The internet has changed the relationship between businesses and consumers, and across all industries, customers are placing lots of stock in a firm's online reputation. Today, online reviews and ratings are fundamental tools used to choose where to shop, eat, visit, and more.

According toBrightlocal,平均消费者在信任业务之前先阅读10条评论。这意味着您的公司的审查和排名对于建立客户融洽的关系至关重要。



Let's take a look at each of these companies and dig into why they're so well-reviewed. That way, you should get some excellent ideas for improving your company's reputation.

但是,在我们开始我们的例子,让我们触及why online reviews are so important. After all, how your company gets rated and talked about online can have a significant impact on profits.

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The Importance of Online Reviews


  1. Driving purchases by social proof.
  2. Improving brand visibility.
  3. 建立信任。
  4. 扩大品牌范围。
  5. 帮助消费者决策。
  6. 提供一个新的渠道进行反馈和沟通。

Social proof消费者是根据别人(甚至陌生人)的思考和做的想法来调整自己的行为的想法。简而言之,如果其他人同意这是正确的决定,我们就更有可能购买商品。对于拥有在线形象的公司,在线评论是社会证明的明显来源。

Online reviews also make your brand more visible on search engines. It's widely understood that reviews are a ranking factor with Google and that local search gives a6.5%重量到客户评论。


Customer Reviews

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在线评论衡量您的在线声誉,并且具有持续高评论的公司可能会通过推荐有机地增长。而且,一些消费者会在第三方网站上找到您的积极评论,甚至可能会阅读有关出色的评论客户体验on your blog or external publications.




You should, by now, understand the importance of online reviews. But, this leads to the obvious question, how can you improve your online reputation? The best place to start is by looking at what other businesses do to receive excellent reviews.


1.ASOS- 采用快速运输和交货。

Founded close to two decades ago, ASOS is now a globally-renowned clothing brand. The firm sells its own line of clothing and accessories from over 850 brands and it serves and ships items to customers in 196 countries.


Customer-Focus –ASOS是一家仅在线业务,它与许多其他服装零售商不同。该品牌通过将自己作为一个社区出售来扮演这种差异。它合并客户首先政策,并始终使客户满意度在其策略的最前沿。

包容性 -该公司在ASOS网站上说,他们“相信一个您完全自由成为您的世界,而无需判断。”这些包容性思想是ASOS品牌的核心,因此该公司促进身体积极性,并将“真实的人”用于其模型。bob全站app

Logistics and shipping is the area that ASOS excels the most, though. The delivery and returns from ASOS are exceptional and the brand serves hundreds of countries, yet still offers same and next day delivery options.


这使他们能够提供更杰出的品牌无法匹配的送货服务。ASO提供快速有效的交付,其标准交付选项在大多数国家 /地区都是免费的。它还可以确保仅两到三天内物品的到来,并提供第二天的负担得起的送货选项。

By focusing on logistics as it's differentiator, ASOS found a way to improve the buying experience for its customers.

2. HubSpot - Understand the customer journey.

HubSpot's vision is to help businesses "grow better." The company offers an多合一营销包对于可能只有一名营销员工的中小型企业。因此,易用性很重要,因为它可以确保目标受众可以使用HubSpot的产品。

Another key to the brand's success is the range of features incorporated in its product. Users can edit, personalize, and track email campaigns all from one location. And, campaigns can be tied to other tools like yourCRM, so you can create content that's specific to individual customers.




3.Shopify- 提供端到端解决方案。

Shopify is a top ecommerce software platform and it powers over one million websites worldwide. Shopify also proudly displayscustomer testimonialson its site, like the one below.


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But, it's not only on Shopify's site where you'll find glowing reviews of the brand. In fact, G2 named Shopify as the第五大software company in the world.

Shopify's reputation is earned through its comprehensive nature. Its users can get everything they need to build and maintain a successful website.

As well as site-building and editing tools, Shopify also takes care of web hosting. It also has built-in marketing tools that help get any site off the ground. Lastly, the company's technical support team is also second to none.


If you're looking for a Shopify-like reputation online, think about how you can optimize your customer experience. What can you add to your product or services that make your offer more comprehensive than your rivals? You might need a客户旅程地图to help you identify potential opportunities to delight customers.

4.rakuten- 通过创新保持优势。




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What, though, has gained Rakuten its success in terms of online reviews? The brand has always been on the cutting-edge of ecommerce in Japan.

rakuten– then known as MDM – launched as an online marketplace in 1997. That was right at the beginning of the ecommerce繁荣时,品牌开拓这个空间。在the 23 years since its inception, innovation has remained a core value of the company.



"Rakuten Group's mission is to contribute to society by creating value through innovation and entrepreneurship."

rakutenis constantly finding new ways to improve experiences for its users. By collecting客户的反馈意见并研究竞争对手,该公司一直推出新功能和服务,以保持其目标受众的参与度bob全站app。

5.Justfab- 定义您独特的卖点。




顾客take a brief fashion quiz to gain access to a customized online store. The selection of items available there is tailored to the customer's tastes. A user can then sign up to the brand's subscription service which gives them a 30% or greater discount, in exchange for a monthly fee.



Each company we've talked about dominates online reviews. Industry experts, reviewers, and most importantly, customers, rate them as the best brands in their niches. Having such a strong online reputation only serves to help them attract and delight customers.




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最初于2020年3月2日出版,上午8:00 am,更新于2021年6月15日


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