It can be intimidating to tackle a large project by trying to do everything at once. Instead of saying, "I'm going to build a website today," start with "I'm going to map out the user interface and the website functionality."

Then, move on to selecting the technologies to build the infrastructure of the site. Next, set up a frontend and backend. After that, focus on connecting them so that sample data can be requested, received, and displayed in the interface. Next, set up a route so that user-generated data can be submitted to the database.

At this point, don't worry about the appearance of the website or the features. Why? Because focusing too much on the end product would risk missing basic but crucial details at the start. By taking the project one step at a time and validating each change, you will be more confident that you're building a solid codebase that supports greater functionality and a flashy interface.

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This hypothetical approach to building a website is a simplified example of the principles of continuous integration in action.

Continuous integration (CI) is a cornerstone ofDevOps pipelinesand is used inagile development workflows。The goal of this approach is to limit the amount and complexity of merge conflicts by implementing frequent pushes to the mainline. Once code is integrated and tested, code on local machines is updated with frequent pulls so that developers are always working with the latest version of the code.

Continuous integration diagram


This video from freeCodeCamp provides another explanation of CI:


在传统软件开发方法中 - 例如bob电竞官方下载waterfall model— developers would be assigned features to build throughout the sprint. At the end of the sprint, the engineers combine their finished code to create the final codebase to build the application.


What happens if Developer A has extended a snippet of code's functionality to support their feature while Developer B has deleted that same code snippet? Both have been working with different versions of the same file for weeks, and now their edits fundamentally conflict with each other. The process to solve this conflict is tedious and time-consuming.



In addition to solving this common roadblock, continuous integration offers several other advantages.


CI provides benefits for both the development team and the organization at large, which are covered below.




Another benefit of constant commits is that the code is continuously updated and tested. Development teams have greater confidence in the application because they are consistently receiving feedback from their automated tests. This greatly improves the odds that the final product will meet project requirements since they have confirmed each new feature or component against these expectations.

3. More Visibility for the Organization



4. Constant Availability of a Testable Build


The QA team can then communicate any deficiencies back to the development team, improving the turnaround time rather than discovering these issues after the coding phase is completed.

5. Explicit Definition of Requirements

CI can only deliver its full benefits with a robust testing strategy. Otherwise, all a development team may accomplish is streamlining the pipeline for committing defective code.

An added benefit of this focus on testing is that business and development teams have extra incentive to clearly define objectives at the start of the lifecycle. Thorough planning is essential so that the engineers can write the test cases to validate that the code meets these goals.


一些组织通过连续部署扩展这种方法,该方法可以自动发行anddeployment processes so the code enters production without any human intervention. Combined, these strategies form the CI/CD pipeline.


How does continuous integration work?

CI allows software developers to segment responsibilities and independently code features in parallel. To build a CI pipeline that effectively supports this workflow, a few different toolsets are required.

首先,开发团队需要一个版本sion control system to track and merge changes. Next, a CI pipeline requires a code repository to store the codebase. A common version control system and repository combination isGit and GitHub

Finally, the pipeline needs atesting suite。This subset of tools can be used to perform code quality checks and syntax reviews before the code is committed and to perform unit testing after the codebase is compiled and the application is built.

Continuous integration workflow diagram


Once the pipeline has been orchestrated with the proper tools, a sample CI workflow would look like the following:

  1. Developer checks out code to edit in their workspace.
  2. Developer commits changes to the repository.
  3. Code quality and syntax are validated before the commit is accepted.
  4. 提交触发应用程序构建。
  5. 如果无法构建应用程序,请警告团队以解决该问题。
  6. Build server runs unit tests against the application.
  7. If the application passes test cases, the team is informed that the code is ready to merge.
  8. If the application fails test cases, code is released back to the team to remediate bugs.
  9. Repeat this cycle throughout the development phase.

This video from Edureka reviews the concept of CI, its purpose, and then walks through how to build a sample CI workflow with Jenkins:

Continuous Integration Powers DevOps

CI is an important cornerstone of DevOps and aligns with the DevOps model's approach to constant iteration and improvement. In addition, CI synergizes with other DevOps best practices, such as Shift Left testing and automation.


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Originally published Feb 11, 2022 7:00:00 AM, updated February 11 2022


Developer Operations