When reading up on successful websites, you hear the word “traffic” quite a bit. Many of us consider the best sites to be the ones with the most web traffic, or those that boosted their web traffic by ____ percent over just ____ months. Amazing!

是的,当然,网络流量很重要 - 如果没有人看到您的网站,那不是很好 - 但这并不是整个故事。如果您带来了大量的流量但未能引起兴趣或转换怎么办?在这种情况下,结果与根本没有访客的结果相同。

To run a successful website, you mustengage游客和你的内容。一切都在你的网络site should be designed to hold visitors on your domain and guide them to a conversion. This then prompts the question: How do you know if your site is doing its job?

答案是网站参与指标。In this guide, we’ll introduce this key concept, then discuss ten metrics to watch for while building your online presence.

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Ultimately, the goal of your site is to turn visitors into leads and leads into customers, but the journey there can be difficult to understand without hard data. Fortunately, website engagement metrics are here to clear things up. With the help of ananalytics toollike集线器or谷歌分析, you can leverage engagement metrics to see where your site is capturing attention, and where you can make some tweaks to increase engagement.

You might find that a page is formatted poorly, or that some of your content doesn’t match user intent, or that your CTA’s ate underperforming. On the flip side, your engagement metrics may reveal that your marketing and content strategies are crushing it on every level. Either way, you won’t know until you lift the hood and see the data — let’s do that now.


1. Page Views

Page views measure the number of times a page on your website is seen by a visitor. Any time a page on your website is loaded in a browser, this counts as one page view. So, if a visitor loads a page, then reloads the same page, this would count as two page views.


高页面视图可能是由蓬勃发展的广告系列或SEO计划引起的,但可能表明有些负面。例如,用户可能经常重新加载您的页面 - 标志每formance issues— or wandering around your site without a clear goal — a sign of potentially poor navigation and/or structure.


Context is key when looking at raw page views. That’s why, while a good place to start, page views shouldn’t be the only metric you take into account.

2. Average Time on Page

Average time on page measures long visitors tend to spend on a web page. Time on page can be an excellent indicator of how engaging and effective your content is — the longer you hold visitors on a page, the better. Longer time on page also suggests that you’re attracting quality visitors who value your information, while shorter times generally indicate less interest.

Like page views, average time on page is also contextual. For example, you ideally want visitors spending more time on your product pages and blog posts. To increase time spent on these pages, you can add more relevant content to them, make your content easy to read and understand, and work to capture your intended audience through organic search and other channels.

On landing pages, however, higher time on page could hint that there are barriers to conversion. For instance, content and CTAs could be confusing. See ourguide to landing page designfor pointers on improving this part of your site.




Session durations can provide a clearer picture of your audience engagement, since a session describes one’s complete experience on your website, instead of a page-by-page analysis. This metric can be increased byimproving your navigation, content, and visual design in general to promote longer sessions.

4. Pages per Session

Another telling metric related to your user sessions is the number of pages visited per session. While your average session duration might be high, how are visitors using this time? Do they stick to one or two pages, or do they explore further? Pages per Session can answer these questions.

每个会话加载更多的页面通常是一件好事,因为这表明访问者有兴趣探索您的内容,哪些最有可能转换。您可以进一步挖掘此指标,以遵循访问者的转换路径 - 他们降落在您的网站上,以及哪些页面将它们带到出口页面(稍后再详细介绍)。

If your Pages per Session count is low, incorporate prompts to explore your website — offers, related posts recommendations, and inline links to product pages are a few items you can place on your highly trafficked pages to boost this metric.

However, lower Pages per Session isn’t always a bad sign. For instance, blogs with lengthy articles should expect fewer pages loaded per session, so session duration and time on page might be more useful to consider in this case.


Bounce rateis the percentage of visitors who load one page on your website, then leave without interacting with the page or visiting any other pages — they “bounce” off of your website and go elsewhere.

A high bounce rate means your website is performing poorly, and there could be several reasons for this: Your navigation may be confusing, your content doesn’t match the visitors’ intent, the CTAs are not obvious (or way too obvious), or your site simply doesn’t offer enough content-wise or design-wise to hold attention.

If your site is experiencing a high bounce rate, hone in on the individual pages with the highest bounce rates, and compare them to those with lower bounce rates. This is a good way to see what’s working with your visitors, and what can be improved or removed.

6. Traffic Sources

Where are your visitors coming from? It’s a question that all website owners should have top-of-mind. While the amount and names of traffic sources vary by analytics tool, some common ones are:

  • Organic search: These visitors arrived at your website through non-paid results on the search engine results page (SERP). Most likely, they found your site through Google Search.
  • Paid search: These visitors arrived by clicking ads on the SERP.
  • 推荐: Referral traffic comes to your website via links on an external website. Many analytics tools exclude search engines from this source (as those would be considered organic search traffic), and some tools also segment referral sources further into categories like social media.
  • 电子邮件:此流量来自您的电子邮件中包含的链接。
  • 直接的: These users arrive at your website via a browser bookmark or by entering the URL directly into the browser bar.

There’s no one perfect distribution of traffic sources, as every business has a different strategy to draw visitors. It’s useful to see how your sources change over time, but pay most attention to organic search traffic — this is likely your largest traffic source, and improving it can also boost your other sources like email and referral.

7. Unique Visitors

Unique visitors measures the total number of unique individuals who initiate at least one session on your site during a specific period of time. If a user initiates multiple sessions, they’re still counted as the same visitor.

Like page views, look for a consistent upward trend in your unique visitors and how this number changes after design changes, SEO updates, and marketing plays. A stagnant or decreasing number of visitors is a sign that you might need to reassess your marketing and content strategy.


A new visitor is someone who is visiting your website for the first time, while a repeat (or returning) visitor has initiated a session previously. Comparing your new and repeat visitors gives you a sense of how “sticky” your website is — in other words, do first-time visitors find enough value that they want to come back again?

会很难维持一个理想的代表的比例eat to new visitors. You want to balance a flow of net new visitors at the top of the funnel with a steady audience of returning users. Aim for a repeat visitor rate of 10% (meaning one in 10 visitors is a repeat visitor) to 30%. Anything lower than 10% probably means your site lacks enough value to retain new visitors, and anything higher than 30% likely means you’re not bringing in enough fresh traffic to grow your base.

To adjust your ratio of repeat and new visitors, you can focus onorganic search optimization和新访客的运动。要增加重复用户,请将您的注意力转移到电子邮件和网站的整体质量上 - 这给人以更积极的第一印象,并鼓励回访。

9. Conversion Rate

At last, the goal of your marketing efforts — conversion rate (CVR) is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website. This action could be filling out a form, downloading a content offer, signing up for a trial or a demo, or purchasing a product. The higher the CVR, the better.

Since you’ll probably have multiple points of conversion, you can compare CVRs across different CTAs and landing pages. For underperforming CTAs, you may need to tailor the offer or placement to better align with the surrounding content. The conversion may also be too difficult or confusing, in which case you should remove friction for the visitor. There are many possibilities for a low CVR — learn how to address them in our转化率优化指南

You can also break down conversion rate into different subtypes, including visitor-to-lead CVR, lead-to-customer CVR, and visitor-to-customer CVR — this detailed information provides more insight into where your funnel excels or needs improvement.

10. Exit Rate and Top Exit Pages

You can try to prolong your visitors’ sessions as much as possible, but everyone has to leave your site eventually. Exit pages are the last pages that visitors see before exiting your site.

While every page is an exit page to an extent, you’ll want to pay attention to those with the highest exit rates. For a given page, exit rate is the percentage of page views that were the last of the session.

目的是使您的顶级出口页成为您所期望的页面,例如感谢页面和下载页面。在您试图保持利率或转换的页面上,高出出口率是一个问题。将您的顶部出口页与低出口页面进行比较,以确保差异 - 也许您会发现一个令人困惑,缓慢或破损的页面,或者页面由于缺乏CTA或其他地方的链接而导致了一个终结。无论出于何种原因,目标是尽可能长时间保持会议,因为这增加了转换的机会。



网站engagement metrics will tell you how well you’re accomplishing this next step. These analytics are simple and actionable, pointing you to where engagement issues might be so, you can address them.

Simply put, a web strategy isn’t much without engagement metrics. So, if you haven’t started crunching the numbers, now’s the time.


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Originally published May 4, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated May 04 2021

