Marketers often like to think about websites strictly in terms of design or conversions, but用户体验(UX)是弥合差距并确保您的设计转换的方法。

By taking the time to create a wireframe when building or redesigning a website, you can focus on the user experience as a separate (but connected) piece of the puzzle. A wireframe enables you to test drive the page layout and evaluate user flows in order to see exactly how the new website will function and find any potential mistakes that might eventually get in the way of conversions.

In this post, we’ll cover exactly what the wireframing process looks like for websites, the types of wireframes you can use, and how to create a wireframe for your own project.


What is a website wireframe?

A website wireframe is used to map out the main features and navigation of a new website design. It gives an idea of the site's functionality before considering visual design elements, like content and color schemes.

Website wireframe example

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Layouts and features such as menus and buttons are mapped out to assess the overall experience of the end user.


Some designers or clients may tempt you to skip this part of the process, calling it unnecessary and time-consuming. But wireframing is about preparing yourself and all good preparations require time. And working without a plan usually takes up even more time and you run the risk of a project failing altogether.

您应该始终在早期开发阶段创建线框,因为它将帮助您揭示判断或设计中的错误,从而使您有时间纠正它们。在协作方面,您可以使用线框work effectively with your teamand explain concepts to your clients.

Some wireframes are more detailed than others. It's wise to start with a low-fidelity wireframe. Low-fidelity wireframes show the general localization of elements on the screen. You can develop these initial designs into more high-fidelity wireframes, which provide more details — such as what the final elements will look like.



How to Create a Simple Wireframe


1. Identify the goal of the website.

Before taking pen to paper to mock up a wireframe, you’ll find it helpful to understand the goal of your website. While it might seem obvious that you want to bring in as much traffic as your server can handle, think through what you want all those visitors to see and do while you’ve got their attention. Should they end their visit with a purchase? Should they download an app? Perhaps you’d like them to view a certain page before dropping off to another website entirely. Whatever your goal is, make sure your team is aligned around it so that the subsequent steps flow smoothly until you take your site to production.

2. Understand the user flow.

Wireframes help you identify and evaluate用户流所以,每个人都在你的团队理解visitor should interact with each page on your site. During this step, you should outline each entry point a visitor could use to land on your homepage, then choose a few primary entry points to create a journey flow.

Take some time to outline your user flow in a text format before sketching a wireframe. Why? It’s much easier and faster to move steps around when they’re simply written out rather than mocked up as a wireframe.

3. Determine your website wireframe size.

您的线框需要根据您为哪个屏幕尺寸而变化。移动设备,平板电脑和桌面屏幕的尺寸会有所不同 - 更不用说桌面上的窗口可以向上或向下缩放。要获得线框最准确的测量值,请使用像素测量值而不是英寸或点。这是每种屏幕类型的标准尺寸:

Wireframe size for a mobile screen

1080px wide x 1920px long


8” Tablet - 800px wide x 1280px long

10” Tablet - 1200px wide x 19200px long


768px宽x 1366px长

4. Begin your website wireframe design.


If you’re starting on a digital platform, choose a tool that works best for your wireframe fidelity needs. If you’re not sure whether to use low, medium, or high fidelity, check out thiscomprehensive wireframe fidelity guide关于主题。




Wireframing is an iterative process. It’s rare to do a single round of sketching wireframes that are production-ready. You might notice some web pages are redundant and can be combined to create fewer clicks for the user. Wherever an opportunity exists to simplify your wireframe, sketch it out and solicit feedback — that brings me to our last step…

7. Get feedback on the wireframe.

你的网站将会经过几轮测试工程师ts and revisions before it goes live, but it’s still a good idea to get feedback on your wireframes in the beginning stages. Collaborate with your design and development teams, as well as any internal staff, and customers to get their opinion on the flow itself. Getting input now prevents the essence of the UX from getting lost after adding buttons, screens, and page layouts into the mix.

Wireframe Examples

Below are some of the best examples of wireframe types to light up your creative zones and help you solidify the wireframing process that works for you.

1. Sketch

Some developers begin their sketching with a pencil and paper or a whiteboard. This simple, hand-drawn method illustrates a basic concept before spending time fussing with graphical elements.

Hand-drawn wireframe example

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Hand-drawn wireframes don't always have to be simple. You can use a ruler in addition to your pencil and paper to create a more detailed design. However, it might be more convenient to use a digital wireframe tool for such detailed work since your hand-drawn efforts may be difficult to digitize.

Detailed, hand-drawn wireframe example

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Low-fidelity wireframes are created digitally and display elements in simple content blocks, taking your basic concept sketch and turning it into something more refined. Low-fidelity wireframes are important for determining what graphical elements need to be created and what copy needs to be written.

Low-fidelity wireframe example

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4. Low-Fidelity Mobile Wireframe


low-fidelity mobile wireframe example

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Websites aren't static, so why should your wireframe be? There are many interactive wireframe tools that can help you demonstrate your user experience flow before committing to your graphics.

low fidelity interactive wireframe example

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Once the bones of the design have been approved, you can then create graphical elements to flesh out the design. This is called a mockup.

wireframe mockup example

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8. Interactive Wireframe Mockup


interactive wireframe mockup that shows drop-down menu behavior in a graphical interface

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9. Free Website Wireframe

If you’re on a budget, you can explore free website wireframing tools likeMiro。This one in particular will give you the basic wireframe capabilities that work great for low to medium fidelity mockups.


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Mobile responsiveness is an essential web design best practice. Creating a wireframe for the mobile version of your website specifically is a key step for a successful website in general. You’ll fare better with UX, SEO, and conversions as a result of prioritizing mobile web design.

There a few different approaches to building a mobile wireframe. You might condense all of your desktop features to fit onto a mobile screen. Or you may limit some functionality altogether to yield a mobile-friendly experience.

Mobile website wireframe example

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Prototypes provide even more detail about the website design, revolving around the feel of the website for the user and basic functionality — such as demonstrating what an element looks like when you hover your mouse over it.


This explains why some people find it difficult to understand the differences between these three concepts.

So what's the difference between a mockup vs. wireframe vs. prototype?




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Mock up versus a prototype example.

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How a Website Wireframe Improves the Design Process


Start with a low-fidelity wireframe and take your time adding details. When shopping for a tool, exercise similar caution to find one that fits your specific design needs.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Wireframe Review Templates

Wireframe Review Templates

最初发布于2021年8月25日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年8月25日

