。那是一个知识库进来 - 像我们的在HubSpot


Knowledge base help resources might typically take the form of how-to articles, but today's modern buyer may benefit more from a quick answer, a how-to guide, a video explainer, or a webinar. Consider your persona and what they would be most likely to leverage if they ran into this problem when deciding which type of knowledge base content to create. Not sure? Just survey a few customers!


让我再说一遍不是have to be perfect.


4X as many customers宁愿观看有关产品的视频,而不是阅读有关产品的视频,因此不要害怕将其投入到视频内容的世界中 -here's how to get started如果您以前没有做过。

7. Send a Customer Success Report Card


The weekly report card should include things like the customer narrative, team process updates, relevant product changes, and relevant KPIs — like NPS or other survey results. This helps everyone committed to customer success keep a pulse on what's happening with your team on the front lines.

While these report cards should communicate metrics, they should communicate qualitative feedback, too. This information is just as valuable as it empowers your team to learn from past errors and help customers use time-tested best practices.


Your customer success team needs to develop a complete picture of the customer's journey, but often these employees only see a portion of your客户的经验。客户成功团队会见已经购买了您的产品或服务的人会见,并且不会看到客户在购买点之前做出的决定。取而代之的是,您的营销和销售团队处理客户旅程的这一方面,并​​将客户成功排除在购买过程之外。

But how will your customer success team ever know when tocross-sell or upsellif they don't understand how customers make their buying decisions? Sure they may know the right upgrade to recommend, but that's useless if they can't present the offer in the right way and at the right time. By working with sales and marketing, your success team will have a better understanding of not only what to offer your customers, but how to offer it to them in an enticing way.

另一方面,您的销售和营销可以从您的客户成功团队中获得丰富的学习。您的成功团队可以突出最新的客户的需求和建议营销团队如何最好的格式their content. They can also transfer customers directly to sales reps when they're interested in upgrading or making additional purchases. That seamless transfer removes any hesitations customers may have when considering your products.


For more ways to focus on customer success at your business, read aboutcustomer-centric culture

净启动子,净启动器系统,净启动子得分,NP和与NPS相关的表情符号是Bain&Company,Inc。,Fred Reichheld和Satmetrix Systems,Inc。的注册商标。bob全站app

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