html是网络的语言 - 它确定网页上的内容以及按什么顺序显示。那些新的语言的人迅速得知,通常有几种方法可以通过HTML和HTML和accompanying styling。< / p >

但是,并非所有方法都是平等的。通常,您如何编写HTML与HTML对访问者的展示一样重要。< / p >

具体地说,我说话的g aboutsemantic HTML, HTML code that says what it does. In this introductory guide, I’ll introduce you to semantic HTML — what it is, how to write it, and why it’s important for every marketer and burgeoning web developer to adopt. We’ll finish up by listing some common semantic elements to add to your tool belt.< / p >

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What is semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML (also called semantic markup) is HTML code that uses HTML tags to effectively describe the purpose of page elements. Semantic HTML code communicates the meaning of its elements to both computers and humans, which helps web browsers, search engines, assistive technologies, and human developers understand the components of a web page.< / p >

The key to well-written semantic HTML is the use of semantic tags. Semantic HTML tags have names that tell the person or machine reading the code what exactly they’re meant to do.< / p >

Here’s a basic example: The

(paragraph) tag is a semantic HTML tag — all content between its opening

标签和关闭< / p >tag is a block of paragraph of text. Anyone or any device reading this tag will understand its purpose.< / p >

其他一些常见的语义HTML标签是:< / p >