In the process of designing a user-friendly website, you might encounter some difficulty with images, especially with image resolution. Image quality is important to get right — fewer things look less professional on a page than a distorted, poorly-scaled logo, icon, or photo.

免费工作簿:如何计划成功的网站重新设计 此问题仅通过响应式设计加重。访问者在台式机和智能手机上查看您的内容,因此,与其他内容一起,无论设备如何,都应优化图像。如果有数字格式使图像看起来很棒,无论其尺寸多大,那会很好吗?

事实证明,有。叫做SVG format, and it’s perfect for non-photographic imagery on websites.

SVGs are something of a magic trick inwebsite design- 它们不仅会在任何规模上生成清晰的图形,而且还针对搜索引擎进行了优化,可编程,通常比其他格式小,并且能够动态动画。有很多东西要解开并了解SVG。

In this guide, I’ll cover all the fundamentals you’ll need to know to get started working with SVGs. I’ll explainwhat these files are,when to use them, andhow to get started creating SVG files你自己。

An SVG file, short for scalable vector graphic file, is a standard graphics file type used for rendering two-dimensional images on the internet. Unlike other popular image file formats, the SVG format stores images as vectors, which is a type of graphic made up of points, lines, curves and shapes based on mathematical formulas.

This prompts the question: What exactly is a vector graphic?

Raster vs. Vector

There aremore than a few image file formatsin use on the web today, which we can divide into two categories: raster graphics and vector graphics.

You’re probably familiar with the common formatsPNG and JPEG。These are raster-graphics formats, which means that they store image information in a grid of colored squares, also called a bitmap. The squares in this bitmap combine to form a coherent image, much like pixels on a computer screen.

Raster graphics work well for highly detailed images like photographs, in which the exact color of each pixel needs to be specified. Raster images have a fixed resolution, so increasing their size lowers the quality of the image.


How SVG Files Work

SVG文件写在XML, a markup language used for storing and transferring digital information. The XML code in an SVG file specifies all of the shapes, colors, and text that comprise the image.

Let’s look at some examples. I’ll start by drawing a simple circle SVG:

orange simple circle SVG

When I open the file for this circle in a text editor, this XML code appears:

SVG simple circle XML code


To draw the circle, the XML code specifies the shape with a标签,其位置与cxandcyattributes, the radius with therattribute, and the color inside the<样式>tag.#f4795b是这种特殊的橙色阴影的十六进制颜色代码。

当提供了这样一个SVG文件,web兄弟wser (or other application) takes in this XML info, processes it, and displays it onscreen as a vector image. All modern browsers render SVGs this way, as can specialized graphics editing software.

You’ll also notice that this XML file is written in English. SVGs are basically text files, which makes them readable by humans. This enables developers to make edits to XML files directly. For instance, I could replace thefillvalue to change the color of the circle:

blue simple circle SVG


HubSpot logo

Though a simple icon, this graphic consists of 30 lines connected by 30 points:

hubspot logo with points and lines highlighted

Let’s open this SVG file in a text editor:

HubSpot logo XML code

Okay, there’s a bit more going on here. But, the concept is the same. We still have our<样式>tag, which tells us the color. Instead of atag to give us the shape, we have a<路径>tag. All of the values in this tag specify the points of the graphic and the lines between these points.

Advantages of SVG Files

XML code isn’t just neat to look at — it makes SVG files very powerful and practical for website and web applications, as we’ll explore in this section.

1. Infinite Scalability

It’s right there in the name: SVGs can be expanded or shrunk down to any size without a loss of quality. Image size and display type don’t matter with SVGs — they always look the same.

This is important because the size of web images differ by viewer, based on browser window dimensions, device, zoom, site layout, and responsive design. Your images must appear fully-rendered to every viewer, and SVGs make this a lot easier.

Consider the HubSpot sprocket again. Here’s the logo as an SVG, 100 pixels wide:

HubSpot sprocket logo as SVG

And here’s the same logo in PNG format, also 100 pixels wide:


They look pretty indistinguishable now, but the difference in quality is obvious when I scale each up to five times the size:

the hubspot logo in svg and png formats

If an SVG needs to be expanded or shrunk, the program reading the file readjusts the points and lines to retain clear boundaries and solid colors.

Raster images, in contrast, appear pixelated when blown-up on our screens. While there are workarounds for this problem to keep the raster formula — like using different files of increasing size for the same image — they take more work and are more prone to eros. Raster images were ultimately not designed for scaling.


So, both file types have their place in web design. Use PNGs, JPEGs, and other raster formats for photos, and try SVGs for anything less detailed.

2. Customization


3. Scripting Compatibility

SVG文件格式由World Wide Web Consortiumas a standardized format for web graphics, designed to work with other web conventions likeHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the文档对象模型

Thanks to this compatibility, SVG images can be controlled with scripts. This opens the door for a huge range of dynamic display possibilities, from animations to dynamic charts to mobile-responsive images. This level of control over appearance isn’t possible with JPEG and PNG formats.

4. Accessibility and Search Engine Optimization


Also, if an SVG graphic contains text, the text information is stored in the file as literal text (not as shapes). This allows SVG to be interpreted by screen readers, helping those who have difficulties interacting with digital content.

Lastly, SVG files can be indexed by search engineslike Google。If you want to place a text-heavy infographic or other SVG display on your page, including keywords text in the image can help your page rank and improve your SEO. PNGs and JPEGs are limited to metadata andalt textin this respect.


SVG files tend to store images more efficiently than common raster formats as long as the image is not too detailed. SVG files contain enough information to display vectors at any scale, whereas bitmaps require larger files for scaled-up versions of images — more pixels use up more file space.



What are SVG files used for?

As I mentioned, SVG files work best for images that contain less detail than a photograph. That’s still rather broad, so let’s discuss some of the most common uses of SVGs online.


Most icons translate well to vectors, given their simplicity and clearly defined borders. Icons for page elements likebuttonswill need to be responsive for varying screens sizes, which means they must be perfectly scalable.


The SVG format is particularly well suited for logos, which appear in网站标题, emails, and printed on anything from pamphlets to hoodies to billboards. Again, logos tend to be simpler in design, which lends nicely to the SVG format.


Vectors also suit non-photo visual art nicely. Decorative drawings on webpages can both scale easily and conserve file space if added as SVG files. The illustrations below, even thetextureson some shapes, can be achieved with SVGs.

example of svg illustrations on a creative website

Image Source

Animations and Interface Elements

By harnessing the capabilities of CSS and JavaScript, you can set SVGs to change their appearance dynamically, and be triggered automatically or after some event trigger. Animated SVGs can serve to add visual flair to your pages, or they can be used to engage with user interface animations:


Image Source

Infographics and Data Visualizations

Would your website benefit from informational displays, like an infographic or illustrated chart? This is another useful application for SVGs. Your designs will scale seamlessly, and text within the SVG file is indexable.



an interactive map of Africa as an svg

Image Source



To modify an SVG file, you could directly modify the SVG file in a text editor, but this is impractical for changing most things beyond colors. Instead, use software for editing vector art. Free and paid options include:

  • Adobe Illustrator, Adobe’s program for creating and editing vector graphics. You can export adobe projects as SVGs or in several raster formats.
  • 微软Visio, a flowchart, diagram, and infographic maker.
  • CorelDRAW, another dedicated vector graphic editor.
  • GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program), a free, popular, and open-source image editing program.
  • Google Docs— you can export drawings created in Google docs to SVG.
  • Inkscape, free vector drawing and text tool.


Each program has its own limitations and learning curve. If you plan to explore SVGs further, try out a few options and get a feel for the tools available before settling on a free or paid option.

这是一个如何使用Adobe Illustrator的例子software to vectorize a PNG image:

  1. 在Illustrator中创建一个设计转换为a scalable vector graphic file.Make sure the imagery is smooth with distinctly indicated corners or curves to ensure a clean transition from non-SVG to flower design png
  2. Click Image Trace over the design in the artboard for Illustrator to select.In the drop down menu, navigate to Advanced Options. Every design is unique so make sure to adjust as fit. General practice recommends lowering the amount of “Paths” to further smoothen borders of the design. When done, select轮廓视图for clarity on the design’s borders and the number of nodes present.outline of black flower design
  3. 单击展开以进行您确定的设计并将其制成矢量。For simple designs like this one, open theMagic WandTool, click back onto the white of the artboard and delete it. This will discard the background and leave the transparent layer with your vector visible.
  4. 根据需要调整艺术板的大小。The smaller the file is, the better it will read on a website and improve Google page performance ranking.
  5. Fine tune your design by removing unnecessary nodeswith either theSimplyorSmoothtool. Adjust as needed to simplify the paths without adverse effect.flower desgin outline with points and paths to simplify
  6. In theMagic Wandtool, click theGroup Selection工具,将完整的设计与您在Artboard上可能存在的任何其他设计分开。
  7. 选择设计的设计,单击File>出口>出口As SVG(*.svg)
  8. Click显示代码in SVG Options to view the XML, copy to use as you please.

black flower design outlined with SVG XML code


Designing for Scale

Scalable vector graphics come in handy in many different scenarios. They’re versatile, interactive, and easy to start creating with a graphics editor and a bit of design know-how. With SVGs in your web design tool belt, you won’t need to worry about blurry graphics again — at least not for your basic images. For photos, stick to PNGs and JPEGs.

Editor's note: This post was originally published on October 2020, and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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最初出版于2021年3月21日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年11月2日

