Two seconds might not seem like long. When it comes to your website, though, a lot can happen in that short span of time.

According to Google, an increase in page load time from one to three seconds increases bounce rate by 32% — that’s a significant portion of your audience heading elsewhere due to just a bit of lag.

显然,在涉及到的酒吧很高website performance。To stay in the ring with your competitors, you’ll need to prioritize reducing your page load times in order to show visitors, leads, and customers what they want, when they want it (i.e. as quickly as possible).

In this port, we’ll be discussing one cornerstone of web technology that keeps the internet blazing fast: compression — specifically a type of compression calledgzip


在这篇文章中,我将解释什么是GZIP压缩,它在网络上的工作方式以及如何使用它optimize your website。But first, let’s zoom out to better understand file compression as a concept.



In broad terms, compression is the process of reducing file sizes and is accomplished using a compression algorithm. A compression method can either be lossy, meaning some information is lost in the compression process, or lossless, which means all information from the original file is preserved in the compressed file.

Here’s why this is relevant to your website: At its core, a website is a group of related files stored on a网络服务器。当您在浏览器中输入URL时,您的浏览器会将请求(通常为HTTP GET请求)发送到托管所需内容的Web服务器。服务器处理您的请求,从其数据库中检索正确的文件(包括HTML和任何关联的CSS,JavaScript和媒体文件),然后将文件发送到您的浏览器作为HTTP响应。最后,您的浏览器将文件渲染到您认为的网页中。

a diagram of an http interaction between a browser and a web server

Image Source

This seems like a lot of work to load a cat video, but it’s true — every time you load a page, a web server must transmit all the necessary data to your computer. Each data transfer requires some amount of time, largely depending on the size of the transferred files — the more data there is to send, the longer it takes for a page to load in your browser.

According tohttparchive,这样的数据传输的中位数约为2,000千元,数据相当于大约100页的纯文本。有了媒体繁重的页面,尺寸的大小可能大三到四倍。

那么,我们如何保持互联网快速?您可能会猜到的是该网络服务器压缩文件性能试验ore sending them to browsers — they turn our 100-page text document into more like a 30-page essay. The reasoning is simple: smaller files mean less work that servers and browsers need to do to transfer them. Once the browser receives the compressed response, it quickly decompresses the contents and we’re happy with the faster load time.



over and over and compression methods work to temporarily eliminate these repetitions and shorten files — GZIP is one such method.


GZIP是一种经常用于通过Internet快速传输数据的压缩技术。“ GZIP”是指一种压缩方法,用于使用此方法压缩文件的软件以及由GZIP压缩bob电竞官方下载产生的文件格式(通常由文件扩展名.gz表示)。

gzipis the current standard for file compression on the web.Research by W3Techs显示了压缩其内容的网站,超过99%使用GZIP。

gzipwas introduced in 1992 and originally intended for use by GNU (hence the “G” in GZIP) as a free and open-source alternative to proprietary compression methods at the time. This accessibility contributed to GZIP’s ubiquity.

我们不会详细介绍GZIP如何压缩文件 - 本质上,GZIP实现了无损放气算法,它可以在文本文件上找到并删除重复的字符。就目前而言,您只需要知道为什么GZIP通常比类似的压缩方法更喜欢GZIP。

Why Do We Use GZIP Compression?


gzipcan reduce the amount of data by up to 70%. Not bad, except tests comparing compressed file sizes across different compression algorithms have shown that alternativealgorithms like Brotli outperform GZIP用于基于文本的资产。如果这是真的,为什么我们仍然如此依赖GZIP?

The main reason is that GZIP tends to be快点比可比的方法。它在其他方法所花费的时间内压缩文件。这种速度对于通过网络传输至关重要。毕竟,压缩的目的是加快网站的速度 - 如果压缩本身会减慢事物的速度有什么意义?

Also important is the fact that GZIP compression uses资源较少bob体育苹果系统下载安装比可比的方法。它需要相对较少的计算能力和临时记忆空间。在考虑服务器空间以及事实时,这是关键全球网络流量的一半是手机- GZIP对于将网页发送到高功率和低功率设备都有效。



对于与GZIP一起使用的文件传输,必须发生两件事。首先,Web浏览器告诉Web服务器,它可以接受GZIP压缩文件。这是通过包括接受编码的HTTP标头in the browser’s request:


Most browsers today include this header in requests by default.


Content-Encoding: gzip

。。。which tells the browser that the files must be decompressed with the GZIP method.


Online GZIP Compression Test

许多免费的网站将确认是否启用了GZIP - 只需粘贴网页的URL并查看您的结果即可。一些网站还将提供一个简短的报告,说明GZIP降低了文件大小的程度:


Image Source

Online Speed Test

Many free speed tests like Google’sPageSpeed Insightsandpingdom如果需要,请包括建议在某些文件上使用GZIP。这是Google PagesPeed Insights工具的警告:

a GZIP compression warning from google site speed checker

Check the HTTP Header in Developer Tools

To check for GZIP compression without an external tool, you can use the developer tools panel in your browser. Most browsers let you检查页面元素并以这种方式查看性能信息。


Here’s what a resource compressed with GZIP looks like using Chrome Developer Tools:


How To Enable GZIP Compression

Since GZIP compression happens on the web server, the configuration process will depend on your hosting provider and server architecture.


If you have this permission, here are some solutions for common web server setups:

How To Enable GZIP Compression on an Apache Web Server

那些网站在Apache服务器可以使GZIP compression via the .htaccess file, which controls various server permissions. Add the following code to your .htaccess file, then save the file:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
Addoutputfipfilterbytype deflate应用程序/x-font-opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
Addoutputfipfilterbytype deflate应用程序/x-javaScript
addoutputfilterbytype deflate应用程序/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
Addoutputfipfilterbytype deflate font/otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
addoutputfieltybytype deflate text/css
addoutputfieltypype deflate text/html
Addoutputfipfilterbytype deflate text/javaScript
Addoutputfipfilterbytype deflate text/plain
addoutputfieltypype deflate text/xml

This will compress all HTML, CSS, JavaScript,XML和字体文件。保存后,使用上一节中描述的任何方法检查压缩。

如何在NGINX Web服务器上启用GZIP压缩


gzip on;


gzip_vary on;
gzip_types text/plain Text/css text/xml text/javascript应用程序/x-javascript应用程序/xml;
gzip_min_length 1000;
gzip_proxied no-Cache无存储私人过期的auth;



How To Enable GZIP Compression in WordPress

WordPress is CMS software, not a server configuration. However, if you run a WordPress website you can install a performance plugin that modifies server files for you. This is possible with performance optimization suites likeWP超级缓存,WP Rocket, orPagespeed忍者。还有Enable Gzip Compression,它完全按照Apache服务器上的名称所暗示的操作。





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最初发布于12月16日,2020年12月7:00 am,更新于2021年1月12日


