Every great team needs a tech person.

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This person works with engineering teams to create products that customers will like and will achieve the business's short- and long-term goals. If you're running aSaaSbusiness, this role helps stakeholders understand how products are being produced and why they should include certain features in their design.

In this post, let's review what a technical product manager does, then dive into some of the key responsibilities they have on the development team.

Product managers通常,他们采访客户并与其他团队合作进行竞争分析并制定市场计划时,通常会更加外部。但是,由于技术产品经理在计算机科学或软件工程方面具有背景,因此他们更加与工程和设计团队有关产品功能和功能的工作。bob电竞官方下载


Depending on the size and breadth of a product, some companies might hire a product managerand一位技术产品经理,因此他们有一个人专注于协调该产品的业务,一个人专注于协调构建产品的技术方面。其他人可能希望让一位产品经理对建造和将新产品推向市场的内容,原因以及如何负责。

If you're considering hiring a technical product manager for your business, let's a take a look below at what a job description for this role would look like.



例如,如果你是SaaSbusiness, you'll probably want a technical product manager with design and engineering skills. But, if you were manufacturing audio equipment, you'd want someone who has experience with building hardware and software.

Here's an example job description we pulled fromAmazon Robotics






Manage the product vision.

一旦产品主开发了product vision,,,,it's up to the product manager to bring that vision to life. She or he needs to address any concerns they have about the blueprint and assess the product backlog for anything confusing. It's important to clarify any gray areas as changing features later down the road can often be costly and time-consuming. And, the more they communicate about the product vision, the more likely they are to get the design right.



Once this resource is completed, the product manager should share it with the rest of the development team. If you're working in scrum development, then the technical product manager would pass the roadmap along to the scrum master. The scrum master would then make suggestions for overcoming potential roadmaps and where they could be more efficient.


A big part of the product manager's job is to conduct market research. However, technical product managers spend less time interviewing customers when doing so.

相反,他们与工程和设计teams to collect feedback on the company's existing products. Since they have a technical background, they relate to the suggestions that these teams have and can translate their value to other stakeholders who may not work as close to the product.

But, here's where the technical product manager role is unique. Since they work with both customers and product development teams, they often have to find a middle ground that appeases both sides. For example, if the engineering team suggests removing a feature that customers would miss, it's up to the product manager to determine whether or not it should be removed. These judgment calls play a major role in the success of the product.

Collaborate with the product owner and scrum master.

Technical product managers should regularly communicate with the product owner and scrum master throughout development. They should provide updates, ask questions about the product vision, and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding timelines and task prioritization. Having clear communication between each of these roles is the key to creating a smooth and efficient development process.

Assess risk.

In product development, there are always risks that pose a threat to your product. When roadblocks pop up, timelines get delayed and the business has to spend more money to correct the issue. And, depending on your product management style, operations may come to a halt until the problem is resolved.



Whatever their focus, a product manager's success is contingent on their ability to network and coordinate across different teams and professionals to keep everyone working towards a single goal. Whether they're responsible for coordinating marketing launch plans, or shipping new code themselves, a product manager should be comfortable leading meetings, organizing spreadsheets, and rallying the troops.

To learn about more roles in product development, read about the difference between产品所有者和产品经理

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