根据人才发展协会的说法,位于弗吉尼亚的非营利组织专注于工作场所学习和专业发展,而不是70%Fortune500家公司have some type of mentorship program. Butonly a quarter较小的公司做。

Corporate mentoring is a difficult, time consuming and often overlooked role. In pop culture, mentors are portrayed as pivotal figures in the hero's life - a relationship that often occurs organically, where the mentor sees themselves in the hero. Think of Mickey Goldmill and Rocky Balboa, or Mr. Miyagi and The Karate Kid -- the mentor sees potential in the student and takes his time to train and guide him.


A mentoring program guides employees over the hurdles, and helps them achieve in a way that's aligned with the company's mission --as well as their own


作为指定的负责任的个人(DRI)for HubSpot's Partner Customer Success team, I am constantly researching and asking people around me how to foster a supportive and rewarding mentor community. In the past six months, I have paired about 10 new hires with customer success mentors.

After each new hire completes their first 90 days, I sit down with them to gather feedback on their experience. The overall response is positive (who doesn't like an individual assigned to help them?) but there are always a few mentors who really stand out. Here are the top 5 things customer success manager (CSM) mentors do particularly well:

5 Tips for Mentoring New Customer Success Hires


Organization is skillCSM需要做他们的日常工作。这也适用于成为成功的导师。


集线器Principal Channel Consultant克里斯托弗·普鲁迪特(Christopher Prudente)告诉我以下关于组织技能的重要性:“组织对于帮助新员工取得成功至关重要。他们不仅会对信息和任务不知所措,而且很难使这一责任与日常工作保持平衡。拿30分钟以帮助您的受训者评估他们的优先事项并指导他们绘制时间表可以为他们准备成功,并可能教会他们一项至关重要的新技能。”

By using the same organizational skills that a CSM brings to managing multiple customer relationships, the mentor helps the new hire accomplish all of their tasks -- and sets up their new hire for success.


Here at HubSpot, we like to say to "be human" when we're talking to customers and partners. As CSMs, we know that our customers are not solely focused on HubSpot. This is true of being a mentor, too.

Being a great mentor means showing your mentee your genuine self. Think about how customers can tell when you are being disingenuous -- the same is true of your mentee.

通过与您的受训者建立个人关系,您可以开放指导才能成为更多。您的个人生活总是会成为您职业生涯的一部分 - 如果您的受训者感到舒适,让您知道何时发生伟大或压力的生活,他们的生活,在工作中或失业时,它会促进更牢固的关系并更好地工作环境。

"Speaking to your mentee as a friend is key," explainsOscar Zamorano,HubSpot的主要渠道顾问。“归根结底,您是他们的导师 - 不是他们的经理。您能做的最糟糕的事情是过于正式或批判性,因为他们会通过关闭而回报。如果您以轻松而友好的友善来处理这种关系方式,您的受训者将对您开放和诚实。”

3. Guide new hires.


As CSMs, you want to empower your customers and partners to use whatever service you offer for their success. For example, if I tell my customer simply how to point and click to create a conversion path, I am not doing my job well. Instead, I should take the time to coach my customer through the fundamentals of conversions path and the theory.

Mentors are often seen as coaches, but many mentors don't always take the time to really coach their mentee. Too often, mentors get caught up in their own lives and just tell their mentee如何做某事。最好的导师退后一步,引导他们的受训者挣扎。

"Telling someone how to solve a problem is a short-term solution, but guiding your mentees by asking them the right questions encourages critical thinking, which is a key skill in their growth and career development," saysRachel Ahearne,HubSpot的主要渠道顾问。“对于两个人来说,这也是一种更积极的协作经历。”


The best CSMs are naturally empathetic. We care about our customers and partners -- not just about their experiences with HubSpot. The best mentors are also empathetic. It can be easy to forget how intimidating starting a new job is. Especially for new hire customer success managers, you are trying to learn a new role, product, and company. Sometimes, the new hire has just moved to a new city too. The new hire may be facing personal challenges at the same time. All of this can make for a stressful new hire experience. The best mentors empathize with what a new hire is going through and take the time to understand how best they can help.

"As mentors, we challenge our mentees but are also empathetic to the rigorous training process they're experiencing," explainsKristina Bailey, a Channel Consultant at HubSpot. "It's important to think back to our own training experience to remember how it felt to learn and retain so much information each day. Showing empathy builds trust and allows the mentee to openly share their challenges, frustrations, concerns so the mentor can support them as they work towards a successful outcome."

5. Adapt feedback to how new hires like to learn.

CSM必须喜欢学习 - 他们需要喜欢学习客户,行业趋势和关系管理技术。客户成功导师必须谦虚,以便总是想学习。在许多方面,指导是一条双向街道。

I recently mentored a new hire in another department, and while I could help to coach her on HubSpot's many tools, she also knows a lot more about her department than I do. I had to leave my comfort zone and ask her how she best wants to learn, and what she wants to prioritize, and everyone who mentors someone should be open to learning from their mentee as well.

There are hundreds of books to read about how to be a good manager, how to deliver feedback, and how to drive growth for your mentee. No one can read all of these books (although it's a great goal), but a great mentor is open to learning from others and your mentee.

作为HubSpot领导力和管理教练尼克·康洛西(Nick Congelosi)puts it, "Do you want to know what successful people at top levels have that others don't? Learning agility. When you learn from a mentor and learn on your own, the more agile you become, and that, friends, is how you know what to do when you don't know what to do."

Being a CSM and being a mentor are fairly similar roles. At its core, empowering your customer takes the same skill set as empowering a new hire to be successful. These tips are what I have seen the best mentors use to excel at here at HubSpot -- what have you seen for your own mentors?

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Originally published Jul 9, 2018 7:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


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